To The Kamisato Estate!

"Huh… So this is the source of the corruption?" I said as I looked at the Torii that was surrounded by tree roots. "Now, where do I put this ward?"

I went around the place until I finally found the spot where I can put the ward in. Then, the Torii projected a pattern of sorts on the middle while multiple structures started to glow around it. Do I need to copy the pattern?

Walking to one of the structures, I channeled some elemental energy to it and sure enough, it showed an image. Now, I just need to make sure I make that pattern. 

This went on for a few minutes, even with me flying around. And when I finally finished, I felt something off. So, I summoned my Geo Shield (Remember this? I sure don't.) and almost immediately after that, it stopped an incoming strike that came out of nowhere.

"A samurai?"

I jumped back by pure instinct, summoning my sword out. Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I fought someone. This should be a good warmup. 

However, I was caught off guard when the samurai sheathed his katana and unsheathed it in one swift motion. If my eyes weren't fast enough to catch the incoming slash, I would have gotten beheaded on the spot. 

"Well, aren't you rude?"

Putting strength to my legs, I dashed towards the samurai and performed a vertical slash. Again, it was swifter than I could have imagined. It parried my attack and followed up with an attack of its own. An Electro charged slash.

On pure instinct, I created a Geo dagger and parried the attack, only to be blown away by the Electro explosion caused by the katana. Why do I feel like I'm the reason that this samurai is powerful?

"And here I thought that this was gonna be a warmup… Oh well, I guess I'll just go on a bit rougher than intended."

A small amount of Gluttony won't hurt. For me at least, for them it's gonna hurt a lot. And so, I charged my sword and dagger with Gluttony, intending to actually take this fight seriously.


(3rd Person)

Aether sidestepped as a vertical streak of Electro passed him by. Then, within half a second, he appeared behind the samurai. The samurai was quick to react, sending a kick towards Aether, but he caught it without breaking a sweat.

Slowly, the samurai's foot began to crumble to ashes as Aether's hand was engulfed in flames. The samurai jumped back, regenerating the lost limb as its body began to emit electricity.

"A powerup? Dang everyone has one now, huh?"

Aether took a stance, watching the samurai closely. He can't be too confident here. The samurai was fast, and now that it was powered by Electro, who knows just how much faster it is. Aether could theoretically just one shot the samurai, but that would mean releasing a sizable amount of Gluttony or Pride. He's trying to avoid that. After all, he might damage the Sacred Sakura.

"Corruption Style- Yeah no, I'll just do the move."

It was at this moment that Aether finally decided to not call out his moves. He was about to dash and swing at the samurai, but the samurai was faster. So instead, Aether just… stood there. Then, the samurai was blown away. Quickly recovering, the samurai kept on trying to attack Aether, but none of its attacks hit the wandering god.

"Is it the Infinity between us? Or is it just because I became faster?" With a grin, Aether began his own flurry of attacks. Each one hitting the samurai on fatal spots. "Or, it might be none of those. Maybe you just got weaker."

However, much like earlier, the samurai regenerated. Aether didn't stop at that. He rushed the samurai, over and over again. If it tried to escape with its speed, then Aether would be faster. If it tried to parry the blows, then Aether would be stronger. Either way, the samurai didn't stand a chance. As of this current moment, Aether has the potential to destroy Inazuma in an instant, and yet he didn't. 

"Aight, that should be enough for you." And with a single, unavoidable swing, Aether finished off the samurai. If he were to be described in the eyes of someone who can see who you truly are, then Aether would be an endless body of flames that consumes everything and anything in its path.

As if reflecting that statement, the Festering Desire started to glow before being wrapped by both Pride and Gluttony.

'Well, I kinda needed a new sword anyways. '

It might be out of nowhere, but this was inevitable. With all the power that Aether has accumulated, Festering Desire was bound to change to a form suitable to channel and amplify such power. 

When the lights and flames faded, the shape of Festering Desire now was the same as his original sword. Not just the shape, but in appearance as well. It was white with gold details, but now it had branches all over it that were of the same color as Gluttony. It wasn't as brilliant as his original sword as this one had some cracks on its form, indicating a corruption at play. 


Aether swung the sword once, only to cause a rift to open. It seems that he might have to hold back even more now. Not that he minded really, all the more reason to train his control. 


"That's done." Aether stretched as he exited the cave, taking in the fresh air as he did so. Looking around, he saw Thoma sitting on a nearby trunk while Kazari was walking towards Aether. 

"I would like to give you my thanks, however, there are three more of these shrines that need to be cleansed." 

"Oh, alright. Should be fairly easy." 

While they were talking, Thoma walked closer to them and noticed something different. 

"You're Elemental Energy feels more… Calm?" 

"Yeah, I kinda need it to be like that." Without being to further explain what he meant, Kazari spoke up once more. 

"The locations of the other shrines are at Araumi, Kamisato Estate, and Chinju forest."

`Wait a second, Kamisato Estate? There's something dangerous near the estate?'

Seeing Thoma's face change into worry, Aether immediately knew his next course of action. He'll go for the Kamisato Estate first. `Time to meet this Lady Kamisato that wanted to meet me'.