Chapter 11- Another

A couple of days later

Location: Los Angles, California


Yesterday we flew to LA and unpacked most of our stuff. I called the camera crew from the last song to come over. It took over an hour to get to the abandoned building. I opened the half-broken door and saw what I had paid for a grand black piano in the middle.

"Come in." I said as I let the crew inside

"So Mr.Bossman what's this new sin g of yours called." Issac said.

Issac Newman was a part of SMARTS and one of the few who know me as the real boss. He was always energetic and not professional most of the time but I never really mind because he was good at his job.

"It's called 'The woman' Issac now stop wasting time and let's get started."

I had hired 3 paid actors to help me with this video. A little platinum blonde-haired girl with blue eyes and a male and female that looks like the older versions of me and her.

I walked to sit on the piano tool that was in the middle of the abandoned building played a few notes and nodded my head at the cameraman to start.

'I met the woman of my dreams

I haven't met her but she's there

And once we meet

You won't wanna leave

I tried to do things to impress you

But I screwed up

I'm a mess

You walked out of my life~

now that I make have another chance

I want you to be forever with me.'


(Piano piece 'apart' by Lucas Forch)

When the song was done I thanked the actors for helping then walked over to Isaac and said," Everything all set?"

"Yes, boss.... if you don't mind me asking who's this to?"

"The woman I can't get out my head." I said and started to walk to the exit.

In these 1 and a half months since my debut song, it has over 3million views and I have about 400k subscribers on youtube

The next day 'The woman' (official video) was released.

It started with soft piano notes and a young boy playing the piano as the song progressed the boy turned into a man in his 20's and a female sitting beside him playing a couple of notes with him. As they smile at each other the man's eyes start to look dead and the female's eyes look sad until she turns around from the piano and just walks away.


'PoppyDog: Wow that hit deep'

' Daisy Dances: How did he meet he but also didn't?'

'Cloudchick: It's a good song whoever created the imagery to go with this is amazing'

'KirbySucks: The song is obviously about a guy who reincarnated and wants his girl back.'

'@kirbysucks. Wowza Wizard: You read too many novels my dude this is reality.'

@Wowza Wizard. KirbySucks: Go eat a flipflop.

'ToxicPeople: Nah it about a girl who broke up with him/ or died/ or he pushed them away too far just to regret it all later'

' Wowza Wizard: Makes sense.'

@ToxicPeople.Pineapple Pizza: How did a 12-year-old something kid create this type of song though.

Some of the comments said.

As I laid in bed staring at the ceiling above I was lost in thought and soon after falling asleep not seeing the email that just arrived.