Chapter 26: What Next?

“What! It’s gone!” Water spat out from Yue’s mouth, as she began to cough in an attempt to mask her frenetic outburst. A mixed feeling of shock and surprise were still evident in her eyes, as she dapped her mouth with a tissue. The mouth of the other two members was left agape, as their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets on hearing the news.

As suggested by Livingstone, they had converged at En Roise to discuss some pending matters. The bakery shop was short of customers at the moment; hence the time and location were right. Yet still, the smaller number of people around did not deter Stone from being extra cautious. Anyone could be watching them. Anyone. Disregarding the air of aloofness emitted from the unconcerned people around them, he refocused his attention on the three individuals who sat opposite him.

“But how can it be gone when you saw your dad put it in the safe?” Yue leaned forward with her hands gripping the edge of the table, as she spoke in a much lower tone.