I Can Live Without Her

Robert’s POV

When she came to me, I was shocked.

I was very shocked.

I wanted to kiss her, tell her how much I want her back, but… I won’t.

I won’t be selfish this once.

I will let you live your life without dragging you down with me in this hell.

I let her go because I know that deep inside, that is what she wants.

I don’t want her to come back just because she pities me.

If she’ll ever return, it should be because she wants me, or she loves--

Damn, stop dreaming.

I got up and threw all of my bottles outside. I will not drink because I promised you, Hailey.

I decided to go back to LO because I need something to keep me distracted. Nothing more than work can keep me far from this.

I reached my office and met Xander. Officially, he is not the CEO, but he said that himself-- that he is happy being the president and doing this work. He says that it will keep him working and still down to Earth.