Unwanted Companion

A day after the exams

(The exams goes like the anime does, where 5 people failed and everything happen in the anime happen in this book)

Inside the Class A's classroom Mina, Sato, Kirishima, and Kaminari look very gloom because they are the one who failed the exams the day before

"Everyone... I'm looking forward... to hearing your stories... about training camp..." Mina said sobbing

"Can't promise you anything, but knowing Aizawa. I'm pretty sure there a last minute twist or something" Izuku assure them

"Stop, Midoriya. If you say it out loud, it'll probably jinx it" Sero said as he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder

"If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip training camp and be in summer school hell. And since we didn't pass the practical exam... If you guys still don't get it, then you're dumber than monkeys!" Kaminari yell as he try to poke Izuku's eye, but Izuku evaded

"Calm the fuck down" Izuku said annoyed as Kaminari still trying to poke his eye

"Sigh. I don't know, either. My team passed thanks to Mineta, but I was just sleeping the whole time. Anyway, since we don't know how they're scoring it..." Sero claim while Kaminari still trying to poke Izuku

"Would you stop!" Kaminari yell while still trying to poke Izuku's eye

"I'm the one who suppose say that!" Izuku yell back annoyed but Kaminari still doing it "Stop trying to poke my eyes, makeshift Pikachu!" Izuku yell annoyed when Aizawa suddenly open the door

"Once the bell rings, get in your seats" Aizawa said then in an instant everyone is on their seats and didn't say anything

"Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods..." Aizawa said with the four failed students listen in silent gloom

"... everyone's going!" Aizawa claim smiling

"A last minute twist!" The failed four yell in excitement

"We can go, too?!" Kirishima ask excited

"Really?!" Mina ask crying

"Yeah. Some failed, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kamianri, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed" Aizawa said

"I knew it... just because my team passed didn't mean I scored high enough not to fail..." Sero whine

"For this time's exam, we on the villain side made sure to leave a way for the students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we hadn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started" Aizawa claim

"So when you said you were really out to crush us..." Ojiro ask

"That was to make you feel cornered. In the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger. It was a rational falsehood" Aizawa explain with a smirking face

" "A rational falsehood" ?!" The failed four yell annoyed

"I was tricked again! As expected of U.A. .However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver! Class rep, help me on this one!" Iida complain

"In my defense, I never have faith on him ever since the beginning. No offense" Izuku said calmly

"Note taken. Though I'll consider that" Aizawa reply

"Doubt" Izuku said silently

"But I wasn't lying about everything. Failure is failure. We have prepared a separate time for extra lesson for you all" Aizawa saidd making the failed five change form happy to grim instantly "Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lesson you'd get if you stayed at school" Aizawa added

Timeskip to the end of school

"Well, in any case, I'm glad we can all go together" Ojiro claim

"A week of training camp, huh?" Iida ask

"We need a sufficient supplies then" Izuku said

"I don't have a bathing suit or anything. I'll have to by a bunch of stuff" Kaminari claim

"Oh, then since we're off tomorrow and we just finished our exams, why doesn't Class A all go shopping together?!" Toru suggested

"Oh, good idea! Wouldn't that be the first time we all hung out together?" Kaminari agree with Uraraka nodding in agreement

"Hey, Bakugou, you're coming, too!" Kirishima told him

"Like I'd do something so irritating" Bakugou denied

"I have everything with me. My military supplies and MREs, but I guess I still need a thing or two" Izuku said then he look at Todoroki "How about you, Scarface?" He ask the scarred boy

"Sorry. I go visit my mom on our days off" Todoroki apologize

"You two are getting close. Good, I won't force you. Go visit her" Izuku said understanding

"You guys are such party poopers! Get a clue, you clueless guys!" Mineta complain

"Shut it" Izuku told Mineta annoyed

The next day

"And so, here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced. Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!" Mina cheer in excitement to the class (Minus Bakugou and Todoroki)

"Damn, I guess this is the first time I went to a mall this size" Izuku said with awe to the size of the mall

"This is the first time you went here?" Uraraka ask

"Yeah, this is huge" Izuku reply

"That's what she said" Mineta commented

"Shut it, Mineta" Izuku said annoyed when suddenly a couple of guys spotted them

"Oh, aren't those U.A students?!" A guy ask

"First years?!" Another guy ask

"I saw them on TV!" Another guys yell

"Sports festival, yay!" they all yell excited

"Oh, there are still people who remember that..." Uraraka said nervously

The guys then see Izuku and Iida "Wait! Those two! They the one who take down the Hero Killer!" The guy realize

"Whoa! You're right! They are the one!" Another guy agree

"You two are cool!" They yell excited

"Hero Killer..." Iida said downhearted

Izuku smack Iida's shoulder "Hey, look at the bright side, they're not criticizing your actions" Izuku assure

"Yeah..." Iida agree

"Anyway, I need to buy a big carry-on bag" Jiro said

"Oh my, then why don't we go around together?" Yaoyorozu suggested

"Where can I get lock-picking tools and small drills?" Mineta ask

"If I found those items when we departed, I'll blow your head off" Izuku threaten with killer aura

"Yes, sir!" Mineta comply terrified

"I don't have any outdoors shoes, so I want to go buy some" Kaminari claim

"Oh, me too, me too!" Toru said excited

"The guide said to bring shoes that already broken in " Iida said "Oh, but I see, perhaps we should choose based on utility?" He realize

"Everyone has different things they want to do, so why don;t we decide on a time to meet back up?" Kirishima suggested

"I agree!" Mina yell

"Then let's meet back here at 3 o'clock!" Kirishima yell then they all started to disperse to different location leaving only Izuku and Uraraka

"Well everyone is excited" Izuku said

"Yeah" Uraraka agree

"So how about you, Uraraka?" Izuku ask

"Oh, I need some bugs spray" Uraraka reply

"Ok. How about I accompanied you? We could hang out after that" Izuku suggested

"That is a good idea! But, didn't you need anything?" Uraraka agree then ask

"I already have everything I need. I just need some small stuff" Izuku answer

"Oh, ok then" Uraraka reply smiling

"All right then, do you want to eat anything? My treat" Izuku offered

"Hmm, maybe I want -" Uraraka about to reply when she remember something

"Did you like him...?" Aoyama ask back in the exam

Uraraka then began to blush "...uhh... want..." She said blushing

"Want what?" Izuku ask confuse

"Want... waaaaaaaaaa...!" Uraraka yell embarrassed then run away from Izuku

"What do you mean "Waaaaaaaaaa...!" ?" Izuku ask confuse, but Uraraka keep running away

'Dang it Aoyama! He's wrong, anyway! I think' Uraraka though embarrassed as she run away

Izuku just stand where he is standing dumbfounded "Sigh... "Lets go to the mall together" " Izuku impersonate Toru "Together my ass" He said annoyed

"I guess I'll get something to eat" Izuku said when he notice a familiar orange dot on his radar 'This dot...' Izuku though when someone call him

"Oh, it's someone from U.A. cool!" An unknown person call him

Izuku glance to that person 'You gotta be shitting me' Izuku though annoyed as he realize the person

"Let me have your autograph!" He said as he put his arm on Izuku's neck "You were the one who win the sport festival, right?" He ask

"Yeah" Izuku answer unfazed

"And you also the one who defeated the Hero Killer, too, right?" He added

"Of course you know that since you are there, too, right? Shigaraki Tomura" Izuku ask as he look at Shigaraki who grin

"Well then. Why don't we have tea or something, Izuku Midoriya?" Shigaraki suggested as he grab Izuku's neck

"Act natural, like I'm an old friend. Don't make a fuss, okay? I want to talk to you" Shigaraki requested but Izuku stay silent

"Just try and do something funny. It's simple. The instant all 5 of my fingers touch your neck, you'll start crumbling from the skin of your throat. You'll turn to dust in less than a minute" Shigaraki warned

"So? You gonna do it here? In front of all those people? It'll be easier to you to be arrested" Izuku ask unfazed by the threat

"I'm sure. even though anyone could wield their quirk at any time, how can they smile like that? When it comes down to it, laws and rules assume that individuals have morals. They're convinced that there's no way anyone would do it. Before I'm caught I could crumble 20, no, 30 people..." Shigaraki claim while Izuku only glare

"Sigh... you want to talk? Let's talk" Izuku said

"Hehehe. This is nice. Since we've got this chance, why don't we sit down and have a chat?" Shigaraki offer then they move to a bench and sit down

"Anyway, I hate everything..." Shigaraki claim

'Yeah, notice' Izuku though annoyed

"... but what pisses me off the most right now is the hero killer" Shigaraki continue

"So?" Izuku ask

"That's the problem. Almost everyone is looking at the hero killer. The attack on U.A. and the Nomus I release on Hosu City everything was upstaged by him. No one's looking at me. Why is that? No matter how much he boasts, in the end, he just destroyed what he didn't like, right?" Shigaraki ask

"For a reason" Izuku said confusing Shigaraki

"What do you mean?" Shigaraki ask

"Stain do it for a reason. That's why he is remembered" Izuku reply

"I also doing it for a reason. So what is the difference?" Shigaraki ask again

"Stain's reason is to make the hero society of today to be stronger or to get it back to the good old days where all heroes could act and behave like All Might. He doesn't destroy everything hero related. If something or someone meets his standards then he let it go" Izuku explain then he glare Shigaraki

"But you? You just destroy anything you don't like either it's your goal or not, you just destroy them all. Stain's reason make sense and in someway or another is more realistic. But yours? Your goal lack common sense, no concrete foundation, forgettable. You want to get rid of All Might, if you succeeded then what? Others will take his place. Though not as the Symbol of Peace doesn't mean society will crumble. You lack conviction" Izuku explain coldly

Shigaraki glare at Izuku, but Izuku is unfazed "It's like a weight off my chest. I feel like I've connected the dots. Why the hero killer pisses me off, and why you irritate me. I feel like I understand now" SHigaraki said happily

Shigaraki then smile "Everything's because of the society" He claim making Izuku surprise for a moment

"I see. The reason no one notice me is because the society is wrong, they are twisted. What was I worrying so much about? These guys are able to smile thoughtlessly because they are twisted to the core. It's because the society is twisted, everyone are brainwash by the twisted reality!" Shigaraki stated while tighten his grip on Izuku's neck

'Damn!' Izuku though painfully as he trying to reach his pistol on his back waist

"Oh, I'm so glad we could talk. It's great. Thanks, Midoriya! I don't have to do anything different" Shigaraki said while keep tightening his grip

Izuku try to struggle "Whoops, don't struggle. Do you want to die? You think it's okay for the masses to die?"Shigaraki ask making Izuku stop struggling but his hand has reach his pistol

'It's so ironic, Hero Killer. Your ideals and convictions, you want to create a stronger society? Then you will be my stepping stone for the society that I will built' Shigaraki though wickedly

Izuku is trying to ignore the pain and about to holster out his pistol when suddenly "Midoriya?" Someone call his name. Izuku look in front of him and he see Uraraka

'U-Uraraka...? No! Stay away!' Izuku though worried

"A friend...? No..." Uraraka said nervously

Shigaraki look at Uraraka with a wicked smile

"Get your hands off him..." Uraraka ask nervously

"Hey, it's alright. I'm just talking to a friend. Go ahead, I'll catch you later" Izuku said trying to make Uraraka away from Shigaraki

"Oh don't worry. we're done here" Shigaraki assure then whisper to Izuku "A little gift from me" He said then he wrap all 5 fingers to Izuku's neck

In an instant Izuku's neck starting to crumble and became dust. Izuku ready to holster out his pistol, but because the intense pain he let go the pistol. Shigaraki release Izuku and started walking away

Izuku fell to his knees while holding his crumbling throat 'FUCK!!!' He mentally yell

"Midoriya!" Uraraka scream worried as she approach him

Izuku is coughing violently while blood and dust fell down from his neck

"Oh my God, Midoriya. Uhh... h-hold on, I-I-I..." Urraka try to assure Izuku but seeing so much blood freeze her

Izuku regain enough strength, he grab his pistol and fire at Shigaraki "BANG!!!" The loud noise of an exploding gun powder echo the whole mall. Soon everyone is running away in panic

The shot miss and Shigaraki starting to run away. Izuku take aim then fire again "BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!" 14 shots, 8 seconds, 5 hits

Shigaraki feel to the ground, but before he hit the ground he is engulf by black mist. The next thing that happen, he is gone

Izuku then drop his pistol and grab his neck, trying to stop the bleeding

"No... no... Midoriya... please... I'm sorry..." Uraraka sob beside Izuku

"... it... wasn't... your fault. Cough! Cough! Fuck...!" Izuku reply still coughing blood

"I-is t-t-there a-anything I-I could do...?" Uraraka ask terrified

"H-Hold... my neck..." Izuku reply then Uraraka hold his neck trying to stop the bleeding

'I don't think my neck decaying anymore. Good. I need medevac ASAP' Izuku though then he grab his phone and dial a Ranger Corp Fast Responds Team "Delta... 9-1... emergency... medevac... Kiyashi Ward... ASAP..." Izuku report before he fell to the ground

"Midoriya!" Uraraka yell terrified

'Fuck...! This hurt more than I expected...!' Izuku though painfully as his health bar percentage continue to drop

"Oh my God... oh my God... oh my God..." Uraraka mutter terrified as she hold Izuku's neck that still spewing blood

"Uraraka!" suddenly someone call her making her to look back and see the entire class running towards them

"What happen?! There's guns shots! Is there a villain?!" Everyone ask while running and once they reach the scene they all became silent and freeze in fear

They see Izuku laying down on his back while he and Uraraka is holding his crumbled and bleeding neck

"W-w-what happen?!" Iida yell terrified by what he see

"What happen to Midoriya?!" Kirshima yell

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell?!" Kaminari yell

"Is he alright?!" Tokoyami ask

"He's dead!" Mineta yell terrified

"N-no! He still alive... he still..." Uraraka reply trembling

Iida approach Izuku and check his neck "Uhh... ok! Yaoyorozu! We need some cloth and uhh, antiseptic!" He requested

But Yaoyorozu and all the girls just look at Izuku with terrified expression

"Yaoyorozu! He need help! Do it!" Kirishima yell surprising Yaoyorozu

"Uhh... o-o-okay..." Yaoyorozu reply then she began to create some cloth and antiseptic

"I'm gonna find some help! Sero! Call an ambulance!" Kaminari ordered before he run away

"Right!" Sero reply then he grab his phone and call the emergency services

"Hang in there, Midobro! You survived USJ and Stain! You'll survived this too!" Kirishima yell as he hold Izuku's neck

"I... lived..." Izuku said weakly

"Yeah! You'll lived! You will lived!" Kirshima yell while crying

They all try to stop the bleeding but unfortunately unsuccessful

"The bleeding won't stop" Iida said worried

"What we suppose to do?" Shoji ask worried

"Can I tape his neck?" Sero ask gaining the attention of others

"Tape?" Toru ask frightened

"He's right! The tape could stop the bleeding!" Yaoyorozu said trembling

"Do... it..." Izuku ordered weakly

"Okay! Okay!" Sero yell then he rip some tape and tape Izuku's neck "And... done..." Sero said as he finish taping Izuku's neck. They all look at the wound and luckily it's no longer bleeding

"It's not bleeding anymore, good" Iida said relief

"But we still need to bring him to the hospital. He already lost to many blood" Sero said when suddenly a Quinjet land outside the mall

"A jet?" Tokoyami ask confuse

"Medevac..." Izuku said weakly as the medical team exited the Quinjet and heading to Izuku

"What's the situation?" A medic ask

"He, uhh, he have a massive hole on his neck and bleeding quite badly" Kirishima answer trembling

"But we manage to stop it by this tape" Iida added

"Ok, we got it from here. You kids did good" The medic claim then the students began to move away from Izuku except Uraraka

"Miss, I need you to move away" The medic requested

"B-but... he's hurt... because of me..." Uraraka reply sobbing

"We will take care of him. He'll be fine" The medic explain softly

"Go... I'll be fine..." Izuku told Uraraka weakly

"Hic... okay..." Uraraka reply then she move away to join the others

Uraraka then reach her class and Mina, Toru, and Asui quickly hug her while still crying

"Oh my God, Uraraka, I'm sorry" Asui said sobbing

"You hear the medic. He'll be fine" Toru said sobbing

"But... he's hurt..." Uraraka said sobbing

"He have survived something like this before" Mina said sobbing

"And he said it himself that he lived. Don't worry" Kaminari added trembling

The medic take care of Izuku then he is put on a stretcher and taken to the Quinjet. Before he is taken to the jet, Izuku make a peace sign to his classmate, indicating that he will be fine

Class A can only watch as Izuku is taken away to the hospital for the many time this past 3 months. All of them now realize how much dangerous the hero world could be. USJ maybe the first time they fought villains, but this? This is the one thing that open their eyes on how much a hero sacrifice to protect others

"I hate to say this" Tokoyami said gaining the attention of others "But once we became pro, this will be norm to us to see" He said making Class A to look down

"He's right. Either we like it or not. This is the world we will face in the future" Iida agree as he glance his arm

"But... this is too soon" Toru complain

"Then we have to train harder!" Kirishima yell angrily surprising the others

"What?" Sero ask confuse

"Kirishima..." Mina said worried

"Midoriya has sacrifice numerous times for our sake! He fought the hardest among us, he never gives up, and always fight till the end!" Kirshima yell making the class remember USJ and sports fest and Hosu where Izuku always fight till the end

"We are Class A of U.A. hero course! And yet we behave nothing like a hero! I know I failed at the final exam, and if that is real life I would be dead. So this time, I declare that I will bust my ass during the summer camp! I will not let Midoriya fight alone anymore!" Kirishima declare

' "I never back down from a fight, that's not who I am" 'Iida remember Izuku's word before they both fight in the sports fest "Midoriya said that he doesn't want to be a hero, and yet, he is more heroic than any of us" He said

"Yeah..." Uraraka agree as she is now stop crying

"We will not let him down. We will fight with him, together" Kaminari declare smiling making the other smile as well

"For Midoriya!" Kirshima yell with his hand in the air

"For Midoriya!" The class cheer pumping their hand up

Timeskip 12 hours

Ranger Corp hospital, Yokosuka, Tokyo, Japan

Izuku open his eyes and see he inside some kind of machine when a female doctor enter the room

"Ah, you awake. Are you okay, Captain Midoriya?" The doctor ask

Izuku only look at the doctor before he touch his neck and feel nothing is missing or damaged

"Your throat are quite damaged, and you are loosing a lot of blood. Luckily your friends manage to stop the bleeding" The doctor explain

"Can you speak?" The doctor ask

"Dr. Helen Cho" Izuku said

"Good. Your throat are in good condition, and you able to recover quickly" Dr. Helen said as she check the machine's monitor

"Can I get up?" Izuku ask

"Go ahead. You're good shape" Dr. Helen reply then Izuku sit up and move his head around

"No strain, no pain, no movement restriction. I'm good" Izuku check himself

"Do you need anything?" Dr. Helen ask

"No, I'm good. Though I need some space" Izuku reply

"Ok. I'll be outside if you need me" Dr. Helen reply

"Thank you, doctor" Izuku said as Dr. Helen exited the room

Izuku just sit in his bed with some deep though 'Son of a bitch. I just make Shigaraki unpredictable. He now have a new focus, not All Might, but the whole society...' Izuku though worriedly

Izuku get off from the bed then walk to a window 'He may have a new focus, but I don't think he'll let U.A. go just yet. If you think about it, U.A. contribute in this "twisted" society. I'm sure he'll attack us again, especially in the summer camp. Limited pro heroes, middle of nowhere, it'll be the perfect opportunity to strike us' Izuku though as he watch the night sky

Izuku clench his fist "I don't care where you are, or what your plan is, Shigaraki. Next time I meet you, I will kill you" Izuku declare angrily