Equal Negotiations

After Fate finished with the lecture, the pair of goddesses continued with their patrol between the borders of multiverses.

They walked for a long while now and they still didn't find anything that could have potentially been a special soul.

Since the lecture, Fate has been moving with a faster pace to reincarnate souls, seemingly fervent to uphold her duty.

But still, something seemed wrong with her, she just knew. They were together since they could think, if she didn't know who would?

"Hey, Fate. Are you sure that you are in the right mind space right now?"

Said goddess just turned around and looked at her partner.

"No, not really. I really want to give you that vacation, but as I thought, finding a special soul really is almost impossible here."

Fate said with an exhausted smile to her. As Destiny saw that, she started to blush lightly.

Seeing the strait-laced Fate act so sweetly, really made her heartbeat faster.

"Man, Fate. Why are you always so serious? You should know I was just joking about all of that, you know that's how I usually am. Seriously, you don't have to always go along my antics..."

"But I want to spoil you."

Destiny's mouth was immediately shut up after Fate said that and the light blush on her face immediately turned up into a straight up lighting red.

"Ahem, are you satisfied now? You already got a reaction out of me. You can stop the act now. Seriously, acting like that doesn't suit you."

Fate's only reaction was then to pull her into an embrace and look her deep into the eyes.

"I am serious, I want to properly spoil you. So, we need to go on a vacation, because no matter how you look at it, I can't really spoil you during work, can I now?"

Seeing her partner act like that, Destiny was just completely speechless. Normally she would be the one who is doing all the teasing and joking and acting sickenly affectionate towards her loved one, but if things got returned to her like this, she would be rendered completely defenseless.

She was all attack and no defense, so having Fate act on her like this, made her to a complete stuttering mess.


"What did you just say."

"Eh, oh! I said, you want to spoil me? Good luck then finding a special soul then."

Fate looked at her right in this moment, before giving out an exasperated sigh.

"You are right, that's basically impossible, might as well work for an eternity then. Destiny come along then. You are a bit slow on the feet today."

"Huh? Oh yeah, I am right behind you then!"

Destiny internally let out a sigh of relief, she was glad that Fate finally let go of that topic, that wasn't good for her heart to see her act like that. She just wasn't used to it, so she was glad that they were over that now.

"Anyways, where are we even right now?"

"Where we are? Oh, we are about to reach that place. We are in the proximity of the Multi-Multiverse Cluster, named the Underverse."

After hearing that, Destiny had a surprised expression on her face.

"Wait, are you telling me that we moved from one end of all of existence to the other?"

Fate just nodded at these words.

"Basically, yeah. I did."

Destiny just breathed out in frustration after she heard that, why didn't this face her.

"Hey, Fate. We should turn around."

"Why should we? This place might be partially sealed away from the omniverse and ordinary mortals with a Soul Tier of 1 can at least see the soul and usually no soul would ever escape the boundaries of that place, but that doesn't mean we can neglect the gaps around this cluster."

For a moment, Destiny just had a face of pain.

"Are you even listening to yourself? That's exactly why we shouldn't come close to it, besides, I am sure Good and Neutral are more than enough to deal with this mess around here."

But Fate just shook her head.

"You are underestimating the nature of growth of the Underverse, at the start there was just its main pillar, the Undertale, which gradually started to expand further, until some of its branches reached out to the omniverse and took some of its data for itself. Usually if a crossover happens, the Underverse either integrates the new data in itself to make a new version of Undertale, or someone manages to screw themselves over across the omniverse, by that nature alone, it's impossible to think that the administration here can deal with all things by itself."

"Tch, fine. Then let's go and look around for a soul that fell into the gap, but I am going to be honest with you, I doubt we'll find anything."

Fate just chuckled after she hear that, Destiny always was just so pouty, but at the end she always agreed to something she said.

"Btw, you said something about taking a universes data and copying it into a version of Undertale, what did you mean with that?"

"Sigh, Destiny. Just go look it up in the archives, you can find it under 'Undertale AU wiki', then 'AU types' and then 'Crossover AUs', that should cover the basics, but if you want to search for more, I think you need to dive deeper into the data mine."

"Uhum, got it Fate."

After their conversation ended, the two goddesses that embodied a pre-determined future continued to look around, in the hope of seeing a soul that might have escaped the boundaries of the Underverse.

"Yawn, Fate. How much longer are we going to stay around here? I am bored with the lack of anything around here, I'd rather watch you scam the shit out of a poor fool that thinks it's natural to get wishes if you get reincarnated, as boring and redundant it had become."

Meanwhile, Fate had a serious expression on her face as she was deep in thought.

"Hello? Destiny to Fate? Are you still hearing me? Please leave an answer after the beep noise."

Destiny was about to take a deep breath in, but before she could let out the air, Fate covered her mouth.

But Destiny wouldn't let herself get treated like that and so she was about to pull Fate's hands off to continue to annoy her, until she noticed how focused she was.

"Stop it, my gut tells me we are going to regret it, if we don't wait here for longer."

Destiny just looked at Fate for a moment, before she just sighed and let up on her whims.

"Your gut? How do you expect me to react if you say that? Of course, we have no other choice, but to wait then."

"Huh, but I thought you would refuse?"

Destiny just smiled and flicked Fate's forehead as she said that. Fate just had a surprised expression on her face, blinking in confusion.

Destiny just pointed at Fate and said calmly.

"Did you already forget what goddess you are? You are Fate and if Fate had a gut-feeling, it certainly would come true. Now come here and sit down you hardheaded dunce, standing won't help us forcing fate any faster."

Fate was just speechless as her partner said that, before she slowly started to chuckle.

"Talking about fate and such, when we are the ones that are supposed to govern it, you always were such a jokester, Moirai."

"That's just how I am you strait laced bore. One would think that you would knew after all the time we have been together, Ntara."

And so, the two sat down together and let the story take it's supposed course.


Ze, ze, ze, ze, ze...

Huh? I have the feeling that something around me has changed. Not in so arbitrarily way, like the shade of red around here just turned into another shade of red.

Something felt...


I had a feeling I would describe as pleasant, as if a loving mother would embrace me after a day of full of hardships, comforting me, telling me that I don't have to be so tense and that I am safe now.

This feeling, I felt-, I felt...

...that something was seriously wrong.

In a split moment, I decided to wake up from my self-imposed existence-isolation, jump up and fired a beam of pure soul energy from my hand, that could have easily annihilated half of a universe.

"Huh, that was unnecessary, wasn't it?"

After I released that attack, I saw that most of the energy just flew into the void, never to return.

Seeing that it was pointless to attack, I decided...

...to attack once again.

This wasn't the first time some random almighty being kidnapped me into its world and played some mind games with me.

It usually started with me firing energy against the seeming void, damaging it, continuing with it, until the being is satisfied and appears in front of me and then gets his nonexistent ass handed by me.

What do you mean there is a chair I can sit in, right in the middle of the glowing platform I am standing on?

Do I look like I have to give a flying shit about that?


Now that you mention the chair, it looks awfully tempting to sit into it and start talking peacefully, once again.



"H-Hey, Destiny, aren't you happy? We found a special soul! Look, it's even a returning void soul! Aren't you happy? I can finally get promoted and we can have that vacation you wanted! The we can marry and continue to be together, forever. Isn't that so?"

Fate felt really awkward saying all of that, especially when Destiny was trembling so much as she did now.

"Ye-Yeah, I am happy, but isn't this scary? A being about the same strength as us, using up so much energy to attack the space we conjured. Isn't that like, super scary?"

Once again, Fate could only laugh awkwardly.

"Sigh, I would be lying if I told you this isn't scary but look closer at her. The energy she emits around her soul. She doesn't really care about continuing anymore, even with all of that strength, all of that power, all of that authority, she gave up. If she wanted to continue, she could have conjured a true body by herself she can take over, but look at her, using her soul image to fire raw soul energy against the borders of this space. This isn't something a calm, rational being of our rank would do, Destiny. This is our opportunity, so why don't we try reincarnating her, like we usually do."

Destiny still had a reluctant expression on her face, but it seemed to crumble the longer she looked at Fate.

"Alright, you do that, for all I care, I want that vacation, but under one condition are we going to do this."

Fate gulped and was worried that Destiny's condition might be a bit too difficult.

"What is the condition?"

Destiny pointed right at the girl that had as much authority as they did and looked Fate right in the face as she did that.

"Negotiations are only starting if she sits down in the chair."

Fate let out a breath of relief after she heard that, for a moment she was worried Destiny would ask for something difficult, like only starting negotiation if the soul was at peace or something like that.

Just sitting down the chair was easy enough.

"If it's just that, then they will do any moment now."

"Are you joking, sitting down the chair for someone like her would be the same as..."

Destiny looked with big eyes as Frisk sat down the chair in the middle of the space, she couldn't believe what she was saying.

She wanted to say something to Fate, but after seeing her smug expression she didn't want to ask at all anymore.

"Let's just end this section here, I am sure the readers already got the picture here."

"Destiny, did you have to annihilate the fourth wall like that? That was completely unnecessary."

She just shrugged.

"I don't know, I just felt like it. I also have the Déjà-vu that we did something similar like this in the past, but I can't really remember it anymore. Anyways, you should go appear right in front of our guest some time now."

Fate just glared at Destiny.

"We'll talk about your unnecessary destruction about the 4th wall later, darling."


I've been sitting here since about 19 hours already.

Being bored in an insanity inducing place isn't really different from being bored in a void, if something doesn't happen right now, I will blow all...

Before Frisk could continue ranting in her mind, her thought and senses were thrown into disarray by a big, blinding, white light.

It seemed as if the light would light out all of the black space, turning all of it into a white space.

As the change slowly started to finish, Frisk finally started to see again, even opening one of her eyes to be sure about the situation.

She was surprised as she did that, because she saw two drop dead gorgeous women in front of her, according to her assessment.

It didn't really faze her though, because the girl only had one true love in her soul and that was her partner that accompanied her throughout the entire adventure that would eventually change her life.

One of the two goddesses was about to open her mouth, but unsurprisingly, the girl that tried to bring peace through all of her universe, interrupted her.

"Hold you horses for a moment. Is this what I think it is? Because no matter how I try to turn and twist it, trying to reincarnate someone of a similar level as you seem a bit ridiculous, even if you are from the omniversal administration."

After hearing that, the goddess who opened her mouth stayed in that position for a moment, before you slowly notice how after each passing second she was breaking down.


Meanwhile in another place:

"mAN dEstRoYing EntIRE uNiVErSes iS hARd WoRk, wHy am I hERe agAIN?"

A certain glitch skeleton was standing in front of his creation.

Well, destruction would be the better term here.

"Because you like taking the trash out?"

Suddenly an artsy looking skeleton appeared behind him and surprised him.

"iNK! wHY aRe YOu heRE?"

Seemingly enraging the glitchy skeleton.

"Don't know, I felt something unusual happened around here, turns out it was just you, so..."


The artsy skeleton just silently placed a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie figurine on his head.


Resulting in the glitchy skeleton completely ticking out and starting to attack the artsy skeleton with his reality ripping thread.

The following attack would have put a couple of universes into danger and possibly once again, a little all-out war, but luckily a certain other goddess interfered.

She suddenly appeared in between them and pushed them apart.



It was the embodiment of everything that isn't good or evil in the Underverse.

"You two should resolve your feud somewhere else, fighting with your levels of power is irresponsible, that counts especially for you, Ink. Endangering universes, while you are the protector of the AUs doesn't sound really good, is it."

"Hehe, you got me there."

"hAHa! tAke THaT inK!"

The artsy looking skeleton seemed a bit embarrassed about the reprimand, while the glitchy skeleton seemed gleeful that the artsy one got reprimanded.

Well, that was until Neutral pointed her weapon at Error.

"And now about you..."