The Test

Izuku wake up at 4 AM before he start doing his routine workout for 2 hours then he go to shower and prepare himself for the "Big" day

'The UA High, one of if not the most difficult school to enter. With a small acceptance rate of 1 in 300, this hero school is no joke' Izuku though as he walk his way to UA

Some time later Izuku reach UA, there he see the gigantic building with all of it's glory

" 'Whistle' So this is my AO (Area of Operation) for the next 3 years, eh?" Izuku said smiling looking at the building until a blonde dynamite ruin it

"Get out of my way before I set you on fire!" Bakugou threatened Izuku

"Good luck to you too" Izuku reply unaffected by the threat before moving to the side

"Tch!" Bakugou snarl then walk his way inside UA

"I'm still sure his brain was contaminated by the Sludge villain 2 months ago" Izuku said shaking his head

"Time to-" Izuku said but he was tripped by an uneven tile

'Seriously? I have military grade sensors in my eyes, and yet I tripped?' Izuku though as he is falling, he extend his hands for a front flip but to his surprise he is floating

"...Okay... I'm pretty sure I'm not drunk or high... but did I... float?" Izuku said confuse of his situation

"Oh it was me!" A female voice said to Izuku making him look at the female as he is upside down

"I stopped you with my quirk! I'm sorry for not asking, but it it'd be bad luck if you fell, right?" The female teenager claim before she put Izuku back at his two feet

"Couldn't agree more" Izuku agree with the female saviour

"Aren't you nervous?" The female teenager ask

"No, I wasn't paying attention on my surrounding. But yeah, I was quite nervous" Izuku answer scratching the back of his head

The female teenager smile "Let's do our best! See ya!" She said exited before running to the auditorium

"Heee, nice girl. Quite cute as well" Izuku said smiling then he walk to the auditorium

Once inside the auditorium he take a seat and in the stage pro hero Present Mic began the orientation

"For all you examinee listener tuning in! Welcome to my show today! Everybody say "YEAH!" " Present Mic shouted but no one shouted back including Izuku

"Wow tough crowd. Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam!" Present Mic yell then the screen began to show the rundown

"As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten minutes mock urban battles after this! You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay!" Present Mic explain the exam

"Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains!" Present Mic explain as the screen show four shades of villains with the point 0, 1, 2, 3 above them

"Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!" Present Mic reminded the examinees

As Present Mic about to continue he was cut by someone

"May I ask a question?" A tall glassed teenager ask

"Okay!" Present Mic allowed the teenager asking

"On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that a misprint, then UA, the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake" The glassed teenager claim

'God Lord, this guy is an idiot' Izuku though facepalming

"Okay! Okay! Examinee number 7111! Thanks for the great message! As for the fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak!" Present Mic Explain as the screen zoom in on the zero point villain

"An obstacle, huh?" Izuku said holding his chin

"There's one in every battle center an obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either" Present Mic explain

"There's one in each sites and will go crazy? So it's like a trap in the alleyway waiting for someone stupid or careless or a third faction decided to crash the party" Izuku analyze

"I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it!" Present Mic told the examinee

"Hmm...something fishy about that zero pointer" Izuku said making mental note to avoid that villain at all cost

"That's all from me! Finally, I'll give you listeners a present! Our school motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said "A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes" Go beyond!" Present Mic yell

"Plus Ultra!" The examinees yell together


The examinees now in their own battle center, Izuku is in battle center A

Izuku wear a sunglasses and an army tan t-shirt with a light body armor and a cargo army pants, he carry a single Beretta 92F pistol with 5 extra magazines and a combat knife

Izuku checked his gun then cocked it making those around him feel nervous, Izuku then see the nice girl he meet earlier then walk to her before a hand stop him

"Hold it right there!" The hand belonging to the tall glassed guy from earlier stop Izuku

"That girl is trying to focus, what are trying to do here? Sabotage us? And why did you carry a gun? This is an unresponsible and unheroic behaviour of yours. I recommend you quit this exam before you bring harm to others!" The glassed guy scolded Izuku

Meanwhile Izuku just look at him with a "what the fuck" face and decided to ignore and move away from him making the glassed guy to yell at Izuku about responsibilities and stop sabotaging the exam

Izuku rolled his eyes choosing to ignore the glassed guy when he see the door to the city is opening, he then grab his gun and put the safety off

The Glassed guy seeing Izuku grab is gun only scold Izuku even more but Izuku just straight out ignore him

As the doors open enough for a person to pass through, Izuku run to the doors and inside the city surprising the other examinee especially the glassed guy

Inside the city Izuku's radar began to work then spotted multiple villains around him, then 5 faux villain appear around him

"Target located. Proceeding to eliminate" One of the faux villain said as they move to Izuku

Izuku aim then fire the faux villains, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" 5 thundering sound echo the fake city then 5 faux villains drop to the ground with a bullet hole in their heads. Izuku look at the downed villains for a second before he run deeper to the city

Back at the gates the other examinee are confuse "What is he doing?! The exam hasn't be-"The glassed guy yell in anger and confusion but was cut by Present Mic

"What are you listeners doing?! There are no countdown in real battle! That listener have the right idea! He already have 15 points...! 17...! 20...! Move it!" Present Mic yell making the rest of the examinee run inside the city

Meanwhile with Izuku he just shot down 20 more villains, he run pass the street before he jump to the left avoiding a 3 pointer

"Target located. Pro-" The 3 pointer doesn't finish as Izuku throw his knife at the 3 pointer head making it shut down

Izuku then go to the robot and pulled out the knife but then beside him multiple villains are floating high before they fall down and destroyed by the impact

"Good, that should be at lest 28 points" The nice girl said happily

'Nice' Izuku though smiling then he see the glassed guy who have engine on his legs kick a villain

"That should give me 45 points" The glassed guy said

'Shit, even though he's an ass, he's good' Izuku though annoyed

At the monitor room, an animal of unknown species and other teachers are watching the examinees effort through cameras screen

"Clearly the examinees have no idea how many villains are present or their locations, they have limited time to cover a vast area and hunt down every last target" The animal or the principle of UA, Nezu said looking at the screen

"Some use information gathering ability to plan out strategy" Nezu said as the screen show a six handed examinee in top of a building

"While some use speed to pull ahead of their peers" Nezu continue as the screen show the glassed guy sprinting

"Of course remaining calm under pressure can be a huge advantage" The screen show an examinee with a strange looking belt firing a laser

"As can pure power and combat ability" The screen show Bakugou destroying multiple villains with ease

"The most successful students use a combination of all these tactics. They're the one who rack up the highest scores" Nezu finished

"Hmm...I'd say this year group looks promising, and you have a competitor, Snipe" A female teacher known as Midnight commented

"Yeah, his shooting skill is remarkable. I'd say his on par or even superior then mine" Snipe said making the other teacher look at him

"Really? I know by looking at the screen his shooting skills are incredible, but you said he's superior then you?" Midnight ask surprise

"He shoot every villain directly in the head while he and the villains are moving around and not to mention he shoot 10 villains in less then 10 seconds. His aiming skill are fast and precise, he's good" Snipe explain making the teachers surprise

'So Young Midoriya is here, huh? You are one tough guy to find, Young Midoriya. And your skills are truly remarkable, even one of our teacher who is a shooter himself acknowledge your skills' All Might though looking at Izuku's skills

"Wow...but what do you think his quirk is?" Midnight ask

"Whatever the quirk he have, he showed us that he is more than able to operate under pressure effectively and efficiently. That alone is the proof of how well trained he was" All Might commented with proud

Nezu just smile "Well there still plenty of time before it's over, the real test has yet to come. Let's see how they react" He said as he pushed a big red button

In the city everything is shaking violently and there's a large dust cloud from the center of the city gaining the attention of the examinees

They all looked up and see a gigantic robot taller than most building there moving towards their location smashing everything on it's path

Soon everyone start running away in panic and horror as the 0 pointer moving to them

Izuku looked at the 0 pointer "Not impossible to defeat, eh? Yeah not impossible...with GBU-43/B MOAB that is" He said sarcastically before he about to run away but then he hear something

"Ow!" A voice from near the 0 pointer can be heard by Izuku, Izuku stop then look back and see nothing but dust cloud

Izuku look confuse, he look a his radar and it showed nothing there except the 0 pointer

"Wide Map*" Izuku said the his radar became a battlefield size map and cover the entire battlefield

"Scan" Izuku said then the map began scanning the battlefield, a few seconds later a blue diamond* appear right in front of the 0 pointer surprising Izuku

"What the fu..." Izuku curse then began to run at the blue diamond location

As Izuku run he see who is the blue diamond. The nice cute girl who he met in earlier "It'd be bad luck if you fell, right?" Izuku remember her words from back then and run faster towards her

The girl's left leg is trapped under a large rubble and she is in pain

"There are no combat points for taking on a huge villain. But there is an opportunity, a chance to shine. To show what you're really made of" All Might said as he see Izuku run to the girl's location

Izuku then arrive at the girl's location "Hey! You're good?! Can you move?!" He ask the girl

"No...I'm stuck" The girl said as she point the stuck leg

"Ok, hold on" Izuku said the he grab the large debris and start lifting it

"Arrrggg!" Izuku scream as he lifted the debris from the girl's leg

The girl then began to crawl out "I'm out! I'm free!" She said happily

Izuku the drop the debris and check on her "Ok, did your leg hurt? Or can you move?" Izuku ask

"I think I sprained my leg, sorry" The girl apologize

"Don't, yo-" Izuku didn't finish as the 0 pointer destroy a building and closing in on them

"Shit! We need to move, now!" Izuku curse then he lift the girl in a princess carry making her blush then began to run to the exit

Unfortunately for the two the 0 pointer saw them and try to grab them

"Kyaaaa! It's trying to get us!" The girl scream in panic while Izuku keep on running

"Hey listen! You're not gonna like this, but..." Izuku said hesitating

"But what? Not liking what?" The girl ask confuse and terrified

"Can you use your quirk on yourself?" Izuku ask

"Uh yeah, why?" The girl answer confuse

"Use it on yourself now!" Izuku ordered still running away from the 0 pointer

"W-w-why?" The girl ask even more confuse

Izuku look back and see the 0 pointer's hand is almost get them "No time explaining! Use it, now!" Izuku yell

The girl still confuse and terrified comply and use her quirk on herself "D-done" The girl said and Izuku feel the girl like have no weight on her

"Hold on to yourself!" Izuku yell then he throw her away

"KYAAAA!!!" The girl scream terrified as she been throw away, she look back and see the gigantic 0 pointer hand slam Izuku

"BLAM!!!" The 0 pointer hand slam the ground and Izuku making a large dust cloud and those who see it had their eyes wide open

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" The girl scream in horror as she landed a couple dozens of meters from where Izuku is crushed

In the monitor room the teacher are terrified

"Oh no! Is he alright?!" Midnight yell in horror

"Oh my God!" Snipe yell in horror

"Young Midoriya!" All Might yell in horror

Nezu look at the screen with horror "Did we... gone too far?..." He said

Back in the city the examinees had a rollercoaster of emotion running thru their minds, one of them had died in the exam... had died...

"NOOOOO!!!... no... no..." The girl scream before she start to cry, a person die because of her

As the dust cloud clear out something is moving from the 0 pointer hand, they all look and surprise by what they see

Izuku is alive and now sandwich between the 0 pointer's fingers

"...Oh shit... I lived..." Izuku said stunned before the 0 pointers hand start to lift and Izuku get up and run to the girl and carry her away from there

"Y-y-you a-alive?... you're alive!" The girl scream with joy then hug Izuku in relief

"...I lived... fuck me I lived!" Izuku yell happily as he carry the girl to safety

"Oh thank God" Midnight sigh in relief that Izuku is alive

"Wow... Young one lucky son of a bitch, but I have to say, that is one hell of a self sacrifice" All Might said in relief and proud of the young soldier

"I guess we all worried for nothing" Nezu said smiling

After some distance running away from the 0 pointer Izuku stop and look back but then Present Mic yell "And times up!" He yell across the battle center

"Wow he's nuts" An examinee commented

"Yeah, I guess he's no joke" An examinee reply

"But man, I though he was crushed by the 0 pointer" An examinee said

"I guess he's lucky" An examinee reply

'They all missing the point. Did they not see what he just did? He knew that it was impossible to take down that 0 pointer with his weapon and yet he didn't hesitate to save the girl' The glassed guy though looking at Izuku with respect

"Wonderful work. You're all heroes in my eyes, every one of you. Here, have some candy" An old lady with a nurse outfit said as she gave the examinees gummy candies

"You okay, dear? Is anything hurt?" the old lady ask the girl in Izuku's arms

"Uh, yeah, my ankle is sprained" The girl reply bashfully

"Okay, hold still" The old lady said then she kissed her making the sprained leg back to normal

"Wow! It heal! But...why I do feel tir..." The girl said before she fall asleep in Izuku's arms making him confuse

"Did she pass out?" Izuku ask confuse

Before the old lady can reply an examinee with a strange belt explain "You're watching the school nurse in action. The youthful heroine, Recovery Girl" he said and Recovery Girl bow slightly, Izuku then bow as well

"Her quirk is a tremendous boost of healing power. She's saving her months of recovery time. She's the only reason UA can hold these reckless exam" The examinee explain

"Thank you, sonny, and the reason she's sleeping is because my healing quirk speed up a person's natural recovery from injury and that require a large amount of stamina" Recovery Girl explain

"So she passed out because you rerouted all her stamina into healing?" Izuku ask

"Yes, you're right, sonny" Recovery Girl reply

"So is there's somewhere I can put her down?" Izuku ask looking at the unconscious girl in his arms

"You can put her in the infirmary, sonny" Recovery Girl said then pointed at the building "It's in the main building, 1st floor just right from the entrance" She explain

Izuku nodded then began to walk there. After he reach the infirmary he put down the girl in the nurse bed, Izuku look at the girl then stroke her hair away from her face

"I know she's cute but damn, she's very cute, cuter than any girl I have ever seen before" Izuku said a little red in the cheeks

"Well get some rest, you need it, see you later" Izuku said smiling before he go out from the infirmary then went home

A few days later, Izuku is sitting in his sofa cleaning parts of his M416 when he hear a bell

'Hm? Must be from UA' Izuku though as he go to the door and see an envelope in his mail box

He then open the envelope and a hologram device is inside it. He grab the device and set it up

"I am here! As a projection!" All Might exclaimed

"...All Might?" Izuku said confuse

"You might be wondering! what am I All Might doing in a UA letter?!" All Might exclaimed

"Nope" Izuku said uninterested as he grab a slice of pizza then eat it

"Well you are looking at the newest UA faculty member!" All might exclaimed

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"...ok..." Izuku simply said with a Saitama uninterested face

"Huh? Yes, what's the matter? who's showboating? Oh sorry I'll wrap it up but I have to show him something first. Wait I have to do how many of these things?" All might ask unaware that he is still recording

"...I have doubt that he is the No. 1 hero...sigh, I guess I have no choice but to get used to it" Izuku said sighing

"Right! So, moving on!" All Might clear his throat "You passed the written exam with flying colors, Young Midoriya. You gain full marks, impressive!" All Might exclaimed making Izuku smile

"And for the practical exam, you also pass with flying colors as well! Gaining 120 points!" All Might exclaimed but Izuku is confuse

"120? I'm pretty sure I only have 60 not 120, an extra points?" Izuku said confuse but All Might continue

"You might be wondering, why you have 120 points! But first let see this clip!" All Might said pressing a button the the girl that Izuku saved appear in the screen

"Um, do you have a sec. Sorry to interrupt" The girl said inside the teacher office

"That's her" Izuku said in shock and relief that she is okay

"You know that boy with a really messy hair and all the freckles? His face is handsome and cool, he's the one who save me, you know" The nice girl said blushing trying to describe Izuku

"Handsome and cool, eh?" Izuku said blushing a little while scratching the back of his head

"Is there some way to give him some of the points I earned in the exam?" The girl ask surprising Izuku

"Wait... so those extra 60 is from her?" Izuku said surprise but decided to calm down and listen till the end

"He risk his live to save me. I though when the 0 pointer's hand slam him he is dead... but he survived, I'm so glad that he is alive and he deserve to be a hero more than me. He saved me, I have to make it up to him, please sir, can you give him my points! Please!" The girl plea then the video is pause

"As you see, your action inspire others. And that's why I am here! You see the practical exam was not graded based on combat alone!" All Might exclaimed

"So I have both the secret points and hers? No... I don't think they would give up her points for me like that, so the extra 60 must've came fully from the secret points" Izuku analyze

"Thanks for up to the station for the request" Present Mic who is talking with the girl reply then patted her head "But there's no reason to give him your points, that kid charting is well on his own" Present Mic said

"How could the hero course reject someone who was committed to saving others, no matter the consequences to himself? After all that's what makes a hero" All Might said then the screen show the scores of the examinees

"So we have rescue points! A panel of judges watches and they award heroic act for beyond just fighting villains" All Might exclaims then Izuku's score is shown

"Izuku Midoriya: 60 villain points! 60 rescue points! With a combine total of 120 points! You earn the first spot both in the written and practical exam! Congratulation, Young Midoriya!" All Might exclaimed with proud

"Uraraka Ochako: 28 villain points! 45 rescue points! You both passed the exam! Welcome, Young Midoriya to your hero academia!" All Might finished then the hologram died out

Izuku is smiling widely "OOH RAH!!! Alright, operation complete! That's one for the books" He yell excitedly

*Wide Map: A large map appear in Izuku's sight that cover the entire area where he is at, the map display the topography, weather, building, roads, rivers, bridges, every personnel inside the map, etc. The map can go as wide as 500m X 500m

*Blue diamond: This is the interpretation of the IFF that is part of Izuku's quirk. The IFF display info of the object in colors:

-Blue: Allied

-Orange: Confirm hostiles

-Red: Hostile engaging

-Green: Civilian

-White: Unknown

-Black: Dead allied/civilian/hostile

The diamond a part of a marking system. The IFF give specific marking based on what the object is:

-Diamond: People, such as; civilian, soldiers, heroes, hostiles, etc

-Square: Ground vehicles, such as; cars, trucks, tanks, etc

-Circle: Airborne vehicles, such as; planes, helicopters, drones, etc

-Hexagon: Naval vehicles, such as; boats, warships, submarines, etc