Creation: Geo

When we arrived back at our room, I quickly plopped down on the bed. Haah, what a mentally tiring day. However, I can't take a nap right now. If I take an afternoon nap, it'll be short. I also can't fully sleep since that means I'll wake up in the middle of the night. That'll be bad. We still have dinner after all.

Ganyu was on her phone while Noelle sat beside me. She looked at me and asked if I was doing okay. She's really worrisome isn't she. I told her that I was fine, but she still had that worried expression on her face. I sighed and sat beside her.

"Really, I'm fine. Now stop making that face. It doesn't suit you, y'know? You should smile. Like this." I said as I pulled on her cheeks, making her smile.

"E-eh?! Y-you think so?" she said, her cheeks getting red.

"Aether, I think you're pulling a little too hard. You might stretch her cheeks a little too much." Ganyu said as she sat beside me.

"Oh, right." I let go of Noelle's cheeks and faced Ganyu."What were you doing anyway?" I asked her since I was curious.

"Oh, Keqing just asked if I brought some of the Student Council paperwork with me." she said with a sigh.

"Seriously? Even all the way here? Wow, you too sure work hard. Oh, you work hard as well Noelle." I said as I lowered my head. I noticed at the corner of my eye that Noelle was about to pout, so I mentioned her as well. She was holding her reddened cheeks. It's red for two reasons. Her embarrassment and me pulling on her cheeks. I guess I did pull a little too hard.

I held both of her cheeks and caressed them. I was seriously feeling guilty now.

"Does it hurt?" I asked with a worried tone.

"Not as much as before." she said with a wry smile.

I just gave her a wry smile as well. She seemed to notice that something was wrong as she quickly held my hands and looked me in the eye.

"Don't feel bad. You just did that to prove your point." she said while giving me a beautiful smile.

Waah, I think my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't think of a reply, so I just smiled at her.


Two hours had passed after our little exchange earlier. Which means it was now 5 PM. I was bored, so I decided to teleport out of Liyue Harbor and go into my Domain. It was time to train Geo. Well, only my Creation: Geo at least. I was going to train the shield with Noelle after all.

The first thing I'm gonna try was to create a spear. It was successful due to my experience with creating something from Elemental Energy, but the final product was a lot different from a spear made from Anemo. First, it was solid as is without me compressing it a lot. Second, it was way heavier, but I could still carry it.

"Wait…will this work?"

I destroyed the spear and made a Geo-Anemo halberd. The pole was made out of Geo while the blade and the point were made out of Anemo. With this, I wouldn't need to focus too much on not letting the Swirl take over the whole thing. I gave it a thrust and I've gotta say, I should have been a lot more careful. Starting from where the point of the spear ends, there was a deep line stretching all the way to a wall 15 meters away from me. Sheesh… that wasn't even me at my fullest. I destroyed the halberd and did a few more tests.

After a few tests, I found out that making Geo arrows float and sending them flying was a lot harder than making Anemo ones. It was due to the weight difference. Because of this, I decided to just keep using the Anemo arrows. I also tried making something come out of the ground and trap the enemy, but I instead made something like a meteor come out that sends things flying. This could be useful. I still kept on trying for that trap move though.

After about thirty minutes more of trying, Ganyu called me on the phone.


"Come back, you might lose track of time and completely forget about dinner."

"Oh, right."

After I had that conversation with Ganyu, I put my phone back in my pocket and teleported back to the hotel room. They were slightly surprised since my teleporting just happens so suddenly. Well, nothing I can do about that. I feel sorry for them though.

All three of us chatted while walking down to the cafeteria of the hotel. We ran into Mona and the others. And by others I mean, Lisa, Amber, Amy, Keqing, and Barbara. Come to think of it, I still haven't given the necklaces to Barbara, Lisa, and Amber. Since I don't really know when we'll intercat again, I decided to give the necklaces to them now.

"Ara, thank you cutie~" said Lisa as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you!" Amber just gave me a big hug.

"This is so beautiful, thank you!" Barbara gave me both a kiss on the cheek and a big hug.

After that exchange, we all went down to the cafeteria together. The girls were chatting happily while I was playing with Creation: Geo by creating a small dagger and destroying it. I repeated this process until to the point where I could create a Geo dagger just within a second.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, all those gazes were back. Although, they all quickly turned away. I guess they remembered that small threat earlier. We all looked for a place where we could all sit close to each other, but to no avail. I guess we all needed to split up again.

"See you all later." I said with a sigh.

"Mhm!" they all nodded in agreement and went to find free tables for their groups.

"Shall we go?" I said as I looked at Ganyu and Noelle.

"Yep." They both agreed so we looked around for a free table.

We found one and everything went on smoothly. After eating dinner, we went to our room and decided to call it a day. We all went to bed and slept soundly. And once again, I was being sandwiched by two beauties while their breasts pressed on my arms.