Explosive Training

"Hey, Bakugou! Give me your status! What happen?!" Iida ask Bakugou through the small radio

"Just shut up and defend. I'm really angry right now!" Bakugou reply angrily

"I'm not asking about how you feel!" Iida ask before Bakugou cut the transmission "Hey! He hung up... going off on his own like that... what is wrong with him! Jeez!" Iida yell frustrated

"What was Bakugou saying? Can't tell with just the cameras in a fixed position and no sound" Kirishima ask confuse while looking at the screen

"He's talking to his partner over the small wireless radio" All Might answer pointing at the radio on his ear "You can bring that plus the building's floor plan, and this capture tape!" All Might explain showing a capture tape to the students "Once you wrapped this around your opponent, it shows that you've captured them" All Might explain

"The time limit is 15 minutes, and the heroes don't know where the nuclear weapon is located, right?" Mina ask

"Yes!" All Might answer

"The heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here!" Mina complained

"Heroes should be able to turn the tables on whatever predicament they're in. Beside, didn't Mr. Aizawa tell you, too?" All Might explain then asked

"You know-- here we go--" All Might said lifting his fist

"Plus Ultra!" The student yell together

"Monsieur, Bakugo is--" Aoyama said then All Might look back to the screen

Bakugou position his arms and Izuku notice this

"Uraraka run!" Izuku ordered her

"Okay!" she obeyed then began to run

Bakugou make an explosion and launch himself to Izuku then kick him in the face but Izuku block the kick easily

"Looking away? You must be sure of yourself" Bakugou said but then he notice Izuku put the capture tape in his leg

"Amateur" Izuku said as he try to tie up the tape but Bakugou decided to attack again and Izuku dodge and make some distance

"He's amazing" Sato claim looking at Izuku

"He's quirk is observation but he is skilled as well! No wonder he gain first in the entrance exam!" Sero claim

'His punches and kicks are easy to read. He's been to a fight before but not experience enough to match a Special Forces' Izuku though then he see Bakugou position his arm to launch himself

Izuku then smirk 'Shall we play a game?' He though before he run away into a hallway surprising Bakugou

"Comeback here, Guns!" Bakugou roar as he chase Izuku but after he reach the hallway Izuku is already gone

'I can take him down easily 'smirk' but where's the fun in that' Izuku though smirking as he run pass the hallways

Bakugou is running around the hallways trying to find Izuku with no success making him mad "You fucking! Stop running and hiding! I will kill you!" Bakugou claim as he make small explosion an his palm

"He seems real angry. It's scary!" Kaminari said terrified

'Hmm looks like Bakugou have an anger management issue and think highly of himself, but this pride of his is something else, it may end up being his demise' All Might though as he see Bakugou blow up a door of a room looking angry

Izuku is leaning to a wall looking at the building schematic with his wide map 'He completely ignoring Uraraka and focus fire on me, good. Bakugou know if someone should intercept us it should be Iida, he's the fastest in class. That alone showed me that there's no teamwork between them' Izuku though seeing a red dot moving around the map erratically

'He has no solid plan except to take me down with his so call "Heroic" quirk of his. Uraraka doesn't have any combat capabilities, so making her face Bakugou is out of the question. So the only option for Uraraka to face Iida and try to retrieve the missile while I stall or take down Bakugou then join her' Izuku strategize

"Where are you?! You damn asshole!" Bakugou yell frustrated

'... he is so immature or in Aizawa case: Irrational' Izuku though before he move

Bakugou is walking through the hallway angrily 'You... you fucking... you look me down like I was some kind of weakling' Bakugou though remembering the time Izuku saved him from the Sludge villain and how he became No.1 in the entrance exam and how he beat him yesterday at the quirk apprehend test

"I am much... much! Better than you!" Bakugou yell angrily

Uraraka is sneaking in when she found the missile and Iida is guarding it 'Found it. Now I just have to tell Midoriya and hide until he gets here' Uraraka though before she notice Iida' talking

"Bakugou is a natural at being bad, but that fits this training perfectly. Then I have to devote myself to being a villain. This is another trial to turn me into a man who will not bring shame to the Iida family. Became a villain. Be dyed with evil in order to become a hero!" Iida said before beginning his act

"I am... extremely evil!" Iida said with a deep voice and menacing look

"Pffffff! He's taking this to seriously!" Uraraka laugh behind the pillar

"Have you arrived, Uraraka?" Iida ask villainously making Uraraka surprise and walk out from her hiding place with a nervous smile

"I knew that you would come here alone the instant Bakugou ran off by himself. Your quirk allows you to make the objects you touch float. That is why I put away all the things on this floor before you arrived. Now you cannot play your little tricks! You have blundered, hero! HAHAHAHA!" Iida exclaimed

"He's starting to look... like a villain..." Uraraka said scared while Iida keep on laughing

"Midoriya!" Uraraka called Izuku downstairs

"Uraraka! How's it going?" Izuku ask her

"Iida found me. Sorry! Right now, he's slowly..." Uraraka answer before Iida walk to her

"Are you set?" Izuku ask

"Yeah" Uraraka answer nervously as she move away from Iida

"Our time is not much, I have to capture or take out Bakugou fast" Izuku said before he see a red dot just around the corner then he prepare himself

"They're loaded" Bakugou said coldly

'Loaded?' Izuku though confuse

"You are not using your weapons. are underestimating me, guns?" Bakugou ask with an evil smirk

"Maybe" Izuku said playfully making Bakugou gritted his teeth before smiling evilly

He aim his right gauntlet at Izuku "My quirk, explosion. Lets me secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the sweat glands on the palm of my hand and make it explode" Bakugou explain

'Great... he's villain monologuing' Izuku deadpan Bakugou

"If they made this the way I asked, then these gauntlet will store the nitroglycerin inside them, and..." Bakugou explain making Izuku and All Might's eye gone wide

'Don't tell me that's...' All Might though shocked "Young Bakugou, stop! Are you trying to kill him?!" All Might warned him

"If I don't hit him, he won' die!" Bakugou yell as he puled out the pin releasing a massive explosion toward Izuku

"Son of a..." Izuku curse but cut off as the explosion hit him

The explosion is strong enough to break through to the outside of the building. The whole building began to shook surprising Uraraka and Iida and even the monitoring room was shook

"This suppose to be a class!" Kirishima yell surprise by the shaking

"Young man! Young Midoriya!" All Might call Izuku worriedly

Back in the building the entire floor was destroyed and there's a massive hole on the wall facing the streets. Izuku is laying down in the floor, he was burned down but luckily his full Special Forces gear that cover every inch of his body protected him from the fire "Mother... fucker..."Izuku curse as he wake up and slide to a wall

"Wow... The more that's stored in these gauntlet the stronger the blast. Come on and face me, guns. I'll force you to surrender even if you're at full strength" Bakugou said with a crazy an evil smile

"Bakugou, answer me! Did you do that? what in the world did you do?" Iida ask Bakugou through the radio but received no answer

'This is my chance!' Uraraka though as she run towards the missile

'If we retrieved the weapon, we'll win!' Uraraka though as she run

Iida notice Uraraka running towards the bomb then he run towards her "I won't let you, hero!" Iida claimed

Uraraka touch herself before jumping surprising Iida

'We need to touch the weapon itself for it to count as being retrieved' Uraraka though as she float toward the weapon

"Can she make herself float now, too?" Iida ask surprise

"Release" Uraraka said as she touch her fingers together

In Iida's legs multiple pipes punctured out before smoke run out off the pipes and Iida zoom his way to the missile

'It's a special move that's hard on my body!' Uraraka though as she fall to the weapon suddenly moved by Iida at blazing speed

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Uraraka scream before she land roll across the floor then hit and stop at the wall upside down

"Your quirk is not a threat if you cannot touch anything. I'll hold out until time runs out! HAHAHAHA!!!" Iida explain before he laugh evilly

Uraraka slowly get up 'Midoriya's trying so hard, though!' Uraraka though as she look at Iida angrily

"Hey, hey, what's wrong, guns?" Bakugou ask before he gone full villain monologuing again in the hallway

Izuku get up slowly leaning to the wall 'Urgh!... okay... you want guns...? I'll give you one' Izuku though pissed off. He grab his rifle then position himself

"Sir, you should stop them! That Bakugou's really crazy! He's gonna kill him!" Krishima begged All Might

"No..." All Might answer before he remember Bakugou's words sometime ago 'Strangely enough, part of him is still sane. I don't know if it's small minded or what, but anyway...' All Might though

"Young Bakugou, the next time you use that, I'll stop the fight, and your team will lose" All Might warned Bakugou making him surprise

"To attack on such a large scale attack inside is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That is a foolish plan both heroes and villains! You will lose a lot of points for it!" All Might finished making Bakugou started to shake with rage

'As a teacher, I should stop this. However...' All Might though worriedly

"GRRRRRR!!! All Right then! Let's fight it out with our fists!" Bakugou yell before he launch his way to the destroyed room where Izuku at

'Bingo' Izuku though then he jump out from the wall and face Bakugou, he aimed his gun making Bakugou who see this flinch, time slow down then...

"BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!" 4 gun shots echo the room loudly

Those inside the monitoring room gaped surprise not believing what just happen

"Clang...! Clang...! Clang...! Clang...!" The casings drop to the floor then a painful scream was heard

"ARGHHHHHHHH!!!" Bakugou scream in pain as he drop to his knee and Izuku landed hard on the floor still aiming at Bakugou

"You! You! You fucking! ARGHHHH!!!" Bakugou roar in pain, Izuku just shot both of Bakugou's thigh and upper arm

"Wha... what did... did he just... shot him?" Mina ask confuse and surprise

"He shot him... he just shot him! Midoriya just shot Bakugou!" Kirishima yell terrified that one of his friend just shot someone

"But Bakugou is still alive" Todoroki said calmly even though he was surprise as well

"Those shots are not random shots... looks like intentionally hit him there" Yaoyorozu said looking at where Izuku shot Bakugou

"Intentional or not! He just shot him!" Kirishima yell worried

"I though he won't shot anyone!" Mina ask confuse

"No, he said he won't shot at any vital organs" Todoroki corrected making the students gulp

Izuku gets up slowly still aiming at Bakugou

"You fucking! I'm gonna kill you! You're dead! Y-" Bakugou roar but then Izuku dash his way to bakugou and smack Bakugou with the rifle buttstock making Bakugou flung back then passed out on the floor

Izuku stare down at Bakugou for a few seconds before he tie him up with the capture tape "Don't worry, I just grazed your limbs. Deep enough to paralyze but light enough to not be permanent" Izuku said to the passed put Bakugou before he move upstairs

"I guess Bakugou got karma for blowing Izuku up" Kaminari said nervously

"But still... he don't have to shoot him" Kirishima said worried

"But at least Bakugou is still alive, those gunshot wound doesn't spewing blood, so Midoriya just graze Bakugou" Todoroki explain

"But why Bakugou fall to the ground if he was grazed?" Mineta ask confuse

"Does any of you ever get shot before?" Todoroki ask and they all shake their heads "Then we have no idea how painful Bakugou felt when he was shot, even if he only being grazed by bullets" Todoroki explain

"Do you want to stop this, sir?" Kaminari ask All Might

"No, Young Todoroki is right, Young Bakugou's wounds are not spewing blood so Young Midoriya didn't shot Young Bakugou in his artery. And even if it's spewing blood Young Midoriya would warned us, but he didn't. So I'm sure Young Bakugou is alright" All Might answer

'But still... Young Midoriya you one crazy son of a gun, but I trusted you that Young Bakugou is alright' All Might though looking at Izuku that has arrive at the missile room's door

"Uraraka! I'm set!" Izuku said through the radio

"Midoriya! Where are you?" She ask

"I'm outside the room, at the door. Listen, take cover and close your eyes and ears" Izuku ordered her making her confuse

"What are you talking about, Midoriya?" Uraraka ask confuse

"What's the matter, hero? Getting tired?" Iida taunted

"It's gonna get loud and bright, get ready!" Izuku ordered

Uraraka then get behind a pillar get down and close her eyes and ears confusing Iida

"Hey, hey what happen? Did you have a breakdown?" Iida ask confuse at Uraraka's behavior

Izuku open the door slightly then grab his 9 banger pull the pin then throw it inside "Clang!... Clang!... Clang!..." the 9 banger hit the floor before stopping. The sound attract Iida's attention, he look at the 9 banger with confusion before walking close to it

"Oh no! Iida get away from that thing!" Sero yell worried

"What? What is that?" Mineta ask confuse as others

"That's a grenade!" Sero yell terrified

"A WHAT?!!!" They all scream in disbelieve before looking at the screen terrified

As Iida move to the 9 banger the 9 banger exploded "BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!" The 9 banger exploded 9 times shocking both Iida and Uraraka but since Iida didn't cover his eyes and ears also in close proximity to the 9 banger he took the heaviest hits

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Iida scream as he fall to the ground holding his head. Uraraka get up and had horror on her face as she see Iida down on the floor holding his head painfully

Suddenly the door was kick open and Izuku poin his rifle across the room before he aimed it at Iida "Hands! Hands! Let me see your hands!" Izuku ordered Iida but he still on the ground holding his head. Izuku switch to his pistol then pinned down Iida before he look to Uraraka

"I got him! Get the nuke!" Izuku ordered but Uraraka just stand there terrified making Izuku sigh

"Sigh... Uraraka!" Izuku called her loudly making her get back from her mind "Get the nuke!" Izuku ordered pointing at the missile

"O-oh, o-o-okay" Uraraka stutter then she walk slowly to the missile then touch it then a buzzer was heard

"They... they did it... Hero teams... WIIIIIINS!!!" All Might yell and the first combat training is done