School Time

Izuku is standing at the now clean Dagobah Beach watching the beach and sunset from the shores

"I guess all the hard work for the past 10 months paid off" Izuku said looking at the beautiful view

"I get to train my body and the beach is now clean, now this is something I want to see when I wake up in the morning a beautiful beach not some oversize trash bin" Izuku said proud with his work for the past 10 months cleaning up the beach

Izuku look at his watch "Hmm better get home and have some rest, I have a big day tomorrow. I know this is not the path I want to take, but... orders are orders and a soldier I have to obeyed that orders. Let's just hope you make the right decision, General" Izuku said before he go back to his apartment

The next day

Izuku is walking inside of UA looking for his class

"Hmm 1A, where is it?" Izuku said to himself as he look around the halls then he found his classroom

"Holy... this is one big door" Izuku said looking at the gigantic door with the the word 1A painted on it

"...unlike those inside this door, my motivation in here is not to become a hero, but to obeyed my orders. Still, the most promising student's in the country are waiting behind this door" Izuku said looking at the door

"Just hope Bakugou and glassed guy is not here" Izuku said before he open the door and get inside only to find someone is arguing and to his disappointment it's those two who is arguing

"Take your feet off the desk, now!" Iida ordered Bakugou

"Huh?" Bakugou said not caring for the glassed guy

"It's the first day and you already disrespecting the academy by scuffing school property, you cretan!" Iida scolded Bakugou

"Your kidding me right? Your old school put up your ass or were born with it?" Bakugou said mockingly almost insulting Iida

"But I've been wrong before, fuck..." Izuku said not believing his luck to be stuck with them

"Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy" Iida reintroduce

"Somei huh? So you must think you're better than me! I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one!" Bakugou laugh evilly

"Gasp! You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?" Iida ask with doubt and surprise before he look at the door and see Izuku

"It's you!" Iida exclaimed pointing at Izuku and the whole class look at Izuku

Izuku then look behind him before looking back to Iida "Oh me?" He ask confuse

"Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida from-"Iida introduce himself on to be cut by Izuku

"-Somei Private Academy, I know. The name is Izuku Midoriya" Izuku greeted

"Midoriya, I shouldn't have misjudge you so quickly. You perceived the true nature of that test. You are indeed the superior candidate" Iida apologize while feeling unworthy

"Ok hold horses or in your case your engines. I do not know there's a rescue points in the exam. I just do what is the right thing to do" Izuku assure Iida

Suddenly Uraraka showed up behind Izuku "Hey I recognize that messed up hair! The savior!" Uraraka exclaimed as she walk inside the classroom

"Oh it's you, good to see you alright. Is your leg still hurt?" Izuku greet her then ask her about her injury

"No I'm good. Recovery Girl heal my leg, so I'm good now" Uraraka answer happily

'Man does she look cute with her uniform' Izuku though amused

"What do you think we're doing today beside orientation? I wonder what our teacher's like! I can't wait to meet everybody!" Uraraka exclaimed while Izuku is smiling at her attitude

Izuku then spotted something in his radar, something or someone is outside the classroom. Izuku look outside and see a person inside a yellow sleeping bag

"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now" The man inside the sleeping bag said. Uraraka and Iida gasped while Izuku had a confuse face

"Welcome to UA's hero course" The man then suck a juice bag inside his sleeping bag

'What is that thing?!' Uraraka and Iida though confuse

'Is his quirk a giant worm?' Izuku though confuse

"It took you 8 seconds for you all to shut up. Rational students would understand that time is precious" The man said before he stand up

'Shota Aizawa, pro hero Eraserhead' Izuku though reading Aizawa's info with his IFF

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher" Aizawa said flatly

"Our teacher?!' The students though confuse

"This is a little sudden, but put this on and head outside" Aizawa said as he pulled out a blue gym uniform from his sleeping bag

"Uh, sir, permission to speak freely?" Izuku said

"Sigh, go ahead" Aizawa said tiredly

"Did you wear that sleeping bag from the teachers lounge all the way here?' Izuku ask

"Yes, why?" Aizawa answer then ask

"It's did you move from there to here? Did you crawl? Roll? Or jumped?" Izuku ask but Aizawa just look at him with an annoyed face before he go out leaving them

"I guess I'm not gonna get the answer" Izuku said

"Yeah, but I do wonder how he able to move though" A boy with yellow hair said with the rest agreeing

"Well let's not make him wait, move out people" Izuku ordered then they all move to change uniform

At the field

"A quirk assessment test?" Everyone but Izuku ask confuse

"But orientation, we're gonna missed it" Uraraka said

"If you all want to excel, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies" Aizawa answer making Uraraka surprise

"Here at UA we're not tethered to traditions that means I get run my class however I see fit. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by nit letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational" Aizawa explain before he look at Izuku

"Midoriya, you scored the highest in the entrance exam" Aizawa said surprising Bakugou

"What?! What do you mean he score the highest in the exam?!" Bakugou yell but Aizawa ignore him

"What was your best score for the softball throw while you in junior high?" Aizawa ask

"65-66 meters, I think" Izuku answer

"Great, try doing it with your quirk" Aizawa said the he pass a softball to Izuku

"Well I hope you're not disappointed, Mr. Aizawa. Cause my quirk can't help me in this situation" Izuku said as he prepare to throw the ball

"What do you mean your quirk can't help you in this situation?" Aizawa ask confuse

"My quirk is an observation type, Mr. Aizawa. It didn't give me any physical boost or anything" Izuku answer surprising the students that he able to get 1st place with only observation

"So that's why you use a gun" Aizawa ask remembering the entrance exam

"Yes sir" Izuku reply

"Just hurry up, you're wasting time" Aizawa said annoyed

"Here goes nothing" Izuku said then he throw away the ball

"You've never gotten to use you quirks in physical test before. But doing that now will allowed me to figure out your potential as pro hero" Aizawa said then show the class Izuku's score, he gained 110 meters

"110 meters?! That's amazing!" A boy with yellow hair yell surprise

"And that without any quirk boost up! He's so manly!" A boy with red spiky hair exclaimed

"But we can use our quirks, right? I wanna go! That's looks like fun!" A girl with pink skin yell excited

"This is what I'm talking about! Using our quirks as much as we want!" A boy with circular elbow said smiling

"So this looks fun, huh? Idiots. Today you'll compete in 8 physical test to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately" Aizawa said with a creepy smile making the students surprise

"He may look laid back but I guess he's no joke" Izuku said unaffected by the threat

"You can't send one of us home! I mean we just get here! It's only the first day, and even if it wasn't, that isn't fair!" Uraraka protested with the other agreeing

"Oh and you think natural disasters are? Or crimes?" Aizawa ask back making the students confuse

"No, the world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to overcome that unfairness. So go beyond, plus ultra style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here" Aizawa said smirking while pointing at the students that was shocked by his explanation

"Well the world is not all rainbow and sunshines and if you couldn't grow up from that then I'm afraid none of you can survived alone in the world, not just as a hero but as a normal person as well" Izuku commented

"Heh, nice one, Midoriya" Aizawa said silently

'I don't approve this kind of hazing, but UA's the top hero program. I have no choice' Iida though then drink some water from his bottle

'Time to blow these nerds away, especially guns over there. He dared to take away my spotlight, he'll pay' Bakugou though smirking while glaring at Izuku

"Now then, We're just wasting time by talking, let's the games begin" Aizawa said then the physical exam is started

"Test 1: 50 meter dash

"Runner on your mark, ready" A camera bot said as Iida and a girl with frog features preparing to run

"Go!" The camera bot said then both Iida and the frog girl run

"3.24 seconds" The camera bots announced Iida's score

'At 50 meters I can only get to 3rd gear' Iida though

"Well he's definitely in his elements, but speed won't help him in every test" Aizawa though looking at Iida's score

"5.58 seconds" The camera bots announced the frog girl score

"Kero" The frog girl said as she finished

"I'll lighten up my clothes. Oh and my shoes too" Uraraka said as she use her quirk on her clothes and shoes. She then began to run with a boy with a tail

"5.49 seconds" The camera bots announced the boy with tail score

"7.15 seconds" The camera bots announced Uraraka's score

'Well at least that's higher than Jr. High' Uraraka though smiling

Next is a a pink girl with horn and a boy with strange belt

"Nice attempts, mon amie. But your just not showing enough pazaaz, let my power shine" The boy with strange belt stated as he fire off his laser then propel himself backwards to the finish line but the laser stop and he stop as well making the pink girl to catch up

"5.51 Seconds" The camera bots announced both the pink girl and the boy with strange belt scores

'Testing the upper limits of their power helps me assess their room for growth, it before clear what they can and can't do, their true potential' Aizawa though the Izuku and Bakugou are next

"Sometimes pro have to be creative in order to be succeed" Aizawa though as both Bakugou and Midoriya started their race

"Burst speed!" Bakugou yell as he use his explosion to propel his way to the finish line

"4.13 seconds" The camera bots announce Bakugou's score. Bakugou then look back to see Izuku in the dust but to his surprise

"4.91 seconds" The camera bots announce Izuku's score surprising Bakugou who though Izuku is far behind him

'4.91? At least it's under 5' Izuku though

"What the? Damn he. My quirk has more uses than anyone else in this school" Bakugou gritted his teeth

Test 2: Grip strength

Izuku griped the measurement device and get 90 kg grip strength "90? Nice" He said satisfied

Then a boy with 6 arms get 540 kg grip

"Wow you hit 540 kilograms! Your such a beast!" A boy with circle elbow compliment

"Yeah like a muscly octopus" A short boy with purple ball hair commented

Test 3: Standing long jump

The students are jumping as far as they can with their quirks

The boy with strange belt use his laser to get across

Bakugou use his explosive to get across

Uraraka zero gravity herself and float across

The frog girl jumped all the way across

Izuku jumped and almost nailed to get across but he land on the sand just a shy 5cm from the finish line

Test 4: Repeated side step

The boy with ball hair use his hair to bounce back and forth against the balls

'Well that's unique' Izuku though looking at the bouncing boy

Test 5: Ball throw

Since Izuku already did it he's not participating

Bakugou prepare himself to throw, he look at Izuku with stink eye before he scream

"DIE!!!" Bakugou scream as he use his explosive to propel the ball in the air

He gained 705.2 meters

"Wow, that's far" The boy with yellow hair claim

"Yeah, that was awesome" The boy with circular elbow said with awe

'Take that, guns! I'm better than you!' Bakugou though arrogantly but Izuku ignore him

Uraraka was next. She use her quirk at the ball then throw it. The ball climb higher and higher until it disappear from sight

Aizawa then show her score and this surprise everyone

"Infinity?!" The students yell surprise at the score if that can be consider as a score that is

"That's insane! How's that possible?!" The boy with yellow hair ask surprise

"Even if she float the ball to space it's still only 100 kilometers and if she float it around the world it's still 40,075 kilometers, not infinity" Izuku said confuse of the measurement device logic

Test 6: Endurance run

The students lined up in the starting line "Runner on your mark, ready" The camera bots said then they all prepare to tun

"Go!" The camera bots said then they all began to run at top speed

Bakugou use his explosion, the boy with strange belt use his laser, Iida go up to his 5 gear, the frog girl jumped around, everyone is using their quirk to the best of their abilities to run as far as possible

One by one the students began to slow down even Bakugou is running now because he's hand are hurting, Iida's engine began to overheat and he start to run in lower gear. Meanwhile Izuku keep on running like he wasn't tired at all

"On your left" Izuku said as he run past the students who is stunned by Izuku's stamina

The students began to run at a lower speed but then "On your left" Izuku said as he keep on running faster then them and not even dropping his pace

"Huh? Oh okay, on my left" The boy with yellow hair said panting as others

The students still running when Izuku is about to pass them

"Don't say it! Don't you say it!" The pink girl yell but then "On your left" Izuku said as he run pass them

"Oh come on!" The students groan and some of them try to chase down Izuku but unfortunately Izuku is already leaving them in the dust, again


The students are taking rest under a tree, some are tired as hell, some looks like they about to throw up, and some are just plain old dead when Izuku approach them

"Need a medic?" Izuku ask as he approach them

"Hah...hah...hah... I-I n-need a new set of l-lungs..." The boy with red spiky hair claim

"Dude... you just run like 20 kilometers in just 30 minutes..." The boy with yellow hair said panting

"Guess I got a late start" Izuku claimed surprising them

"Cough... really? You should be ashamed of yourself" The boy with circular elbow said

"Yeah, you should take another lap" The pink girl recommend

"...did you just took it? I assume you just took it" An invisible girl assume

"Midoriya, how you able to do that? Even I who have an engine in my legs cannot run that long?" Iida ask with the others hoping for an answer

"Well when your quirk does not give you a physical boost, then you have to boost up yourself. I trained hard real hard, besides this run is not the longest run I have ever done" Izuku explain and the last one surprise the students

"You have run longer and further than this?" Uraraka ask surprise as others

"Yes ma'am" Izuku answer then Aizawa called them to do the other test

"Alright people, time to move on. And don't protest on me but on him" Izuku ordered them

"He's right! Let's move my fellow friends" Iida claimed then start walking away

"Well you all, thanks for the run. If that's what you want to call running that is" Izuku joked

"Oh that's how it is?" The boy with red spiky hair ask stunned

"Oh that's how it is" Izuku reply smirking

Timeskip to the result

"Alright, let's see the result. You should all have a pretty good idea of where you stand" Aizawa said as he display a hologram of the scores. A student name Yaoyorozu gain first while Izuku gain 4th place and a student name Mineta was last

"Nooooo...I can't be last place! I haven't done anything!" The short boy yell in agony

"And I was lying, no one's going home" Aizawa said as he tuned off the hologram making the students except Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Bakugou, Tokoyami, and Izuku look at him with shock expression

"That was just rational deception, to make sure you give it your all in the tests" Aizawa said with a creepy smile

"I'm surprise the rest of you didn't figure that out, I'm sorry I should guess I should've said something" Yaoyorozu said a little regret

'Yeah, you should have' Everyone though looking at her

"That was pretty nerve racking though, eh?" Sero ask while laughing little

"Nah, it was a good challenge!" Kirishima exclaimed

Bakugou just scoff then turn away

"That's it, we're done for today. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom and read it over by tomorrow. Things are gonna be tougher tomorrow when your actual training begins. Make sure you're prepared" Aizawa said then he walk away leaving the confuse, stunned, and shocked students behind

"Well I have to say" Izuku started and everyone look at him "This is one hell of a first day, isn't it?" he finished

"Yeah, man, that was tough" Kirishima said tiredly

"And this is not even the actual training" Kaminari whine

"Rivalry in the dark" Tokoyami said

"Kero?" Asui said confuse of Tokoyami response

"Sooo...what now?" Mina ask

"Let's get out of here before Mr. Aizawa had a change of hearts and expelled us" Izuku said then they all return to the classroom


Izuku is walking out from UA when Iida call him

"Midoriya!" Iida call him then approach him "How are you?" He ask

"I'm good, though you and the others is not so much after the endurance run" Izuku answer

"Yeah, you aced us back there" Iida reply smiling "I was a bit concerned by Mr. Aizawa's approach to class, but I trust the school's judgement. UA is the top program" Iida exclaimed

'Well he's not an ass but somehow really serious about school' Izuku though

"HEY!!!" A person call them, they look back and see Uraraka running towards them "Wait up you two! Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!" She exclaimed

"Oh you're the infinity girl" Iida said not remembering her name

"I'm Ochako Uraraka. Let's see..." Uraraka said then he look at Iida " You are Tenya Iida..." She then look at Izuku "And your name is... uh... I'm sorry I don't remember your name" She said bashfully

"It's okay, my name is Izuku Midoriya" Izuku introduce his name

"Nice to meet you two!" Uraraka said happily before the three of them began to walk to the station

"In a way I survived the first day at UA. Mr. Aizawa is a unique guy for sure, but at least I have friends. Guess this is my high school life for now" Izuku though walking home