
I went to the Adventurer's Guild on Liyue Harbor and accepted my four daily commissions. The first two were fairly simple, but the third and fourth one was… rather problematic to say the least. What was it? The first one was a time limit thing while the other one was a commission to eliminate a Fatui Agent. That wasn't the problem though. The problem was the location.

"Mt. Aocang and Jueyun Karst…"

I sighed and decided to call Ganyu about this. I wasn't really sure if it was okay for me to go Mt. Aocang and Jueyun Karst without being provoked. She said it was okay, but just to be sure, she decided to come with me on this one. I heard Havria, Keqing, and Noelle in the background say that they'll take care of her work. I was quite surprised Havria knew these new things and was confident enough to do it without Ganyu. Although, Ganyu must have taught her. Keqing was also there. So if she has questions, she could just ask Keqing.

I teleported back to our hotel room to pick up Ganyu. Havria, Keqing, and Noelle told us to be careful and waved us goodbye. I waved back and held Ganyu's hand. We then proceeded to teleport to Mt. Aocang. We teleported near the small body of water with a small patch of land in the middle that had a table with a seat of three. Near the table, we saw Cloud Retainer looking at us in surprise.

"Hi there, Cloud Retainer." said Ganyu with a wave and a smile.

"One wasn't expecting your visit, Little Ganyu. One sees that you have acquainted with the Traveler as well."

"About that… We're actually more than just acquaintances…" Ganyu was getting shy so instead of speaking, she just raised her hand, showing Cloud Retainer her ring.

"...One was certainly not expecting this…" she paused for a moment, before looking at me and closing her eyes, seemingly satisfied with something. "However, one accepts your betrothal."

We were both surprised that she accepted that easily. Seeing our surprised faces, Cloud Retainer spoke once more.

"One has seen your worth, Traveler. To be able to bask in one's presence is already impressive enough, being able to bask in the presence of multiple adepti is worth praise. One has also seen the determination one holds. If it was just a normal mortal, they would not dare set foot on Jueyun Karst. Yet, you dared step on our land and managed to speak to us without wavering." She then looked at Ganyu and a light of kindness flashed on her eyes. "One also sees that Little Ganyu loves you very much, Traveler."

"Thank you. I promise I'll take very good care of her."

Then, I told Ganyu that I'll do my commission first and come back right after. She agreed and went and talked with Cloud Retainer. I set off to find that platform.


When I came back, I saw Cloud Retainer looking at me, her eyes wide. I wonder what Ganyu told her.

"To be able to revive a fallen god and even make her become one of your wives… One is most impressed with your feats, Traveler."

I couldn't help but just smile wryly. When she paused there, I thought she was going to be mad that I was taking in another wife other than Ganyu. Luckily, my worries were for naught. Ganyu was still talking happily to Cloud Retainer when the other adepti arrived. They were with an old lady. Well, she would just appear to be an old lady to other people, but for me, I can clearly see that she's an adepti.

"Hoh? One is surprised to see you here, Traveler." said Mountain Shaper.

"Nice to see you again, Mountain Shaper."

"Humu. Now to the matter at hand," Mountain Shaper said as he faced Cloud Retainer. "One of those Fatui people came into Jueyun Karst."

"Ah." I said as I heard what he said. "I was actually commissioned to eliminate him."

"That's unfortunate for him…" Ganyu said as she sighed. I was going to ask Ganyu what she meant by that. Then I suddenly remembered my element. Oh… latom. I chuckled nervously as I scratched the back of my head.

"Well, I'll go take care of it now." I was about to leave when Mountain Carver told me to stop.

"The adepti shall come with you to see your prowess." I narrowed my eyes as he said those words. Didn't he tell me to not show my powers to other adepti? Haah, I guess I'll just have to make do with Geo and Anemo. "Alright then."

Ganyu ran over to me and held my hand. The other adepti were surprised by this. Seeing their reactions, I tried my best to not smirk. I could also sense that aura of smugness coming out of Cloud Retainer. I wrapped Ganyu in the same Anemo elemental energy that I use when I'm flying and we both flew to the location of the Fatui Agent, our hands still intertwined.

The other adepti followed us and were behind. I took this chance to tell Ganyu my plans.

"I won't be using Gluttony and Festering Desire since Mountain Shaper told me to not use it in front of other adepti."

"Oh, that's the right timing then!" she said excitedly.

"What do you mean?" I said as I tilted my head to the side.

"Keqing told me to give you a sword that she had but just forgot about its existence. She wanted to give it to you herself, but as you saw earlier, she was focused on the paperwork."

She was right about that. I was surprised that she wasn't looking all that stressed really. The amount of paperwork that I saw… just trying to remember it makes me shiver. Anyways, we continued on flying until we reached the Fatui Agent. He doesn't seem to notice us yet.

"Here you go dear," said Ganyu as she handed me a beautiful pure jade sword. "This is the Primordial Jade Cutter. A ceremonial sword carved from pure jade. Keqing thought that it suited your Anemo powers."

I couldn't help but smile. How thoughtful of her, I thought. I should properly thank her later. Now, to the matter at hand.

"Stay here, okay?" I said as I looked down at the Fatui Agent.

"Mhm," Ganyu nodded.

I flew down slowly and made sure that the Fatui Agent noticed me. When I was nearing the ground, that was when he noticed me. As if seeing a demon, he slowly stepped back.

"Y-you! You're the one Master Childe has told me about!" he said in a shaky voice.

"Hoh? So you're one of Childe's?" I guess he warned his men about me since he saw what I could do back when I was looking for Havria. This should be interesting.

"S-side with us!"

"What do you mean?" I said, my eyes narrowed.

"I can't tell you here, but that would make things easier for us!"

"Haah, seriously?" I took a step forward, gathering Anemo energy around me all the while. I can only see a Pyro Delusion energy on him, this shouldn't be much of a problem then. He kept on babbling about the benefits in joining the Fatui and I just had about enough of it.

I held my sword tightly and performed the first form. Well, I said I performed it when in reality, I just made an air slash. It travelled faster than I expected and he was just barely able to dodge it. However, as soon as he jumped to the side, I quickly made a Geo flower beneath him and he landed on it.


I closed my free hand into a fist and the flower exploded, sending the Fatui Agent flying in the air. I could hear gasps of surprise from some of the adepti, but I paid them no mind as I leapt into the air straight at the agent.

I was quite surprised when I saw him twist his body and throw knives at me, but I activated my shield and that took care of the knives. When I was finally near him, I slashed at him horizontally, but he blocked it using his knife to block my sword. He flew back to the ground but was able to flip right back up.

"Commendable," I said as I looked down at him.

I slowly descended as he launched a Pyro clone of him directly at me but I did quick work of it. He tried becoming invincible, but against me, it was useless.

"Give up on that tactic. It's useless," I said as I looked at the exact place he was standing at. I could see him take a step back and start to run for it, but I teleported in front of him and performed a palm strike. I didn't infuse my palm strike with anything, but I could still hear his bones crack. I guess I lost a bit of control. However, I didn't feel any mercy towards this man. Maybe because of that memory of how someone just like him tried to kill me before. Or maybe because the Fatui in general are scum. Whatever it is, I don't really care. That just makes all of this easier.


I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ganyu and I saw just how damaged the ground beneath me was. Ah, I actually lost control…

"Ahaha, sorry." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. I walked to the direction of the Fatui Agent and lifted him up using Anemo. I then proceeded on making Geo chains to hold him in place.

"Now, answer my questions."