So It Begins

"This is Inazuma, huh? It's only been two days since I set out on a journey to get here but it already feels like it's been months." I said as I took in the view of the port from the Alcor. It looks… different from Mondstadt and Liyue. I mean, of course it is dumbass, but why does it look… old? I don't see any digital age equipment here. It's as if Inazuma is frozen in time for eternity-

"Oh you little bitch."

Is that why this nation is called the Land of Eternity? Not gonna lie, I can already see a problem with this place. Who in their right mind would force their will to their nation just because of a belief? A hard to define belief at that. Eternity depends on how the person views it, and based on what I'm seeing, the Electro Archon got it wrong.

"Well, this is the farthest that we can go." Beidou said with a grin.

"We both know that isn't true. Be careful, m'kay?"

"Sure oh great one, I hope you can get what you came here for." Beidou leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "See you soon."

"See you soon." After replying back to her, I quickly hopped off the ship. Looking back at the ship again, I saw Kazuha. With a smile, I gave him a nod, conveying my message to him successfully as he nodded back. I'll make sure to correct this nation, no matter what it costs me.

As I walked forward, I saw a long line near the end of the port. A checkpoint? Phew, glad I made those documents then. I walked towards the line and waited for my turn.

After a half an hour, it was finally my turn. I handed the documents, which I took out of my Realm prior, and handed it over to the woman in front of me. She checked it with a hint of suspicion and I could tell she was about to question me, so I put on my most "harmless" smile.

"Are you sure you're just a merchant under the Tianquan? The materials she entrusted you with are a bit…"

'Knew it, why the hell did you put a thousand Cor Lapis, Ningguang!? Ugh, now I'll have to deal with this…'

Trying to come up with a solution to this, I came up with a half lie.

"You see, I'm actually her fiancé." I told her in a whisper. She looked at me skeptically, but this time, I didn't use a harmless smile. This time, I smiled at her, releasing a bit of my energy all the while. She's a normal human, so in front of a foreign dominant being, I could just use my energy to influence her. Kind of like a simple brainwash.

"...Understood." Perfect.

After she handed me my documents. I walked past the guards with a beat on my steps. Well, that was until a blonde-haired man stopped me in my tracks. His green eyes looked at me with excitement. Kind of a contrast with his almost rebellious attire. Especially the red half jacket he wears over a black top.

"You must be the Traveler. Nice to meet you, I'm Thoma."

"Just call me Aether. And what a peculiar name, is it a play on the name Thomas?"

…Help me, I can see a blue train. I can hear the theme. The dank engine haunts me.

Shaking my head, I offered Thomas- I mean Thoma a handshake. He accepted it kindly and gave me a hearty laugh as well. What a nice guy, I can tell we'll get along quite smoothly.

"Ms. Kamisato is quite interested in you. She's the one who sent me here to meet you so that I can guide you to the Kamisato Estate."

I began to ponder on that offer for a moment, but that thought quickly disappeared as I felt something off. Enhancing my vision, I looked off to a nearby cliff. 'There's a Statue of The Seven there, but something's weird…'

Without telling Thoma a thing, I quickly teleported to the spot of the statue. I really damn hope no one saw me teleport. Wait, I'm a god for fuck's sake, I can do whatever I want.

Looking at the statue in front of me, I contemplated if I should still try to acquire Electro. First, I already had a Vision. And then second, if I remember correctly, the old man once told me that he felt when I borrowed his power through the statue. Should I risk getting the Electro Archon's attention more?

"Eh, might as well… I need more power to defeat the Abyss afterall. Especially the Princess."

Placing my hand on the statue, I began to feel the Electro Energy converge around me and enter my body. Then, I felt immeasurable pain. Light purple and dark purple surrounded me as the two Electro that I now wield fought. I felt like I was being hit by lightning over and over again.

"Dang, no- AH! NO PAIN NO GAIN, I G-GUESS!!"

When the pain still didn't stop after three minutes, I hurriedly surrounded my body with Gluttony. If this were to last any longer, I'm afraid that my nerves might get fried. That would be really bad, both combat wise and alone time wise.

Gluttony started to eat away at the raging energy until the pain dissipated. So this is how it feels to have negative and positive elements of the same type. I need to be more careful in the future then, lest I want to actually die.

Channeling both of the Electro energy that I now have, I made Electro balls, a different type on each hand. On my right was a dark purple Electro ball while on my left was a light purple Electro ball. Closing my hands, I sighed.

"That should be it for that. Now…" Looking behind me, I began to scan for any energy traces. "Time to hunt."