True Potential

Who I am? What does he mean who I am?

"Uhm, I'm Estelle, like Adam said earlier."

Paul's eyes were narrow, glaring daggers into mine. His face was wrinkled with suspicion. Why is he suspicious though?

"Okay then, Estelle, if that is your name, why are you here?"

"I was traveling, and I ended up here. Why are you asking these questions?"

"You mean, you don't know?"

His once suspicious expression now turned to one of surprise. It was clear I shocked him, but what exactly did I do? To answer his question, I shook my head once. He took a moment to think to himself, before waving me to follow him through the house.

"Uhm, where are we going?"

"To my private study."


Instead of answering me, he just ignored me. After walking through a few rooms, we arrived at a plain but slightly worn door. Paul pulled a key out from a pocket and unlocked the door, allowing the both of us inside.

Now in his private study, he sat down on a chair that was by a desk crowded with books. Reaching for another key that hung around his neck, he used it to unlock one of the drawers on the desk. Inside the now unlocked drawer sat a slightly dirty jar. He pulled the jar out and placed it on the desk.

"Tell me Estelle, do you know what these are?"

He opened the glass jar and pulled out many small different colored crystals, holding them out on the palm of his hand. I quickly counted how many there were, and there were eight in total, each one a different color.

"These are Magic Crystals, and they can tell you how adept you are with a certain element of magic. The red crystal shows how adept you are with fire. The blue one shows how adept you are with water. This clear one shows your adeptness with wind. The green one shows adeptness with healing. The dark green one shows adeptness with plants. This brown one shows your adeptness with earth. The black one for dark magic, and the white one for light magic."

A lot of information, but I have it down already.

"Now then, to show how adept you are, it will shine. The brighter the shine, the more adept you can be. Give it a try."

Holding his hand out, he allowed me to grab one crystal. The first one I grabbed was the red one, representing fire.

"To get it to work, you need to squeeze it in a fist."

Doing as he instructed, I made a strong fist with the crystal. A moment later, a blinding light that shown even through my hand filled the entire room, making it near impossible to see. I quickly undid the fist, as the bright light was even hurting my eyes. Once I did so, the light disappeared.


Paul had his mouth hanging wide open, unable to even try and close it. Without wasting a second, he quickly moved his hand right in front of my face, offering me the rest of the crystals to try them out. Each one gave the same result, and each time he was more surprised then before. We had done all but one crystal, the black one.

Just as I was about to try it, Paul stopped me.

"Listen here, this crystal is different from the rest. Instead of shining super bright, it will suck the light out of a room. The darker the room becomes, the stronger your power. To get an accurate idea of your strength, I will need to light a few candles in here."

As he spoke, he started lighting all the candles in the room. When he finished, the entire room was lit up, and everything could be seen clearly. Then again, I could always see clearly, but it was now clear for a normal person.

"Now then, please do try."

He finally handed me the crystal. I'm not going to lie, this one makes me kind of nervous, but I am curious to see how strong I am with this magic as well, so here goes!

I squeeze the final crystal just as hard as the rest of them. For a moment, nothing happened, but in the next, the room became pitch black. I completely lost the ability to see. I could hear Paul freak out as he saw the strength of my power. I quickly let go of the crystal, but the candle light didn't come back. In fact, they had gone out.


Why isn't he saying anything? Suddenly, he spoke after a few moments of silence.

"This kind of power is unimaginable, yet you have it. Usually, a person only has two or three types of magic they are especially good with, and that's it. Yet you excell at every single one of them. It's scary to think there is a monster with your power in this world."

"Hey, that hurts my feelings you know."

"That doesn't matter. Look, I need you to answer one question for me. What kind of person are you?"

"I guess I would say a good person, but there isn't really a way to prove that at this moment."

He stared deep into my eyes before finally replying.

"I believe you. Since you have convinced me, I will tell you how to use your power. All it takes is to create an image in your head to create magic. The stronger the image, the stronger the magic. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Good, now leave. I have business to attend to."