Date With Two and Meeting Signora

It was now the next day. I woke up a little bit later than usual since we don't really have school. It was still rather early though. 4 AM to be exact. Yeah, I think that's still way too early. I was still being sandwiched by Noelle and Ganyu, but I didn't mind. 

"I guess we could stay like this a little longer."

Like I said before, we don't have school. Since we're here on a trip, we can do whatever we want as long as it abides by this nation's rules. I don't have any ideas on what to do though. Haah, what to do…

"Ngh…" Ganyu moved closer to me, further pressing her chest against my arm. Ahh, so soft~ 

I wanted to give her a pat on the head, but I might wake Noelle up if I did that. She was hugging my other arm after all. I just sighed and looked at Ganyu and then Noelle. One month. I'm gonna stay in the same room with them for one month. That's also the time we have to further our relationship.

I think furthering my relationship with these two, and the others as well, is a lot harder than killing monsters. Yep, I think it really was. 

Just a few minutes later, Noelle and Ganyu woke up. Since there wasn't exactly a kitchen in this room, I don't need to do the cooking. We were going to have breakfast at the cafeteria. The two girls took a bath first while I texted Mona and the others good morning. I even had a short video call with Mona.

After the two girls finished bathing, it was my turn to bathe. It only took me about 15 minutes. When I got out of the bath, Ganyu asked me if she could do the braid for my hair. I didn't really mind so I quickly agreed. It was quite relaxing as well after all.

"So, what should we do today?" Since I didn't have any ideas, I just asked them.

"Hm, maybe watch a movie?" said Noelle.

"So basically a date. Sure, I'm down for it." I said.

"Yep, I'm okay with it as well." said Ganyu as she continued tying my hair.

After Ganyu finished tying my hair, we all went down to the cafeteria. We didn't meet up with the others since they told me that they didn't really plan on doing anything today. They said they'll just take a look around tomorrow. They'll just ask the staff to take their food to their rooms as well. They really didn't want to do anything today huh.

When we got to the cafeteria, it wasn't all that crowded. It was still early after all. There wasn't really any reason to get up really early. We ate breakfast and rested for a few minutes before heading out to see a movie. We decided to see a horror movie. Ah~ I'm gonna be deaf after this. The reason for that is, even though I could control my enhanced senses to make it weaker, it was still above average. So if someone screams for their life right next to me, I'll go deaf. Hell, even if they're just two to three seats away, I'll still go deaf. I could have just suggested that we watch another genre, but I kinda wanted to see Noelle and Ganyu get scared. I mean, everything they do is cute, so this shouldn't be any different right?


My arms were being crushed hard by both Ganyu and Noelle. They were so cute that I couldn't focus on the movie at all. I wasn't even scared that much. It was a good movie though.

When the movie was finished, Ganyu and Noelle were still tightly grabbing onto my arms.

"S-sorry for this. My legs just won't stop shaking…" said Ganyu as she looked at me, teary eyed.

"I am sorry as well." Noelle looked at me in the same way.

I think I went too far on this one. I couldn't help it though. I mean, they were so cute. I could only laugh wryly at them as we left the movie theatre and went to a nearby diner to have lunch. It took them about five minutes to completely recover.

"That was a bad idea!" said Ganyu.

"I agree!" Noelle nodded.

I could've said that it was worth it for me, but I decided not to. I didn't want them to think bad of me after all. We ordered some food and chatted a bit. Their smiles were so bright as if they forgot just how horrified they were before. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of this. Just a few minutes later, our food arrived.

We ate our food and left the diner and decided to go back. We chatted as well as we were going back to the hotel. While chatting, I got this strange feeling like we were being watched. I let loose a bit to get better hearing and see if I catch anything suspicious.

"Is that him?" said a female voice.

"Yes." this voice was familiar.

I turned around to see the very same Fatui Agent that tried to stab me last time.

"You should stay away and stop meddling with our plans." said a tall woman with platinum-blonde hair and pale skin. She had light-grey eyes and a black mask over her face, covering her right eye. "Well, we still got that rodent ruler's Gnosis though." she said as she held something like a chess piece in her hand.

The chess piece was emitting a familiar energy to me that I already knew what she meant.

"What did you do to Barbatos?" I could have just said Venti, but Noelle and Ganyu were here, so I can't just say his new identity.

"I don't know, but I did leave him on the ground somewhere."

Hearing this, I felt the anger within me yesterday come back and multiply even more. I created Anemo arrows and made them surround me, ready to strike at any moment.

The Fatui Agent quickly went in front of the woman, but I quickly shot an arrow to his right leg. When he screamed in pain, I could hear gasps all around me. I didn't care though, this bitch hurt my friend, so this much is fair.

"Aether…" said both Ganyu and Noelle.

I could see worried expressions on their faces. I sighed and quickly made the arrows disappear.

"Sorry, she just said she hurt my friend and let it get to my head." I said as I smiled wryly at them.

"It's okay." said Noelle.

"She's right. We know that you're caring, so this much is expected." said Ganyu. I'm really happy to have these girls by my side. I turned and looked at the tall woman. I controlled my breathing so that I would calm down.

"What's your name?" I asked, my voice calm.

"La Signora, 8th of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers." she said in a calm tone as well.

"Haah, I feel like I should apologize for hurting your subordinate, but you hurt Venti so it's just fair." I still have a heart and I didn't really want to kill anyone.

"You're strong and yet you still choose to hold back. I pity you, Aether. You'll die because of that." 

Oh? She remembered my name when the two girls said it. Or maybe she already knew it to begin with. I don't really know.

"Don't worry about that. I already died once. I was only holding back cause I still didn't have the courage to kill someone."

"You should have the courage. This world is cruel and only the strongest survives."

"Thanks for the advice. We need to go now." I said as I turned.

"I hope I see you alive once more with all limbs intact."

We left Signora behind and went back to the hotel. Right before entering, I was questioned about what happened by the Millelith. They were somewhat like the Knights of Favonious. 

Instead of me answering them, Ganyu was the one to answer their questions. It seems she has power here in Liyue as the Millelith listened to her carefully and showed her respect. After that, we went back to our room to rest.