Reward given: sword mastery (f+),slash(d-),speech(f),raise undead(d+),bone weapon creation(d+),bone wall(e-),bone spike(d+),yin devour(c+),mana circulation(d+).
as marcus finished collecting the reward he felt more secured he checked his status panel again
name : marcus anarchy
race : undead
level : 3
power : 3
agility : 1
stamina : 10
mind : 12
mana : 10 (changed from intelligence)
available point : 6
put three in power two in agility and three in mind marcus order and his stats changed again
power : 6
agility :3
stamina : 10
mind : 13
mana : 10
he was pleased with his new stats he could feel he was much more stronger than before he looked at zombie1 only to see it has increased in size and even grown taller a little bit looking more intimidating than before it he was sure that this zombie was gonna be of great help with his new power up as he was checking out his squad of 5 zombie 3 skeleton with only 1 of them holding sword he was depressed his number has decreased looking at the wolf on the floor he was really eager to go there and kill it again Marcus holds a great grudge against this wolf he even believe if they where to meet again he will be able to at least injure it, he saw some black cloud coming out from the wolf body when he focus more in it he accidentally use his mana he is not use to the concept of having magic yet still yet he got a notification.
[detected yin energy]
[can rise wolf as a skeleton wolf(weak)]
[can rise wolf as as undead wolfman(strong) bones not enough need more bones wolf type advised ]
[can use bone for making weapons and amour]
Marcus was disappointed he would have love to rise this wolf as a wolf man but it seems he would be need more wolf corpse if he wanted to do that .
marcus heard a howl in fact many howls as he was deciding on what to do with the dead body, with no time he got ready to fight he controlled his undead to come closer especially zombie1 at his front guarding him at front not two long four wolves came out the same size the one they just killed the wolves where mad, at the back of the four wolves there was another one much taller towering over the rest of the wolves .
dark wolf alpha
level : 5
bloodline : dark demon wolf (middle)
the four wolves dashed at them zombie1 roared and punched out making one of the wolves fly out marcus guessed that zombie1 physical strength is no joke since it level up it looks much more stronger marcus used the slash skill while using his mana with it a dark slash flew out cutting deep into the body of another wolf marcus was shocked if not for the fact that the wolf reacted fast it's head would have fallen off the wolf moved back scared off, but marcus won't let it go after having an advantage he move closer to it while commanding all his undead to help zombie1 with finishing the remaining 3 wolf he wanted to kill this pack fast and see if he could get the undead wolfman marcus did the slash skill again this time concentrating more mana on the blade
ding....[old skill deleted-new skill created]
DARK SLASH(c+) - slashing with mana increase attack power by 20%
marcus ignored the notification and slashed at the wolf head this time the blade completely cut of the wolf head.
[200 exp gain]
[zombie1-leveled up]
he was shocked he looked over to see that zombie1 just ripped one of the wolf brain out {SYSTEM-undead can level up by killing others they don't need only you giving them exp }
zombie1 roared out loud intimidating the remaining two wolf he jumped up going in to finish them marcus followed him to but still yet zombie two got there first it bite at the wolf hind leg from behind marcus was stressed why was this zombie always attacking from back marcus speed up and use the slash skill at the other hind leg he was not ready to lose zombie2 last time it was kicked it was close and got lucky it didn't die the wolf howl, marcus commanded zombie1 to attack the other wolf with the rest and he activate the dark slash again cutting it neck off he was feeling that the more he use this skill the better he became, use 50 exp on zombie2 he order
[200exp gained]
[zombie2 - level up]
immediately it leveled up it dash up picking up a bone arrow on the ground and threw it at the last wolf eyes, while hitting it putting it in pain zombie one finally got there and started punching its head and body, zombie two quietly moved around the wolf and bite his leg again marcus sigh again the idiot got stronger but still had it bad attitude of sneaking up from the back before the wolf could hit it it jump on it back drilling his claws in to the brain killing it skillfully the bigger wolf seeing it pawns dead turned back and run he was not ready to mess with this group of skeletons he was an alpha he had some wisdom.
[zombie2 - level up]
Marcus was not only shocked at zombies1 and zombie2 new fighting skills and fast adapting he was also shocked that the wolf ran away well he was not discouraged after fighting zombie 1 and 2 have both leveled up to level 3 and 2 while zombie 3 and skeleton one showing signs of leveling up soon he was not bother he was sure they would level up soon with all the fighting while he still had 350 exp left to use.
[yin devour] marcus used the new skill swallow all the death energy around the dead wolf.
[agility +2]
woah now thats what am talking about having to increase his point with the yin devour skill was definitely like a cheat for him he look around only to see the zombies eating the flesh of the dead wolfs he warn them not to touch it, they brought the wolf body back to Marcus
[raise undead] marcus used the skill
1-wolf undead *5
2-undead wolfman*2
finally marcus saw that he could raise the undead wolfman now he didn't waste time and he choosed the second option the body became cover in black mist sound of bone crackling was heard when when the the black mist went down he saw two humanoid creatures he was not expecting there body to look like human body but they had muscles well tone abs long claws for fingers but the head was a mixed of human and wolf
he check the first wolf man stats
Undead wolf man
level : 3
race : undead
loyalty : 100
mind point :2 (space taken, skeleton takes 1 mp marcus has 15 mind stats now)
power : 8
agility : 6
stamina : 15
when marcus saw this he was laughing out loud but only the sound of bones jamming together could be heard, the zombies and undead looked at there leader strangely staying with him has made them conscious of things making the assimilate to what they see and learn and to them marcus was not only the leader but like a father he was the family chief.