Wish upon a Hope

The three people in the space were intensely staring at each other, as each of them didn't know what to say in the situation.

After a while, Frisk decided to reluctantly be the first one to say something, after she cut the goddess off after her long-winded introduction.

"I mean, is my reaction so surprising? With my kind of authority, I would be surprised if someone doesn't know about this and this line of work. Meeting your superiors, not overestimating oneself, I mean, I met King Multiverse, know about Alpha!Tale and I have met Good and Neutral. So, I wouldn't think that it is weird for me to know more about everything, OUTSIDE of the place I reside in, don't you think so too?"

After hearing that, the goddess who tried to talk, composed herself again and continued with the usual dialogue.

"Is that so, I guess it's to be expected at this point. Still, it's a bit surprising to hear that you met the upper brass of the administration of your multiverse. Regardless, I think as an equal it's only polite of me to hear about the circumstances that lead you to this situation. After all, it's a rather unusual sight to see someone with so much authority ends up without body, floating between the gaps of existence."

Fate inquiring about this kind of data made her a bit uncomfortable, but in the end she decided that there would be no point in holding back anything.

Her universe disappeared, she didn't have a body and more than all, she didn't want to be anymore.

What's the point of holding back feelings, even if they weren't present anymore.

"It's a long story, but the gist of it is, that I overestimated me and my powers a bit. Turns out pacifying a glitchy skeleton that thinks all alternate universes are trash is more difficult than it sounds. So, my universe got destroyed in the process, I lost my body and almost ended up dying and last of all, millennials of millennials of my hard work were completely and utterly wasted, but I guess these are the consequences of growing too arrogant."

The two goddesses nodded in understanding, until a thought crossed their minds.

"I have the feeling that this needs a lot more context to fully make sense, because the gist of your situation seems too nonchalant for the events that transpired in what you told us.

Frisk chuckled as she heard Fate say that it did seem like it, didn't it?

"Well, I already told you that it's a long story and I am not in the mood for reminiscing about the tragedies of my life, so can we just continue with this reincarnation thing?"

Fate blushed as she heard that, she didn't know why, but talking with Frisk made her want to sit down and hold a pleasant conversation with pastries and some tea.

Just know after Frisk mentioned it, did Fate remember that this was reincarnation business.

"Ehem. Well, you are right, it's time to stop with the pleasantries. It has been rude of me, but I just noticed that we two didn't really introduced ourselves yet. I am Fate, and this is my partner, Destiny. You are right about the fact that we are from the omniversal administration and we are happy to announce to you that you got the chance to reincarnate into one of many universes."

Frisk looked at the two skeptically, with squinted eyes.

She was a bit suspicious of this situation, seeing this reaction, Fate knew what kind of reaction she could expect from her.

"What is the catch?"

Of course, she was going to ask this, but no there was no catch.

Fate shook her head and calmly said.

"There is no catch."

But of course, Frisk was still a bit wary of this situation.

"There really is no catch about this reincarnation thing?"

Fate was still calm about this, after all, she couldn't confirm something that wasn't here.

"There are no strings attached to this deal, I swear upon this my true name as Ntara."

"Swearing upon your true name? Well, then there really is no reason for me not to believe you."

Fate was glad that this discussion was as over as fast as it came, it would have drained her a bit if this costumer needed to be reassured for longer, but luckily she was fast to adapt.

"Well, why did you decide to choose me for this reincarnation?"

"There is no reason, after all, this is the job that was tasked upon-"

Fate couldn't utter another word. Once again, she remembered that this person they were going to reincarnate, was basically her equal.

Continuing to pull half-truths would probably not be a good idea.

"Well, we waited around the borders of your multiverse, because I needed a special soul to move up the ladder and yours surprisingly meets the description of a special soul."

Frisk nodded after she heard that.

"And what am I supposed to do with that information?"

"Simply asking, I am asking how you can stay being someone with a Soul Tier of 7, when you have absolutely no Karma to your name, for all I understand, you shouldn't even be existing right now."

Surprised by the thirst for knowledge of the goddess, Frisk started staring at her closely, to find out what her intentions are with this question.

Meanwhile, Fate was sweating profusely internally for asking this. At the end, knowing this didn't affect the reincarnation process in the slightest.

"Fate, why did you ask this? This was completely unnecessary of you."

Destiny then called Fate through their mental link, inquiring why she suddenly decided to ask her that.

"I don't know! Talking to her makes me nervous!"

The two goddesses were arguing mentally, when all of a sudden, Frisk decided to talk.

"Well, if I have to take an educated guess. I guess I don't have any of that so called Karma, because I sapped all of my soul essence out, to not feel anything."

As they heard that, the two goddesses immediately stopped arguing and looked at her with surprised eyes.

"Excuse me, what the fuck?"

"So, you mean to tell me, that you essentially took everything out of your soul, that ever meant something, just so you don't have to feel?"

The former goddess just nodded.

"Sigh, where do I even start explaining on how foolish this action was. Just for the sake to not feel, you emptied the contents of your soul, just to leave an empty shell behind, so it could sustain your existence. Normally, this should be considered impossible, and it is indeed impossible, but I can see how this should ever work out if someone with at least Soul Tier of 6 did that, maybe it would be borderline possible with a Soul Tier of 5 or even peak 4, but at the end it's needless to say, that what you did had literally only downsides, with no real upsides, so I am confused why you would even do that?"

"Well, because feeling too much, would have prevented me to do the morally right thing."

Hearing this, Fate had only an expression of confusion on her face.

What made this girl like that? What made her, so that even with this amount of authority she had, she would gladly sacrifice her own wellbeing for the sake of others.

What she saw in front of her, was something she would have called selfish selflessness, but this wasn't her problem to put her nose into.

"Anyways, back to the usual business."

She decided to stop care too much about this costumer of hers.

"You mean reincarnation? Like in those shitty Fanfictions that pop out in droves?"

Fate nodded after hearing that.

"If you want to call it like that, be my guest."

Frisk stared at her for a moment, before she decided to address the elephant in the room.

"So, do I get any wishes or cheat..."


That was a fast answer.

"Why not, they always get these for some unexplainable reason."

Fate just breathed out in frustration after hearing that, this was just so troublesome and annoying to deal with.

Why is everyone always asking for freebies?

"Sorry, I am just a bit tired of this. You know that we just can't create things from nothing, so that leaves us with either lending a part of our power to the person or let them lend items from archives. Doing so, would be a total waste most of the time, because wasting our own resources is in a sense, rather problematic. Giving out countless of little favors is always taxing, and in the end, we don't get anything back while impairing us ourselves during our job, even risking letting these people potentially reach up to us, to try and live out their carnal desires over our immortal bodies. So, it would be unwise to always pointlessly give out, and you know, lending items means that we literally 'lend' it. So, payback is expected and most of the time they forget about the payment during the course of their lives, so their afterlives end up being really hazardously used for repayment. The reason why I don't try to pull that shit with you, is because messing with an equal is not really a good choice to make, besides, you are the soul that gives me my promotion. We don't have to make things difficult for each other, do we now?"

The explanation made enough sense for Frisk. Even breathing takes energy and even if the uncreative wishes of these people would only amount to a breath, at the end, you'll have to reincarnate basically an infinite amount of them, meaning that even energy from a higher realm will get used up, sooner than later.

Besides, the trends are usually a system and or infinite resources of some kind of energy.

Considering it slowly, a system needs time to program by yourself, so you'll inevitably need to lend one from the archives and 'infinite' resources don't work as in literally infinity, because infinity was an imaginary concept, there is no true infinity, even if an infinity of a lower realm is a depictable amount in a higher realm, that realm also has something that they call infinite.

So, 'infinite mana', is not literal 'infinite mana', there are two restrictions about these, the first being the output on how many units of it you can blast out and second, the literal fact that this can only work if you hook this ability up to an external energy source, without potentially wasting way too much of it.

So, wishes usually already use up a lot of resources and granting them again and again would be anything else than possible.

That wasn't going to stop her though. She will get one wish, if that one wish gets fulfilled she'll do anything.

"I want a wish though."

As Fate heard that, she had to cough. Why was someone equal than her, demand a wish?

"I am sorry, I can't, even if I wanted, granting a wish to someone equal like me, where do you imagine I'll get the energy for that, there is a reason why two humans can't grant each other their wishes with a snap of a finger, even if the world has 'magic'."

Frisk chuckled. She knew.

"I know, I am also not asking for a free favor."

Hearing that, Fate was confused.

"How do you plan to get that wish then?"

"Equivalent exchange. I don't need all these powers anymore. They are pointless for me. So, I am asking to use up all of my records to turn into the energy for my wishes."

A moment was necessary, so this information could be settled inside the heads of Fate and Destiny, they couldn't believe what they just heard.

"All you achieved, all you did, everything you did or did not for others, you plan to use up all that the current you still have, just to get a wish!

Frisk nodded her head.

"All this power means nothing to me now, I worked all my life for one greater goal. I planned right after I achieved it, just to settle down and look over what I achieved, but now it's all gone, and my existence has become pointless. This strength, I don't need it anymore, so I'll sacrifice it for my wish."

Destiny just grabbed this empty shell of a person by the collar and dragged them up, she was angry at her.

"Listen, it might be funny coming from my mouth. But screw fate or destiny, if something doesn't go your way you stand up and try again, that's how you get to this point in the first place, so why..."

Frisk just put her hand over her mouth and headbutted the voluptuous goddess.

"You think I don't know? That's how I turned to 'Peace' in the first place, I never gave up, I stood up again and again, passed obstacle after obstacle. If someone knows what 'never give up' means, then it's me."

Hearing this, made Destiny angry. Her words didn't match with her actions at all, that was something that always made her angry and that's why in most cases people experience retribution for their actions.

They had it coming for them, if their actions didn't match with what they were thinking.

"You probably think something along the lines that my actions don't fit with what I am saying, right?"

Destiny was about to snap at the, for her, arrogant seeming girl, but being read like an open book usually has the effect that a person gets pulled out of their feelings, regardless of what.

"How did you know?"

"I just randomly guessed. Well, Destiny, let me ask you a question, is that okay with you?"

She was still angry, but she supposed that hearing her out wouldn't be so bad.

"Could you just let go with your bond with Fate?"

Like a bucket of ice-cold water were the words that the girl just uttered. They cooled her down and were honestly a bit painful.


She wanted to shout at her for asking that kind of question, but as she looked in the expressionless hollow shell in front of her she could see...

...pain, a lot of it. Enough to see that it could be considered a wonder why the shell in front of her didn't snap and turned into a threat for the multiverse.

In this moment, Destiny understood that the former goddess in front of her could not let go of the bonds she made.

Not having to say anything anymore, she gave Fate the lead of the discussion again.

"Well, what do you wish to sacrifice then?"

Frisk smiled as she heard that, finally her hope for salvation came.

"I'd like a clean reset, all these memories are just weighing me down and would be more like a handicap for me, than a cheat. So, I just want to be the sweet, little girl I was in the beginning of this life. Take my eyesight, my healthy constitution, give me my weak body again, wipe my memories, take all the power I accumulated in my soul and lastly send me into a world with special powers once again."

Fate nodded as she heard that, that was a lot of energy for a wish, for a moment, she wondered what it would be, but from what she knew about this person right now, she could easily guess.

"So, your wish is to bring every single soul of your home universe with you, am I correct?"

Frisk nodded at that statement. It was more than correct.

Still, despite knowing, Fate was frustrated. This was a really difficult request, they had to talk with the administration of the Underverse to get a clear.

Fate wondered how she could accomplish that wish, until Destiny tapped on her shoulders.

"Everything dealt with, Fate. You can just go ahead and fulfill her wish."

Fate glared at her partner for taking actions without her, but her teasing partner just answered 'Ara, Ara', seeing her reaction.

"Well, with that, my wish gets fulfilled, right? I don't care anymore for what you need me now, do what you want with me."

Destiny and Fate smiled at the former goddess. How could someone be so selfless?

"Sorry, but we still have business left."

It was just too bad that they had to rain at this perfect ending for the chapter.

"I don't know how to say this, but you still have wishes left. Coming from your place, I can understand why you would think that you would barely have enough, but that isn't the case. Considering all what you sacrificed and everything you have done, you have a bunch of energy left over, and to be honest, it is way more than if an ordinary person would sacrifice everything he had. Honestly, what you sacrificed was a bit of an overkill, but you want a clean reset, similar to your last life, so it's not as if I don't understand, but..."

"...you still have wishes left."

Uncomfortable silence permeated the room, Frisk was sure that the scales were even right now, but apparently her side was still heavier.

Standing there, she realised, that the situation was quite awkward.

"If I am honest, I don't really know what to wish for~."

Hearing that, the two goddesses couldn't help but look more awkward about the situation. After a long while of uncomfortable silence, Fate opened her mouth.

"How about you give up the miscellaneous sacrifices, like blindness, or weak constitution, those seem a bit overkill-"

Before she could end the sentence, Frisk interrupted her, solemny shaking her head.

"That's what I can't go back on. Even if the person I am going to reincarnate into doesn't know all of this, but the tastiest fruit grew amidst hardships. I am the living proof of that saying and while it might be unfair having a new life go through the same trials as me, I can't help but fear that I might grow rotten if this soul has it too easy. After all, you are talking to the one that despite her hardships in life, she has foregone happiness once, just to pursue mindless killing. I fear how cruel I could have been, if I didn't know hardships."

Fate wasn't really convinced by the former peace goddess' argument, honestly for her it seemed farfetched. Yet, before she could continue argue against it, Destiny just put her hand on Fate's shoulder, gave her a knowing look and shook her head.

"Well, if that's the case, how about these boons instead..."

And so, Frisk received a list of examples to wish for, to make it easier for her to use up the remaining released energy.

It still took a while though...


Meanwhile, the two goddesses, while Frisk is breaking her head over her wishes:

"So, Ntara. Want to marry during our vacation and make it our honeymoon?"

Destiny wanted to tease her partner, but of course it fired back at her.

"That was the plan, Moirai. I honestly planned to observe this girl here after she gets reincarnated, she seems pretty interesting, don't you think so too?"

Sadly, Moirai couldn't answer back anymore, as she was only a blushing mess right now.

"Marry..., Fate..., Honeymoon..., Bed activities..."

Her data center just exploded as she was thinking about her honeymoon.