She was indeed the malicious type....

Cao Ruomei's heart softened at his words and she couldn't help but to reach out to comfort him even when she wasn't sure if he would want it. Wang Yong was a proud person who hated sharing his inner thoughts and emotions with anyone else. But the fact that he wanted to tell these things made her heart warm and sad. "Oh, Wang.....You have really suffered too much all these years."

She felt hatred spread through her heart when she imagined all the pain that evil woman put him through. She also throught that it would have better if he had finished what he had started but she was also well aware how unexpectedly soft hearted Wang Yong could be when it came to the people around him. 

Wang Yong let her embrace him but at that time all the sentimental feelings he had at that time had instantly vanished. He smiled and said. "I can't believe you let me spoil the mood so easily. Were you that afraid? We have already done it once, you know?"