The Traveler Is Overkill

I was now in Guyun Stone Forest, walking to the place where the tournament that Beidou was having will be set. I saw a lot of people, presumably contestants. Some of them looked like they'll put up a good fight. Against normal people that is…

"Haah… Why am I even participating again?"

"Because you won't be able to get to Inazuma if you don't!... Or that's what Ningguang and Captain Beidou said at least…" said the companion that I haven't brought with me for a long time.

"I'm surprised that you remembered that… Paimon."

"Hey! Paimon can remember things if she wants to! Hmph!" The little fairy pouted.

I missed this. It's been too long since I've brought Paimon to my adventures. Mostly because I don't want her getting badly injured. She's a dear friend of mine after all. My very first friend in this world. Paimon was the one who told me to bring her on this upcoming journey since she was getting bored… also she wanted to taste more delicacies. Typical Emergency Food.

"Anyways, let's go and look for Beidou!"

I learned from Ganyu that Paimon already got acquainted with Beidou during our little adventure in that other reality. Wow, is Paimon the traveler now? Should I also give her the title of Honorary Knight and God of Change? I chuckled at the thought, there's no way that Paimon can be a god.


'Ugh, I've been on edge lately…'

I shook my head and dismissed that thought. I shouldn't question my trustful companion who stayed with me even though I haven't brought her on my recent adventures. Now with that thought gone, I followed Paimon around.

After a few minutes, Paimon found Beidou. Beside her was a man around my height who strangely looked like me… He wore clothes that resembled that of a samurai. With just that, I already knew where he was from. An Inazuman.


"Woah, hey there, Paimon! Oh, look who's here!" Beidou looked at me with a wide smile. "The legendary Traveler has arrived!"

At this, all of the participants looked at me with wide eyes. I… really don't think that was necessary. Some were excited while some looked like they were reconsidering their choices. Guh, and here I thought all of them would try. Maybe they still will…? Yeah, that's not happening. I can already see the others sweating profusely.

"So, you're the legendary Traveler I've heard so much about. Truly, what an astounding presence you give off." My look-alike said. "Ah, apologies for not introducing myself. I am Kaedehara Kazuha."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Aether."

We shook hands and I couldn't help but feel that he had some hidden potential. I was just about to ask him about it when Beidou suddenly wrapped her arm around me and pulled me close. Damn, her chest is really soft.

"So, kiddo- Wait, nevermind. So, old man, are you ready for this?"

'Did… did she just call me old man? She did, didn't she?'

I was so taken aback by her statement that I knew it showed on my face. Paimon couldn't help but laugh loudly at my expression while Kazuha only chuckled.

"S-she called you old man!"

"Shuddup, Emergency Food."

Man, even if I didn't care if someone called me old man, it's still embarrassing. Paimon didn't stop laughing so I just sighed. Beidou let go of me and went to the middle as she announced the starting of the event and the prizes.

The prizes didn't really catch my attention so I was just about to move away when Beidou mentioned something.

"And finally, a Vision that no longer has a wielder!"

To say I was interested would be an understatement. I may not have been showing it, but I was actually pretty interested in what the Visions are. I might even be able to make my own Visions… But that will bring about problems relating to Celestia.

"I guess this will be interesting after all."


Beidou knew that having the Traveler there was overkill, but what she's seeing right now is just sad.

"Guh!" The man who looked like a bodybuilder grunted as he was knocked back.

The Traveler was fighting someone that had a weapon with his bare hands. And since they banned the use of Visions or anything that the norm didn't have, he was literally fighting with just his bare hands. Yet, he was still winning.

"Don't let your guard down." Aether said as he dashed at the man and went in for a kick.

The man blocked the Traveler's kick in time with the flat side of his sword, but he was both shocked and scared when that same kick broke his blade.

'Yep, this is just overkill.' Beidou thought.

Aether clenched his fists and was about to punch the man when Beidou's eyes suddenly widened. If he hits him with that punch, then he would surely die! Beidou was just about to interfere when she saw Aether's clenched fist open as he threw his punch and palmed the man instead.

That strike might have broken his ribs, but at least he was alive. Still, Beidou needs to do something about the Traveler's immense power. She can't just give him a ride to Inazuma, but she also can't just kick him out of the battle.

She taught for a bit and came up with an idea. Maybe she can take the Traveler on? Yes, that could work.

"Traveler! How about taking me on next?" Beidou said with confidence.

Everyone in the vicinity was surprised with her challenge, but the Traveler just smiled and said: "Sure, do I get to use a weapon?"


Kazuha couldn't believe his eyes. He was watching as Beidou and the Traveler fought and was just shocked. The Traveler was using a sword that looked and felt eerie while Beidou was using her Blackcliff Slasher.

He expected the renowned Traveler to be a good swordsman, but he didn't expect him to be this good. His moves were quick and precise and each strike held so much force that small shockwaves could be felt.

"Right back at cha!" Beidou said as she deflected Aether's First Form:Slash.

"And back at ya again!" Aether said as he performed his Third Form:Instant Counter.


Kazuha couldn't see it. The Traveler deflected the attack back to Beidou in one swift move. A move so fast that not even Kazuha, who had trained in the ways of the sword for years, could see it. Not only that, the Traveler was using an element that he has not seen before. Flames so dark that he felt that he could be consumed by them if he got too close.

'Could he rekindle the Vision…?'

Kazuha really hoped that he could, if not, then he'll just continue searching.