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name : marcus anarchy

race : undead

level : 3 [0/400]

power : 8

agility :7

stamina : 11

mind : 15

mana : 20

exp available : 500

available points : 0

checking his status panel always made marcus happy with the yin devour he has being able to rise his stats point above his level but now he is feeling that he was at the limits and he even felt he was getting better with the sword he assumed that it because of the sword mastery skill thats always active he look at his new squad he was left with 3 zombies, 2 skeletons and 2 undead wolfmen he has been going around killing all the dark wolf packs he sees because most wolf around the bone palace are contaminated with the dark/yin power making them mutate easily that's why only few of the wolfs have the original dark demon wolf bloodline and they have met like 5 different pack he even ended up killing the alpha that ran away, him and his squad have gotten more better, he has also gotten over the death of his undead he believes now that those that survive will have a chance to grow stronger what he wanted was strong soldiers not fragile ones in the squad zombie1 was close to it first evolution it already a lvl10 zombie it strength its already on a irregular level the system already told marcus that if the zombie should level up again it would be able to activate it first evolution marcus has been so excited about the evolution thing what was more surprising was that zombie1 fat now look more tone and defined it looks like every fat muscle is inputted with power the power of his punches now is capable of killing an alpha easily even his skin colour is now dark blue and all his fat looks more like abs he was tall and firm with a fierce expression on his face he was without doubt the most strongest of all marcus subordinates he was always the first to brave up danger so marcus was planning on naming him officially after his evolution cause he has already start seeing signs of wisdom on him he has even picked up a skill for him self [hand to hand combat (f+)] and marcus also noticed that every time he leveled up he was given four stats points to make up for with strength being his most highest stats , while the two undead wolfmen are both level 7 and are competing for second strongest in the team they are like assassin the always attack with there claws and they are fast on there feets they kill, with such finesse that even marcus felt killing was such a noble thing, no blood has being able to even touch there fur like body even though there was also a mass spill of blood any time the massacre a wolf pack they where so fast that only zombie 2 could slightly keep up with them marcus was sure they would be more helpful too if they evolve to a higher level , zombie2 is now lvl8 even if he was level 8 he was not as strong or as fast as the two undead wolfmen but he was a sly zombie always with a sneak attack or another marcus was already tired of his behavior but it ain't no lie that he has been an headache to all of marcus enemies cause they always had to watch out for him which is always diverting there attention not making them concentrate on there main fight and those who ignore him always end up suffering from sneak attack some dieing while some with some means of defense still able to protect there vital areas, he is also marcus scout always going out to check if there was any enemies nearby runing back to inform marcus when he finds an enemies just that he still can't talk yet,marcus has been able to create a bone arrow for the skeleton who carries arrow around making he also start affecting the enemies, he has always shot from way back marcus was nt ready for him to die he felt that he was not strong enough for close combat and luckly It was able to unlock a unique Archer skill [pin point shot] and it was level six.

the skeleton who uses sword was lvl9 it should be marcus number 4 in most strongest even if the level is high its just a skeleton the system told him that the skeleton are late bloomer the more evolution the more stronger and examples of that is the death knight they are a true terror and source of fear for all there strength is immense and they are always feared .

well marcus has been planning to help zombie1 evolve but they have not found the right opponent well he did send zombie two to find a beast more worthy of a challenge he and his undead where waiting when he felt someone behind me he turn and he saw zombie2 growling he understood the message instantly the opponent has been found and he gave a orders to move out, the boys followed zombie2.

when they got to the location marcus witness that the surrounding was different he felt hot they where close to a lava the whole area was screaming fire he looked around only to see a big stone.

[Lava giant]

level : 1 [soldier level]

bloodline : titan [extremely impure], elemental [thin].

this is the first time marcus is seeing a creature with two bloodline.

noticing the unwanted visitors in it habitat the laval giant opened it's eyes it was like look straight at burning fires it roars loudly strides forward while forming a flame hammer on it right hand thats one of the signs of those that have evolved can control there attributes well before it could get more closer zombie1 met up with it they where exchanging blows together sometimes it will cut of part of zombie1 fats while zombie1 will give it double blows zombie1 might not have evolved but it strength was abnormal among all of marcus undead it was able to stand toe to toe with the flaming giant still yet it was still learning his hand to hand combat skill rising it to a new level marcus decided to stand down even the other undead was watching, Marcus wanted to know if it could defeat the lava giant it self if anything goes wrong marcus would not think twice before assisting but right now he just wanted to watch the fight to the end, the lava giant was getting impatient and he spit a big fireball at zombie1 knocking it few meters back it got up instantly even if it body was burn you will see that the fat in his body was reducing while healing him marcus was shocked he never imagined the zombie could use it's fat to regenerate it self it kinda looks slim now unlike it fat appearance but it was giving a more dangerous vibes now and it looks more stronger it seems it could also burn it fats for more strength when they first clash the flame giant was suppressing it by a little margin but now marcus thinks it might just end up winning by it self, just like that the two titans got ready for round two with the lava giant forming two flame mace with a lot of spikes it seems it to just got started.