Everyone's Training

"Hero teams... WIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNSSS!!!" All Might yell over the radio

Meanwhile back to the training ground Izuku sigh off then stand up while Uraraka slide down because of exhaustion for over using her quirk and shocked by the 9 banger

"You good?" Izuku ask Uraraka

"Noooooooooo..." Uraraka answer tiredly

"Figures" Izuku reply seeing her condition

"Your indoor combat training is over" All Might said in the monitoring room before he move to the training grounds

"Midoriya is crazier than I expected" Ojiro commnted

"Yeah, shooting Bakugou, throwing grenade at Iida. He's nuts" Kaminari claim agreeing with Ojiro

"This class is intense" Asui claim

"He's darker than he looks. He shoot without hesitation, aim like a pro, moves like a soldier. Looks like he was trained as a soldier before getting here" Tokoyami commented

"Maybe he is. Who knows, he is wearing a special forces uniform with all the equipment and weapons. Something that is off limits to the public even the police, maybe he has a military training before" Yaoyorozu analyze

"Not just that, he also have permission to use those equipment and weapons from the principal. So either he negotiate with the principal, or have a someone with influence help him up" Todoroki added

"... well, one thing for certain. We do NOT want to mess with him" Kaminari claim with the class agreeing

"Especially when he's pointing that barrel at us" Sero added trembling from imagining the situation

Back to the training grounds All Might look at Bakugou who just wake up

"Wh... what... what happen?" Bakugou ask dizzily

"Young Midoriya shoot then knock you out" All Might answer helping Bakugou sit up

"That... that guns bastard!" Bakugou yell remembering what Izuku has done to him

"Relax, Young Bakugou. You been shot, so take it easy" All Might told Bakugou but he still mad before he go to deep though

'My attacks, guns predicted them, he also toying up with me and making me look like an idiot. And somehow manage to win this fight' Bakugou though terrified

'He... he shot me... he didn't hesitate, not the slightest. So if he really want to fight, if he didn't hold back at all, he could defeat me or even... kill me' Bakugou though trembling remembering when the cold hard barrel was aimed at him then 4 burst of fire blinded him and he felt an incredible sense of pain from his limbs

Bakugou then transported to the nurse office with a nurse bot

"To the nurse office" The rear nurse bot said

"I know" The lead nurse bot reply then they take Bakugou to the nurse office

"So much destruction" All Might said looking at the destroyed room when Izuku, Uraraka and Iida walk down the floor with Izuku carrying Uraraka on his shoulder and Iida walking quite dizzily

"Ah, young heroes. Go back to the monitoring room and review our work, whether you win or lose. Looking back and learning from your experience is part of life" All Might told the three

"Yes... sir..." Both Uraraka and Iida reply weakly

"Ooh rah" Izuku reply

Back to the monitoring room everyone is reviewing the work of team A and D

"Hey, Midoriya! Are you okay?" Kirishima ask worried

"I'm good, I have some burns here and there but I'm good" Izuku assure him

"You sure? You're still smoking" Kaminari said as he see some smoke from Izuku's uniform

"I'm not burning, though I make this room smells like barbecue" Izuku reply making the students and All Might look at him weirdly but at the same time agree with him

"Well, moving on, even as the heroes win, the MVP for this battle was Young Iida!" All Might claim surprising the students and making Iida gasp

"It's not either of the winners, Ochako or Midoriya?" Asui ask confuse

"Hmm, well... why is that? Does anyone know?!" All Might ask when Bakugou enter the room quite angrily (his injury is light so he heal up pretty fast)

"Welcome back to the land of living" Izuku said uninterested

Bakugou glare the soldier bloody murder but Izuku is unaffected

Yaoyorozu then raise her arm "Yes, Mr. All Might. That is because Iida adapted the most of the context of the training. From watching the match, it appears Bakugou acted on his own because of an obviously personal grudge. And as Mr. All Might said earlier, it is foolish to launch a large-scale attack indoors" Yaoyorozu explain while Bakugou just stay silent

"As for Midoriya, he shot Bakugou, even though Bakugou is fine he was doing something incredibly dangerous to a fellow classmate and recklessly throw a live grenade to a room where the nuclear bomb is. If anything goes wrong, he could exploded the bomb. So Midoriya's plan was rash" Yaoyorozu explain and Izuku look at her irritated

"As for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid-battle, and didn't have any concrete plan to secure the bomb except to randomly moving around" Yaoyorozu explain making Uraraka feel downhearted

"Iida had prepared for this opponent's arrival and assume it would be a fight over the bomb which made him late in responding to the final attack" Yaoyorozu explain then Iida stated to smile joyfully in a goofy was

"The hero team only won because they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They practically breaking the rules and only lucky" Yaoyorozu finished

the other students just look at her in silence

'Sh she said more than I expected' All Migh though trembling slightly

"W-well, Young Iida also has parts of him that could be more reflected. But well, that was correct!" All Might claim than give Yaoyorozu a thumbs up

"We should always start with the basic to develop depth of learning. W e must strive to devote ourself wholeheartedly. Otherwise, we cannot become top heroes" Yoyorozu claim proudly

"Permission to talk freely, sir" Izuku requested

"Go ahead!" All Might granted the the students look at Izuku

"We win because of luck? My planning sucks? I'm reckless?" Izuku ask Yaoyorozu madly

"Yes, you-" Yaoyorozu answer and try to explain but he is cut by Izuku

"Save it, I already heard it. You're saying I shot Bakugou is incredibly dangerous? Then what the hell he's doing to me? He send a fucking explosion to my face! If didn't wear this full gear military uniform, I would have 3rd degree burns all across my body, and you said my grazing at Bakugou's limbs are dangerous?!" Izuku yell asking at Yaoyorozu making her flinch

"And you said I throw a grenade at the room where the nuclear bomb is at is reckless? Yes! If I'm using a frag grenade, but I didn't. I use flashbang that's harmless to both human and non human" Izuku explain

"But we don't know if that is a flashbang" Sero claim with others agreeing

"It was standard military tactics to throw a flashbang in to a room where there are hostiles inside it, and we only use frag only after there was confirmation that the room doesn't have any hostages, civilians, intel and dangerous item inside" Izuku explain then he look at Yaoyorozu again

"And one more thing, Iida is not the MVP, he's an idiot" Izuku claim shocking Iida

"What?!" Iida yell shocked

"He's the one who is reckless, he..." Izuku point at Iida "Move a nuclear bomb all across the damn place like it was made out of papier-mache, oh wait, it is. But what if it was real? No sane person on this planet would move not just a nuclear bomb but all kind of bombs recklessly like that, what if he accidentally hit the floor, the walls, the pillars or the ceiling? The bomb would go boom. So the moment he decided to move that bomb all across the room like that, he just failed his mission and signed his own death wish" Izuku explain quite angrily

The students again look at Izuku with silence and Yaoyorozu is quite mad since Izuku just explain that she is wrong dead wrong about Izuku's and Iida's performance at the training

"And beside, if this wasn't a training and I take it seriously. Only Uraraka and I that will walk out of that damn building alive" Izuku finish making the students trembling that he would kill them if this was real

"Y-you're k-kidding, right?" Kaminari ask trembling

"Pissed me off, and you would find out yourself" Izuku reply seriously making the students gulp nervously

'He's incredibly dangerous' All Might though afraid of Izuku

"All right everyone, let's change locations and start the second match. Tackle this training after thinking about what we just talked about" All Might ordered

"Yes, sir" The students responded while Bakugou lost in though

"Ooh rah" Izuku responded

Battle building B, Todoroki and Shoji are the hero team while Toru and Ojiro are the villain team

"Match two! Team B are the heroes and Team I are the villains!" All Might stated

"Ojiro, I'm going to get serious. I'll take off my gloves and boot's, too!" Toru claim as she take off her costume

"O-okay..." Ojiro reply nervously

'Hakagure, that's the correct decision as an invisible person, but that's not great for a girl, morally speaking' Ojiro though nervously

"You can't look, okay?" Toru ask him embarrassed

"I can't see you even if I tried" Ojiro reply sweatdroping

"Now, let's start the second indoor person-to-person combat training match!" All Might declare then the training started

Shoji open his arms then create ears from the tip of the arm and started listening

"One in the hall on the north side of the fourth floor. The other is somewhere on the same floor, they're barefoot. The invisible one is coming to ambush and capture us, huh?" Shoji explain

"Go outside. It's dangerous. I'm sure our opponents intended to fight a defensive battle" Todoroki told Shoji then he freeze the wall and floor with his left side "But it won't work on me" Todoroki finish then he freeze whole building in an instant while Shoji head outside and look a little stunned

"Owww... my feet!" Toru yell out as her feet is stuck in ice

"Th-this quirk is..." Ojiro said stunned as he was also stuck by ice

Todoroki then appear from the door and enter the room, Ojiro move to a fighting stance

"You can move if you want. But the skin on your feet will come off, so you won't be able to fight your best" Todoroki stated as he walk pass Ojiro

In the monitoring room All Might and the students are shivering because of Todoroki's ice

"He did not cause any damage to his teammate or the nuclear weapon, on top of that, he weakened the enemy" All Might said shivering

"He's so strong!" Kirishima claim shivering

But Bakugou look at the screen with shock

Meanwhile with Izuku 'Wait the freaking second. He froze that building and that building only. So how the hell this room is freezing?' Izuku though confuse

Back to the training grounds Todoroki walk to the bomb then touch it

"Hero team wins!" All Might declare while Ojiro look downhearted

Todoroki then use his right hand and release steam that melt the entire building

"Heat?" Ojiro ask confuse

"It's-it's-it's hot!" Toru yell moving around on a puddle of hot water

"Sorry, the difference in our abilities was too great" Todoroki apologize to Ojiro then walk out the building and meet Shoji outside

"W-wow!" Sato said stunned

"What's up with that quirk?" Kaminari ask scared

"As expected of someone who got through recommendations" Asui stated

"All right, everyone gather round for a review of the second match. Next, we begin the third match!" All Might ordered

"Yes, sir!" The students reply while Bakugou look restless

Battle building C, Sero and Kirishima are the villain team while Tokoyami and Asui are the hero team

Sero is making a web of tape from his elbow that cover the entire weapon, while Kirishima hardened his hands then the two of them are in a defensive stance guarding the weapon

Meanwhile downstairs, Tokoyami is walking inside the building, as he enter the shadow, Dark Shadow appear with a frightening pose, while Asui is climbing the wall nearby

"Kero, kero" Asui croak on the wall

Battle building D, Yaoyorozu and Mineta are the villain team, while Kaminari and Jirou are the hero team

Yaoyorozu is building a barricade on the door with a metal bars, meanwhile Mineta is enjoying the view of her butt then thumbs up. Yaoyorozu notice this then glare the purple midget

"No, no, no, no, no" Mineta said fearfully

Downstairs, Jirou is using her earlobe into the wall and listen for any sound and where it came from, she then point up at Kaminari signaling that there's someone upstairs, Kaminari then charge up his electricity in his hand

Battle building E, Sato and Koda are the villain team while Aoyama and Mina are the hero team

Sato flex then prepare himself in a fighting stance but Koda are nervous at Sato's behavior

Downstairs, Aoyama is walking elegantly while Mina slide with her acid

"Yahoo!" Mina yell excitedly while throwing her arms in the air, unfortunately some of her acid hit Aoyama's cape making him depressed

"Sorry, sorry" Mina apologize

Back at the monitoring room, All Might is smiling widely proud of his students

Timeskip to the end of class

"Good work everyone! We didn't have any major injuries other than Young Bakugou's grazing and Young Midoriya's burns, either! You guys took this seriously! You all did a good job for your first training!" All Might claim with a thumbs up

"To have such a proper class after Mr. Aizawa class, it's kind of anticlimactic" Asui claim with most of the students nod in agreement

"You kidding me? He's like the living interpretation of the word "Fuck my life" " Izuku commented making some students look at him weirdly

"We're free to have proper classes, as well! Well then, I have other class to teach! Change and return to the classroom!" All Might ordered then he dash his way thru the exit

"All Might's amazing!" Kaminari exclaim in awe

"Why was he in such a hurry?" Ojiro ask confuse

"It doesn't matter, let's go back to class. I'll see you all later" Izuku ordered then he walk away

"Where are you going, Midoriya?" Uraraka ask him

"Nurse office" Izuku answer still walking

"Why? You're not hurt?" Kaminari ask confuse

"I maybe using a fire resistance uniform, but that doesn't mean I don't have a 1st degree burns in some part of my body. I'm going to the nurse office to heal up, I'll meet you when it's done" Izuku explain as he walk to the nurse office leaving his classmate behind

"Oooooookayyyyyy... Let's go back" Sero said nervously then the students go back to the classroom

Meanwhile with Izuku, Izuku reach the nurse room then enter it

"Excuse me, ma'am" Izuku greet the Recovery Girl

"Oh hi, sonny, what do you need?" Recovery Girl greet back

"I may have some 1st degree burns on some part of my body" Izuku answer moving to the nurse office's bed

"Hmm, you do smell like you was burn" Recovery Girl reply as she approach him

"I did" Izuku answer sarcastically as he began to strip off his equipment and uniform and revealed some 1st degree burns on his right arm, left leg, neck, right shoulder and his left cheek

"Oh my... sonny how you able to get these burns?" Recovery Girl ask worried as she began to treat the burns

"Some hot headed idiot decided that it was a good idea to throw a 10 kg of TNT right to my face" Izuku answer touching the burn marks on his cheek

"Don't touch that, I will heal you up, but you probably be out for some time, sonny" Recovery Girl said

"Fine by me" Izuku reply as he lay down on the bed and Recovery Girl kiss him to heal his burns marks then Izuku decided to sleep


Izuku wake up and look around before he look at the clock and notice that he slept for some time indeed, it's 4 PM

"Looks like I sleep like a rock" Izuku mumble when Recovery Girl appear in his side

"Are you awake?" Recovery Girl ask

"Yes, ma'am" Izuku reply then he began to rise up and get down the bed

"That's all for your treatment, be careful next time" Recovery Girl

"Yes, ma'am, thank you for the treatment" Izuku bow down

"It's my job, sonny, good afternoon" Recovery Girl said as Izuku walk out the nurse office

'Sigh... I ended up skipping my afternoon classes, Mr. Aizawa's probably will choke me with that scarf of his' Izuku though as he walk down the hall to Class 1A with his military uniform

Izuku reach the classroom then open the door

"Oh, Midoriya's here!" Kirishima yell looking at Izuku arrival

"Good work, I don't know what you were saying during the match, but you were fired up!" Kirishima praise Izuku with some classmate approaching him

"Yeah, literally" Izuku reply making them laugh

"But are okay? You took some time in the nurse office" Kirishima ask

"I'm tougher than I looks" Izuku assure him

"Now I know why you came up first in the entrance exam!" Sero claim

"You did a good job dodging!" Mina claim

"You guys did that in the first match, so the rest of us had give it all, too" Sato claim with the others agreeing

"You were far from elegant, but-" Aoyama said but Mina cut him

"You did a good job dodging!" Mina claim jumping around

"You already said that" Izuku told her smiling

"I'm Ejirou Kirishima. We're all going over the training together right now" Kirishima introduce

"I'm Hanta Sero" Sero introduce

"I'm Yuga Aoya-" Aoyama introduce but Mina cut him

"I'm Mina Ashido! You did a good job dodging!" Mina yell shaking her arm up and down

"I'm Tsuyu Asui. Call me Tsu" Asui introduce appearing from behind Mina

"I'm Sato!" Sato introduce

"I'm Mineta!" Mineta jump up in between them

"When the heck did you pop out from?" Sero ask confuse

"Nice to meet you all, though I already all of your names" Izuku claim surprising them

"Really?! When?! How?!" Mina ask eagerly

"Slow down, girl. Did you all forget that my quirk is an observation quirk? And besides, yesterday during the quirk test your names are shown, so I already known your names since yesterday" Izuku explain surprising them

"You know all of us from yesterday?!" Kirishima ask impressed

"But they only show our names, so how you know which name belongs to who?" Asui ask touching her chin

"I just connect the dots" Izuku reply making them even more impressed by Izuku's abilities

In the other side of the class, Tokoyami is sitting at a table looking at the commotion in front

"You're too loud" Tokoyami said annoyed when Iida approach him

"Tokoyami! That desk is not a chair. Get off immediately" Iida ordered him frantically

"It's not that big a deal, is it?" Jirou reply calmly making Iida surprise

"What's with those hands, anyway?" Ojiro ask confuse of Iida's movement making Iida look down

"You people... I cannot condone actions that disrespect the desks! The great men and women who are our upperclassmen once used!" Iida yell out frantically

"You're too loud" Tokoyami said annoyed

"He need to chill down, permanently" Izuku stated as he and the others look at Iida

A door is open then Uraraka and Kaminari walk inside carrying books

"Hey, Uraraka, wanna grab a bite to eat something? What do you like" Kaminari ask Uraraka

"Mochi-" Uraraka answer when she sees Izuku and walk to him leaving a depress Kaminari behind

"Wait, Midoriya, you're back, are okay? You took a long time in the nurse office" Uraraka ask Izuku worriedly

"I'm good, Recovery Girl heal me but I decided to take some Zzzs" Izuku explain making her confuse

"You sleep? But you look fine?" Uraraka ask again

"Just like when Recovery Girl heal you, you fall asleep, she heal me, I fall asleep" Izuku explain when he see Bakugou's desk is empty

"Where's the blonde dynamite?" Izuku ask Uraraka

"We all tried to stop him, but he went home just now without saying anything" Uraraka answer

Izuku stare at Bakugou's desk for sometime before looking back to Uraraka

"Well it doesn't matter, you want to go home together?" Izuku ask Uraraka

"Yes! I'd love to!" Uraraka reply happily

"Good, I'll change my clothes first, and when I came back, please tell me what I've missed in the afternoon" Izuku told them as he grab his school uniform

"Yes, sir!" Kirishima yell saluting making Izuku smile

'First combat training and I already seeing death's door. What a day' Izuku though as he walk down the halls