Geo and Liyue Harbor

We arrived at the Statue of The Seven that Ganyu was talking about. Instead of something akin to an angel, it has a man wearing a robe while holding a cube. His chest and abs were showing, probably to show that he's powerful, and he was seated on a chair that I presume is supposed to be a Geo structure.

"This is the Geo Archon, Rex Lapis." said Ganyu.

We stopped here to my request. I placed my hand to the gold plated part of the statue and began feeling the Elemental Energy. I felt the energy coursing through me, until finally, it stopped. There was a small golden afterglow left by the Elemental Energy. Just get a feel for it, I made an exact same copy of the Geo flower explosions that Albedo uses. Although, I didn't make this one explode. I also made it just as big as my hand.

I looked beside me and saw Noelle and Ganyu looking at me in awe. I then got an idea. I made the flower smaller, as small as Noelle's necklace that I bought for her, and then made it a bit more stronger and opaque. I then made a small chain to finish up this new necklace and made multiple copies for the other girls. I can only give the necklaces to Ganyu, Noelle, Mona, Amy, and Keqing right now since they were the ones in the same bus as me.

I gave them their necklaces and they all thanked me. We went back into the bus and continued on with our trip. While we were continuing our journey, Ganyu suddenly held the earring I had on.

"The glow changed from aqua-green glow to a golden one."

Sure enough, she was right. So my earring, and presumably my other old clothing, changes its glow based on the latest element I get. This golden glow is actually pretty nice.

"Aether, since you just got the Geo element, would you mind me teaching you how to make a shield?" said Noelle.

What Noelle meant by this is a shield created from Geo that can withstand a lot of attacks that could have been fatal. I've been researching these kinds of things during my free time last week. It caught my attention since it's kinda like the barriers of those Abyss mages. Which means it can be constant without me having to focus on keeping it active. Its duration varies though.

"Sure." I said, giving Noelle a pat on the head. My embarrassment whenever I interact with Ganyu and Noelle is still quite high, but I can suppress it as long as I focus.

We continued on with the trip while occasionally taking stops. We passed by a place called Wangshu Inn and also a land called Guili plains. It was honestly kind of tragic seeing the ruined city that lies in Guili plains. I haven't read much about it yet, but I think I should.

As for the Wangshu Inn, it's an inn built on a massive stone pillar. I can't really say much about it since it looks just like a normal inn. Well apart from the fact that it seems small to even have enough rooms to be called an inn.

Now that I think of it, the outskirts of the main cities are always less developed when it comes to the technological side of things. Even though I've been in this world for quite some time now, I still don't understand it. I sighed and just decided to rest.

"Do you want to take a rest? You can lie your head here if you want." said Ganyu as she gave her lap a pat.

"Thanks." I quickly accepted her preposition and laid my head on her lap.

It was soft like a pillow and I could already feel my consciousness slipping away. Ah, I really love this.


Just a few hours later, we arrived in Liyue Harbor. It was completely different from Mondstadt. It was a bit larger, the streets were more livelier, and it was also near an ocean. There was an island just a bit further from the harbor. It seemed to be made out of large eroded pillars. Ganyu noticed me looking at the faraway island so she leaned closer to me and explained what that island really is.

"That's Guyun Stone Forest. That's the place where the Geo Archon sealed many gods during the Archon War. Those pillars are the eroded form of the massive stone spears he used."

So those weren't pillars? Also, just how strong is the Geo Archon? Haah, so much for researching. Well, I'll learn more anyways since we'll be staying here for a whole month.

When we arrived at the parking lot, we all departed from the bus. I took a breather and smelled a hint of the saltiness of the sea. To be honest, sometimes this enhanced attribute thing is a curse. There was this one time where I heard a couple having sex just three rooms away from my dorm. Well, that was when I still couldn't control my enhanced five senses. Still though, I heard it all so clearly. So that was what Paimon had to endure whenever I had sex with Mona.

"Hello? Aether? Are you still there?" said Ganyu while tilting her head a bit.

"Are you okay? Did you get dizzy from the trip? You were looking outside a lot after all." said Noelle in a worried tone. I might have gotten into a daze.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of something."

After that, we went to the hotel that we'll be staying at and settled our things there. My roommates were Ganyu and Noelle. While we were at the lobby earlier, all the boys looked at me with jealousy in their eyes. I was a bit confused at first, but when Mona told me that I was the only one who got paired with girls, I quickly understood why. Oh right, Mona's roommates were Amy and Barbara.

When we finished settling our stuff, I quickly laid on the huge bed. Yep, our room only had one bed. I couldn't help but feel that this arrangement was planned. I closed my eyes and rested for a bit.

"Aether, don't take a nap now. We'll be having lunch downstairs later, remember?" said Noelle.

Come to think of it, I am quite hungry. I quickly stood up and got a new pair of clothes to change into.

"You two should change as well." I said to them as I went to the bathroom.

"Alright." said Ganyu.

"Will do." said Noelle.

I'm kinda excited to see what clothing they'll change into.