Checking Out Liyue Harbor

We were now headed to the cafeteria of the hotel we were staying at. I looked beside and saw the two beautiful girls I was walking with. Ganyu was wearing the blue one piece dress that I bought for her during our date a while ago. Noelle was wearing a yellow soft sweatshirt paired with denim jeans and red sneakers. I was just wearing a white hoodie with golden lining paired with black jeans and white sneakers. Why are we dressed like this? Well, that's because after I finished changing clothes I thought that since I was already wearing this, why not take a look around. So I ended up suggesting to them that we should take a look around after eating lunch.

When we got to the cafeteria of the hotel, everyone was already there. Were they that hungry? I sighed and just looked around for a free table. I would have preferred eating with Mona and the others like the way we did it back at school, but we can't do that here. Each table only has three seats so it's just enough for each group. When we finally found a free table, I could feel that same annoying gazes of jealousy that the boys give me. To be honest, I've been fed up with those gazes ever since we got to the hotel lobby earlier.

"What?" I said in a cold tone, slightly amplifying the sound and only redirecting it so only the boys could hear. Well, Ganyu and Noelle could hear it as well since they were beside me.

After hearing this and noticing that I was staring at them, they all quickly turned while sweating bullets. When I noticed Ganyu and Noelle looking at me weirdly, I just decided to tell them. I don't think this is something that needs to be kept a secret after all.

"Oh, I do notice them sometimes." said Noelle.

"Same here, the boys in my class even became more aggressive in trying to court me after our date last time." said Ganyu. Welp, people courting Ganyu is no surprise. Come to think of it, I haven't heard anything about anyone courting Noelle. I was curious so I asked Noelle.

"There were people courting me back when you still weren't here, but Fischl and Mona chased them off." said Noelle with a somewhat pained expression. She's a good girl.

After this small exchange, we finally found a free table. After taking a seat, a guy in a waiter attire quickly went to us and asked what we would like to eat. When we finished ordering, we chatted some more as we waited for our food to arrive.

When our food arrived, all of the people surrounding us watched us eat happily. I already knew that they were all just looking at Noelle and Ganyu. It was really annoying. I can't eat comfortably if we have all these gazes directed at us. However, I just decided to ignore them since it would be bad for Ganyu and Noelle's image.

"You look uncomfortable. Are you okay?" asked Ganyu.

"Not really. Those gazes are annoying." I said as I clicked my tongue.

"Don't worry, we're almost done eating. We can leave soon."

I sighed and just decided to suck it up until then.


After we finished eating, we went out of the hotel and decided to take a look around. Liyue Harbor is really lively. We decided to stop by a park and just take in the scenery of the kids running around happily. I was still pretty pissed off about the events earlier, so this should help me calm down. And calming down I am, this place is full of good vibes. The children are playing and doing whatever they want without a care in the world.

After we spent about an hour at the park, we decided to go to the docks and look at the sea. The smell of the salty sea and the sound of the waves was kinda relaxing for me.

"Way beyond this sea is the nation that the Electro Archon governs, Inazuma. However, in the past year, Inazuma became isolated." said Ganyu.

Inazuma… looks like that's the next nation I'll be going to. Well, let's think about that later. I've only been at Liyue for just a few hours after all. We walked around the dock and Ganyu was telling us what this and that are. Well, that was to be expected since she is a citizen of Liyue.

While roaming around the dock, we came across a stall that was selling ice cream. How convenient for us. It was starting to get hot after all. Anyways, we bought some ice cream and took a seat at a nearby bench.

"Ah, just what I needed." I said with a sigh of relief. I'm now completely cooled off from the anger that's been building up earlier and from the heat of the sun.

I looked beside me and smiled at the two girls enjoying their ice cream. I already finished my ice cream, so now I really don't have anything to do. I laid back at the bench and just looked at the sea. Yep, this is really peaceful. I looked beside me once more and noticed something on Noelle's face.

"You have a bit of cream beside your lips." I said as I pointed at the exact location by using my lips as a reference.

"Here?" she tried touching it, but she missed it. She tried again, but missed it again.

"Here, let me get it for you." I said as I leaned in closer. Ganyu was in between us so it was a little bit hard to get close, but Ganyu saw this and she made space by backing up a little. I elbowed her breasts though. She didn't raise any objection when that happened. Her face was really red though.

Anyways, I took the cream off from beside Noelle's lips and licked it. Mhm, strawberry. When I got back at my seat and looked at Noelle, her face was just as red as Ganyu's face earlier. Maybe even redder. That was when I realized what I had done.

"I-I'm really sorry if that was weird…" I said as I could feel my face heat up.

"'s okay…" said Noelle, her face still red.

Ah, this is so damn awkward. Our embarrassment soon disappeared and we all decided to head back to the hotel. Haah, a lot of things happened today that made me feel mentally tired. I really want to sleep now, but it's still too early. Even if I take an afternoon nap, it'll still be short.