Chapter 3- Plan

"I need a plan." He thought

At the moment the year is 2001, last night Elliot did all his chores then had dinner with his family he hasn't had in so long.

But it was a new day and he needed a way to make dinner rather than later

He grabbed his notebook from his bag and started to write all the jobs that make big money which included NFL, NBA, singer, or professional cook.

In the end he chose to sing because he already had some experience with doing that and his vocal weren't bad.

At the end of the day he walked to the local convince store. He walked to one of the druggies that hung around there and picked one that he knew pretty well from knowing his son.

" Hey! I'll give you $20 if you take this and get me a couple different lottery tickets." Elliot said

"Sure kid I guess we're all trying get lucky out here." He said scratching his head.

After a few minutes he came back out with 2 tickets in his hand. They exchanged the tickets and money and Elliot left.

He remembers this mega millions numbers most because this year was definitely one to remember.

'I need a adult who will follow me willingly.' He thought.

He's only 7 there's only so many things I can do without one. He was debating on who to choose when he thought of 'Jacob Wilson' a 19 year old.

In Elliot's 20's he had heard Jason found this new up and coming entrepreneur and he did a lot of things under the radar only for money and he was a loyal fool.

Elliot went to his house that was coincidentally only a few houses down from his.

"Elliot what are you doing here?" Mrs. Wilson asked.

Our mothers were close friends so the families knew each other well.

"Hello Mrs.Wilson I came to talk to Jacob." Elliot said

She stepped aside and said "Come in."

Mrs. Wilson was about to yell for him when Elliot said.

"It's ok ma'am I'll go to his room I know the way."

After he walked up the stairs and knocked on the closed door. " Come in" Elliot heard so he opened the door.