Chapter 10-Let's leave

Most of my businesses were elsewhere so nothing was keeping me here besides my family.

"Mother let's move to Los Angles."

She gave me a blank stare and said "How am I going to afford a house over there, besides you boys have school.

"#1 I can pay for a house no problem. #2 I'm sure Jamal will have no problem with it I mean it's LA, and #3 I was hoping with your approval I could do homeschooling and finish up school faster." I said not willing to hear her say no.

"I can't let you do that what kind of parent would I be if I-"

Before she could say more I interrupted saying, "Sorry, don't beat me, I want to do this for the family. It's getting more and more dangerous what kind of son would I be if I had the money to get us out of here and don't use it."

Mother looked like she was on the verge of crying so I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"You know it's kind of an unspoken rule for parents to not let your children see you cry.... and I'm breaking it." She said in between sniffles of her nose.

"If Jamal has no problem with going I see no problem with going." She finally said.

I nodded my head and walked over to the couch to where he was watching TV and asked, "Wanna move to LA?"

"Of course, who wouldn't?" He replied with a gleam in his eyes as if he knew where this was heading.

"Even if you have to leave your friends?"

"Hell yeah, they became fake anyway"

"Ok, go get packing we're leaving in a couple of days."

He got up and walked to his room while I went outside to make a call.

"Hello, this is the Oppenheim group my name is Rebecca Hartman what can I do for you today?"

Of course, I've bought houses in LA but I wanted one perfect for my family. I ended up choosing this group because 'she' had made me watch the show so I thought 'why not?'

"I'd like for you to find me a house to buy in central LA for about 3 million with at least 4 rooms."

"The style?"

"A very homey/modern feel for a family."

"The last thing sir, name, phone number, and email please."

"Apollo Thomas, ***-***-****,"


[A few days later]

After looking at all the homes I picked on that was 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom house with an amazing view for 2,890,500. I also bought another house that was only a few houses down that was smaller and had the style of which a singer or music producer would want to buy with already soundproof walls and instruments.

I got 3 first-class tickets, and we were on the way to Los Angles...