
Noelle and Ganyu were sleeping while I was just about to teleport to Stormterror's lair. I would have loved to sleep with them, but with what Signora said, I need to find Venti first. I teleported to Stormterror's lair and immediately yelled to call Dvalin.

"What is it that you need dear friend?"

"Where's Venti?"

"Ah, he's lazing around at the top of the tower."

After speaking with Dvalin, I was just about to use Air Walk, but something came to mind. Since I already have the ability to make things float, shouldn't flying be easy to get now? I tried it out and to no surprise, it was hard to control. However, due to my enhanced attributes, I was able to control it fairly quickly. Still, I haven't flown in a long time, so this might take some getting used to.

"You look like an idiot." said Venti as he saw me with both my arms raised up at shoulder level.

"No I don't. Also, this is called t-pose to assert dominance." I said jokingly.

I landed in front of him and crouched a bit. He was lying down after all. I asked him about what Signora told me and he answered fairly quickly. He said that just a few days ago, Signora ambushed him and took his Gnosis. When I asked him what the Gnosis is, he said that the Gnosis is what The Seven use to directly tap into energy from Celestia. It is also a sign of them being an Elemental Archon. It was just a small boost to their powers though.

"Don't plan on taking her on, okay?"

"Why is that?"

"She has been bestowed the power of an archon by the Tsaritsa, the Cryo Archon. That girl said that it was all part of the Tsaritsa's plan."

We talked a bit more since it was just afternoon and since the girls were sleeping, I still had time to spare. When I felt like it was time to go back, Venti gave me a warning about the Geo Archon.

"That guy is a blockhead, so I think it'll take you more than a few days to come through to him."

Seriously? A few days only for a few questions? Haah, what else would I have expected actually? They are gods after all. After saying my farewells to Venti, I teleported back to the hotel back at Liyue Harbor. When I got back, Ganyu and Noelle were still sleeping. I leaned in closer to them and both gave them a poke on the cheek.

After doing that, I sat on the foot of the bed and summoned my sword. I was wondering why I get stronger each battle. For example, the speed of my Anemo arrows. I completely forgot about the fact that I get stronger each kill due to the effects of this sword.

I wish I could let the girls have the effects of this sword as well, but that won't happen since instead of giving a blessing, it would only give a curse. Could Lumine wield this sword as well? Probably, she is my sister after all. After having such thoughts, I unsummoned the sword and just continued on practicing on Creation: Geo.

When the girls woke up, it was already near dinner time. They slept for that long. I'm jealous that they could fall asleep just like that. Sleeping feels so good after all. I'm just not tired enough to fall asleep. After they washed their faces and changed, we all went down to the cafeteria and ate.

I happily chatted with the girls as we ate dinner. As we ate dinner, I felt something was off. I looked around but didn't see anything. So, I just pretended that it was nothing. However, this was a bad idea on my part.


I woke up early as usual and the girls woke up just a few hours after. When we went to eat breakfast, Ganyu brought up a topic.

"You're looking for Rex Lapis, right? Then, would you like to go to the Rite of Descension later?" said Ganyu.

"Rite of Descension?"

"It's held once a year and it is the only time you'll ever get to see Rex Lapis all year."

"Really? If that's so, then yeah, I'll go."

We ate breakfast and after a few minutes of rest, we went back to our room to get ready to go to Yujing Terrace where the Rite of Descension is to take place. When we got there, there were a handful of people watching. Ganyu told us to make wishes and we did so. After that, we went to the middle where all of the people were gathered. There was a large metal censer in the middle that looked exactly like the ones we just made a wish at.

Standing in front of the censer was a woman with long straight white hair that is tied in a wide bun. The bun resembles a bow. The rest of her hair falls into two divided parts that reach her knees. Both parts fade into an ashy color at the end. As far as I can see, since I can only see her from behind, she had fair skin.

"That there is Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing. Keqing is also part of the Liyue Qixing and so am I." said Ganyu.

Wow, I didn't know any of this. Ganyu said that due to Keqing's age, she was sent to school first but still holds her title. We stopped talking when we heard Lady Ningguang speak.

"The hour is upon us," said Ningguang in a calm voice. Damn, that voice is so soothing.

Geo crystals gathered around her and she shot them forward to the censer. It floated around the censer until she signalled for the crystals to enter. When the crystals entered the censer, a beam of golden light shot towards the sky and that was when I felt it. Something was wrong. It was the same feeling I had last night as well. The clouds gathered and turned gray. From the hole with golden light, a brown dragon fell to the ground.

When the dust created from the fall settled, Lady Ningguang crouched down to check on the dragon. After a few seconds of silence, she announced something unexpected.

"Rex Lapis has been killed! Seal the exits!"
