Chapter 9-Going Places

"There is one more thing I want to add to step 2 Jacob. A brand new sports drink, sports like basketball and football are becoming more and more popular the quicker we get this out there the more we can negotiate with the stars out there." I said confidently sitting across from Jacob.

"Yes sir" He replied.

It's been a month since People's record has been out to the public. Six months ago I had Jacob contact TS to make sure she got to our agency before Big Machine Records. It was difficult because we had barely started construction on the building, but we talked with the parents and made sure that she would be looked after also the offer was $250,000 upfront, a song she wants to debut once construction is done, and made sure she had full ownership of all her songs somethings she had some trouble with in the later years.

With me and TS having our debuts out there the record has gotten instant fame for having two really good up and coming young artists.

All my properties have more than doubled in profit in the market and I also bought 12 more buildings in Los angles and Hollywood making a total of 45.

Before I came back to the past I had a alter ego and it was named 'Apollo Thomas.' It never left. I would deny the fact of having one but everyone around me said I had it. 'She' named it when i was being cold and mean.

So I decided 'Apollo Thomas' would be my alias. I would make 'him' one of the richest people in the world. While I have fun being a singer.

"Hey...Are you ok?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, I just zoned out a bit....since the drink will take some time we shall start Step 3 named Safety, Search, and Money or just SSM for short. I already emailed the SMARTS and they have started with preparations for creating FoodDash which basically ordinary people deliver food to the people who order it online." I said.

SMARTS stands for:







I personally hired 15 people from all over 1 year ago they make the apps, build/test the products, set everything up, etc. Only Jacob and I know of their existence. I didn't take them from their families, but they had a choice.

They had a choice to make 2 million dollars a year but must fake their deaths with the help of us, leaving their lives behind they will move to LA with a new identity and never mention to civilians about the SMARTS.

They're all a little crazy and totally crazy about their jobs especially since I met a few at the psych ward. Even with so few employees, they accomplished leaps and bounds.

"If you left that project to the SMARTS what do you need me for?" Jacob asked.

"Perfect question Jacob you will travel the world for 2 years while you are away you'll find 10 people. 9 of them you will train to be spies, fighters, or war machines by any means necessary. The other is a female around my age named Jasmine Villin somewhere in Europe don't approach just tell me when you find her." I said.

"Ok, I'll leave right away." He said quickly and walked out the door.