Chapter 2- Again

Once I could no longer keep my eyes open I expected to wake up and see the fires of hell, but I didn't I saw a ceiling.

'When did the ceiling get so high' l thought.

I looked around the room to see a familiar sight of my childhood room.

"Elliot are you up?" I heard a familiar voice say.

When I looked back I saw my mother that look like she was in her mid-twenties.

She had dark brown skin,black hair, and blue eyes that did not look happy right now.

I was speechless I was back in my small 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom childhood home. I go up from bed and ran to hug her.

She was angry but not depressed like she had used to been and she was walking it had seemed to be so long since he last saw his mother walk again.

I let go of her and walked to the mirror that was leaning on the wall.

'Oh my god' I thought.

I look no older than 7 right now so I went 32 years in the past. I touched my face to see if this was really real right now.

"Am I dreaming?" I said.

"Nah ah young man you just came home and went to sleep, go do your chores." mother said.

I just chuckled ,nodded my head, and went to go look for my brother around the house.

'If I'm 7 he should be around 5 by now.' I thought.

"Jamal!" I yelled not wanting to check room by room, not long after I saw him walking slowly over to me.

I remembered he was around the age when he used to follow me anywhere. In the past I hated it, but as I grew older I learned he did it because there no male figure to look up to so the next best thing was me.

"Yes?" He asked

I didn't say anything I just hugged him.

"I'm glad you're alive." I said.

"Uh I'm glad too." Jamal said.

"Ahem didn't I say to go do those chores." Mother said walking up behind me.

"Going right now" I said.

Now that I have another chance I won't screw up this time.