Introducing the successor of the 4th and 8th kingmaker.

Phillipe knew something had gone wrong when he heard that Cao Xiurong had called for a kingmaker meeting. He already contemplated the reason, perphaps she just wanted to report him for causing a ruckus in her turf. If he had not hidden immediately he would have been in big trouble already. He wished he could stop annoying his seniors at the kingmakers' table but he had no choice but to follow Antonella's orders even though that menat offending everyone else.

He drew in a long smoke from the cigarette he was holding, thinking carefully about his options. The meeting was supposed to held here in China in two days so that meant that all he had to do was to wait out until day of the meeting then he could return back with Antonella. He knew that Cao Xiurong would do everything in her power to track him down before then...

His bodyguard came to give him his phone which only meant that he had a phone call for him. He took his phone and answered. "Hello?"