Reincarnating in BNHA

It hurt. My body, it just hurt.

It felt as if I was getting pricked again and again, over, and over by dozens of needles. At this point, my body felt numb from all the sensations that I am currently experiencing.

Or at least I wish it did.

Someone stepped on my hand.

It broke, I could feel it break, but I still didn't let a cry out.

I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of hearing my voice contort into many manners of screams or squeals.

So, I just gritted my teeth and endured.

"Woah, boss. I was sure that I just used enough force to break her hand, but she didn't let out a single sound. Isn't that impressive?"

Directly after that, I heard how the brat that just said that got backhanded.

"Shut up you moron! Who cares about that? Boss Kay told us to make her pay! Silently! You know what that means? So shut your mouth and kick her some more!"

I just silently chuckled by myself hearing what they are saying.

I wondered, I really wondered, why did they do this to me? I never did anything to deserve the treatment they were giving me, yet I was being beat down by children about the same age as me in some random dark alleyway.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

I never hurt any of them, yet they were hurting me.

I was kind to everyone, yet all I received back was malice.

I tried to please them, do little favors to them, be a good girl, yet I was always treated like less than the dirt they are standing on.

I tried making them like me, but in the end, they never accepted me, simply because I am different, different in a bad sense.

From what I know off, I was born without sight and a weak and sickly body.

Honestly, I was often insulted to my face, by the caretakers of the orphanage, that it was a miracle that I even was alive and that I should have died the moment I was born.

It really hurt hearing that. Yet, I tried staying kind to everyone.

Without success.

I was different than them, I wasn't as strong as them, I couldn't see like them and I didn't wake up one morning with one of those so-called quirks as I turned four.

A quirk is something like a special ability that everyone gets once they turn four, yet I never did, not the following year, not the year after that.

Now I am six, with nothing to show, but my miserable life.

Suddenly, one of the kids stomped into my stomach, making me vomit the bit of food I got to consume, which wasn't even much then.

I couldn't even feel miserable right now, I was sure of that.

"Eww, that little cunt just vomited over my shoes."

Unexpectedly, I got punched into my face for that, what a surprise.

After a while of continued punching and kicking, they finally let a bit up. The one who led these boys stepped up to me and then dragged me up by the collar.

"Now, if you promise us that you will be boss Kays woman, we will stop with all this and treat you, how does this sound?"

He told me this as if this were the biggest mercy available, I couldn't see it, but I could formally feel how he said this with excitement, expecting me to immediately give in to his offer.

I didn't, I just spat into his face and laughed.

"Bahahaha, just because I am quirkless and blind you think I am someone so easy to pick on? Fuck of you jerk, what do you want to take away from me, huh? I didn't have anything to begin with, so I also can't lose what I don't have. What? You think I am scared about you 'taking' away my life? I honestly couldn't give a damn if I am honest. So, kill me, or don't you have the guts to do that, you whiny little bitch that doesn't have the courage to dirty his own hands, but that's expected from an eight-year-old that still sucks on mama kays..."

As expected, children are easy to anger, I just got slugged by him, he just looked at his hands and whipped them on the shirt of his underlings.

"Tch, do what you want with her. She's unteachable."

Saying that, he turned around, while his underlings slowly surrounded me and carried me up.

To my surprise, they did that rather gently. How disgusting, they weren't even really teens yet, so how did they know about this?

"Hey, aren't you a bit too young for things like this?"

These goons just laughed after I asked that.

"What do you know about s..."

Suddenly, I got stabbed into my abdomen without reason.

"Idiot, why did you do this?!"

Feeling this burning sensation in my stomach was the final push.

"Her eyes they were..."

For the first time since long, I couldn't keep myself conscious through the pain. I was always worried that I would die if I ever fell unconscious during situations like this, so I always tried my best to stay aware of my surroundings.

"Who still cares about that, run..."

But this was too much, way too much.

I felt how everything slowly got hazier and hazier. Once again did I just chuckle from all the troublesome things I experienced in this life.

It was just ridiculous, it just seemed as if I would attract bad things to me automatically.

Breathing out in exhaustion, I slowly let the overwhelming silence take over me.

"So, this is it, huh?"

Soft laughter.

"If I had only one thing to complain about this life, it would be..."

the fact that I never managed to prove myself and my true worth.


And so slowly, a six-year-old girl bleed out in a dark, lonely alleyway.

A lonely girl, that never got to experience the love of a parent or the joy of life.

The End.


I can't die like this, not yet. I still have so many things to prove, so many things to do, so many promises to hold.

I can't die just yet, what was the point of all the things I went through, if I am just going to plainly give up?

I am more than that, I am stronger than that.


I can't give up...


I won't give up!


My soul, it burns, just for the desire to live! Not yet, not yet...!


I am...


...too determined to give up! This won't be the end!


The lonely girl did her best to crawl out of the alley and call for help with all her might, even if she is overexerting her body, even if this was her remaining strength, she wasn't willing to die just yet and she was sure to make that will a reality, with all her strength.


"Yawn! I am tired. Geez, they really had to make that trial hell for me, didn't they? But in the end, the side of justice always wins!"

Seigi Fumio was an ordinary Japanese woman. Well, it depends on what your definition of 'ordinary' is.

After all, she was a lawyer and color me impressed by the fact that she was one of the best in her line of work, more often than not did she get work offers and contracts from overseas, yet she refused each and every single one of them.

"Well, I am glad that I got to help an old classmate out. A senpai should keep her kohai save after all."

She always had a strong sense of justice and that's why she decided to improve her knowledge on the laws of quirk use, and everything involved with quirks.

You would be surprised how many villain emergences could have been prevented if their quirks wouldn't have been plainly marked as villainous or how many heroes are involved in some shady business, but of course that wasn't the only problem are with quirks, destruction of properties, theft, rape, or even murder.

Honestly, basically the entire pallet of crimes today was involved is some way with a quirk, so she ended learning up ALL (or at least most of it) of the law.

It was an understatement to say that she was a good lawyer. She was one of the best after all and the cherry on top is that she isn't only good, but fast as well.

After all, her favorite thing to say was 'if I end up another day on this case, it's another day lost for the side of justice to do its work. I'll promise, tomorrow will be the last day where your crimes stay uncovered, I'll make that a reality, as long as my surname is 'Justice'!', and usually she keeps this promise.

Today was the day that her promise broke. Her enemy this time hired a way too sophisticated lawyer and so they managed to postpone the final decision, until the date inside the courtroom changed.

She was tired from working too long, after all one of the reasons why she worked fast, was because she loved sleep, so of course she has to get out of the courthouse rather sooner than later.

So, what was a woman like her still doing out on the streets and not tugged in her blankets at home?

She was getting drunk from some orange juice. To explain the situation, she wasn't getting drunk from the juice directly, but rather from the mood that she just won an overly difficult trial.

Especially the contents of the trial made her want to be drunk.

An executive from the hero association worked behind their backs with crime syndicates that involved human trafficking and some more stuff they did as a side job.

Normally, a person like that would immediately get send into jail, but because of his position he managed to hide all his crimes for so many years.

Just thinking about it made Fumio angry, also that ugly bastard had a pretty damn good lawyer!

But at the end, it was her victory and now she is here, out in the open, during daytime, seemingly drunk.

"Mother, why is that woman walking so weird?"

"Don't look at her, promise me that when you grow up, you won't turn into an adult like her."

Fumio silently chuckled as she heard that. She wondered what their reaction would be, if they knew what she did for a living.

With that thought, she planned to return home and have a relaxing and nice long sleep. She really loved her job, and she was basically married to it, especially seeing her clients smile made her day, but at the end, loving your job and being tired were two completely different subjects, so she just wanted to go home and sleep.

That was, until she noticed strange sounds coming from the alleyway, at first she had mixed feelings about going to investigate the source of her curiosity.

Well, that changed immediately after she saw the silhouette of a girl lying in a puddle of her own blood.

After she saw this, her heart skipped a beat from the fright of the unexpected situation. She almost started panicking, until she remembered the teachings of her father and that it would have been embarrassing to face him as his daughter if she couldn't stay calm to help someone.

Fumio immediately rushed towards the girl to try and perform first aid to her, in the case of a bleeding, one should bandage the wound with a clean piece of cloth and apply pressure to it, until it stops.

And so, she planned to immediately do that, but then she noticed how the girl called for help and seeing this sight just wrenched her heart.

At this point, she was even surprised that the girl was still conscious, but that didn't matter right now, what mattered right now was the fact that she needed to stay calm and collected to save the life of this girl.

Approaching her, Fumio noticed how she was flinching from her shadow, it really hurt seeing such a young girl act like that.

It seemed like she would need reassurance.

So, while maintaining first aid procedures and calling the ambulance, Fumio also held her hand and promised her that everything is going to be okay, and she will be saved.

Hearing that, the girl seemed to immediately calm down and stopped trembling, she was glad that she at least managed to reassure the girl.

Now the only problem was getting the girl to hospital as fast as possible, because the bleeding already started seeping through her clothes without signs of wanting to stop.

This was going to be a close one, she was sure about that.


Entry Number 17n:

A new timeline has started, the old one discarded, while sealed away.

But luckily, the seal broke, but progress still halted, stagnated, without hope to ever continue.

"Bitch! Could you please talk normal?"

Was meinst du mit normal? Soll ich Deutsch sprechen?

"Was? Nein! You should talk in a way, so that the reader should understand, while not getting the feeling that you have chuunibyou."

You are pretty rude for a body whose arc got cancelled.

"Do I have to iterate to myself, why I am seriously pissed?"

Sigh, no you don't have to. Now go into the corner until you are needed again, Nai Hisho.

"Alright, and you speak normal."

Man, I knew I was an exhausting person. Anyways, good news guys!

I finally managed to get a hold of an editor and so the original Strength of Will isn't restricted anymore!

I am going to be honest with you, I'll still won't continue the old story, but will now work on the Reboot from now on.

But, I still have something to add to this.

I had two chapters stocked up on the old SoW.

Well, one and a half, so I am letting you vote if you want to have these two extra chapters or if you want to let it stop where it is.

Here is the vote and voting conclusion is when the Reboot hits 1 million views, so have fun waiting.
