Lament for the Past

"I have failed them. I have failed my people. My city is gone... along with my reputation," Julius said.

"The earl of Loftain is now a corrupted king of Midland. Pride and envy led him to take a sample of my power and use it for his benefit. He shall pay dearly for this," Mephiles said.

"He will pay with his life. Harald will taste my blade and shall be cut to pieces. I will make King Lancelot wish he never brought me into his family."

"The king never knew your intentions, Julius. You've always been a quiet one in his court. Yet, among others, you have been a powerful knight compared to others. Before you take your place as king, you must sacrifice something and someone to take that title for yourself. You must fight against the kings of Hell and sit on the throne to lead you to your kingdom. A kingdom that shall never die in the eyes of the world."