Masked Shrine Maiden

"This energy… Signora?"

I was honestly expecting this, but not this early. Following the energy traces, I saw an old man. The energy was surrounding him… Something isn't right here. Dangit, if only I had someone…


*Meanwhile in the teapot*


"Calm down Paimon, I'm sure Ae didn't really mean to forget you…" Ganyu tried her best to calm down the glutton known as Paimon, but to no avail.

"How about I cook for you, little one?" Luckily, Havria was there to save the day.

"Hmph! Fine, Aether's lucky that he has such caring wives."

'I think you meant good cooks, Paimon.' Ganyu smiled nervously. 'Still… be careful, dear. We don't want our child to grow up without their father…'

*Back to Aether*

"Ah… Luckily Paimon can't choke me to death…" I said as cold sweat formed on my forehead. Shaking that thought off for a moment, I began to formulate a plan so that I could question the old man.

'I can't really abduct him… Maybe…' 

Much like earlier with the woman who checked my documents, maybe I can alter his mental state. However, I need to think this through carefully. This is my first time doing something like this, not just with this power, but in my whole lifetime. If I use Gluttony, it might do irreparable damage to his brain. That's why, for this first attempt, I'll use Pride.

Creating a small ember, small enough to not be noticed during daytime, I made it float near the old man. As soon as it was near enough, I snapped my fingers. The flames of Pride surrounded the old man and as soon as it did, I stopped time.

Five seconds have passed, and within those five seconds, his mind has fallen into my control. Time resumed to flow as I made the old man walk to where I was. Once there, I leaned to the wall and began to question the man.

"Did Signora come here?"

"Yes. The Fair Lady just left a while ago."

That's quite concerning. She already has two Gnoses with her, if she gets another one… I need to prevent this at any cost.

"Did she say anything?"

"Yes. She said to prevent a traveler by the name of Aether from ever getting out of Ritou."

"Well, you already failed."

Reaching out, I covered my hand with the flames of Pride, resulting in my arm glowing a brilliant gold. I held his head and began to erase any sort of memory that he has about me or Signora. However, while rummaging through his memories, I saw how the merchants from other nations that have been stuck here were oppressed. This, of course, ticked me off. So, I did a little mischief and adjusted his personality as well. This should do for now.

Letting go of his head, I made him go back to where he was earlier. With a heavy sigh, I swiftly left the premises and went back to where Thoma was. 

"What the-"

"Shush, I just made some small changes to Ritou." I said with a devious smile.

"Uh… okay…?" Thoma just looked at me confusedly. I didn't mind it really, after all, the effects of what I did will soon show.

"Now, you said that a young miss is interested in me, right? Lead the way." 

"Ah, right! Follow me."


Another detour happened as we came across a shrine maiden with a fox mask. Something about her… intrigued me. I couldn't sense this at all. No, rather, I couldn't even tell what she is. Her presence is mostly… foggy. Like she isn't even there at all.

"...That is the gist of it."

"So you're telling me, this Sacred Sakura that protects Inazuma has been getting corrupted for a while now?"

"Yes. That is why I ask for your help on this matter."

I looked towards my companion, and based my decision on his expression. He looked worried. Really worried. I guess this Sacred Sakura really is a big deal here in Inazuma.

"Alright then, I'll help. We can take a little detour, right Thoma?"

"Ah- Yes. This is an important matter. I'm sure that the young lady won't mind if it's this."

With a smile, I nodded at the Shrine Maiden. This should be an interesting development. Who knows, maybe I can get the Electro Archon owe me a favor. That's just wishful thinking, but it's no sin to hope, right?

"Very well, follow me."

She guided me and Thoma to a place called Konda Village. As soon as I stepped foot into the village, I felt it. The amount of corruption in that place… This could be problematic actually. If that thing spreads, who knows what kind of damage it will do.

"Uh… You're creeping us out with that smile of yours, Aether."

I was snapped out of my musings when Thoma called my name. Was I really smiling? Come to think of it, I feel a bit hungrier than usual. I'm not hungry for food, but something else… Haah, Gluttony has been acting weird lately.

"Don't mind it, I just thought of something funny." I quickly made an excuse to soothe their worries. What we should focus on right now is that clump of corruption that's under this village. Now that I've felt just how dangerous this thing can be for normal people, I can't leave it alone now.

"We should ask the village chief for-"

"Nah, they won't believe us." I quickly cut off Thoma, already having a vague image of what's about to happen if we did what he suggested.

"Why? It feels wrong doing something on their grounds without asking for permission."

"Instinct." I wasn't lying on that one. Something tells me there's more to this village than meets the eye. I would love to uncover secrets, but I don't have the time now with this current problem. Life is more important than excitement.

[Bonus] Meeting Furina

"Rejoice, dear Traveler, for you shall have the chance to duel with one as-" Just as she was about to finish her statement, she felt it. Something greater than her was gazing at her very core. Then, he was gone.


"So, shall we use just our weapons or can we use elements?"

"!?" Furina twirled around, seeing the Traveler now behind her. Clorinde jumped to her side, ready to strike Aether down, only to also freeze in place under his gaze.

"A 2v1? That isn't fair~ You're a god aren't you?" Aether smiled, a genuine kind smile. He was just kidding around after all. Furina can guess that much as well, so she told Clorinde to stand down.

It was at this moment that Furina… smiled internally. 'FINALLY! Things are about to be more interesting!'