Summer Camp Start

3 days after the mall incident

"U.A. High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However, those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater height, for "Plus Ultra" ! Take this training seriously, I know someone from our class is absent here, but don't let that affect you. That is all" Aizawa said to the class

"Yes, sir!" The class comply

"Midoriya still not here, huh?" Kaminari ask worried

"Yeah, I guess the injury is worse than we tough" Sero reply nervously

"Midoriya..." Uraraka said sadly

"It's okay, Uraraka. He survived USJ, didn't he?" Asui try to comfort her

"Yeah..." Uraraka reply sadly when suddenly

"What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes? Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? What? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B? How can it be?" A blonde asshole from Class B insulted

"Shut it, you damn!" Kaminari yell annoyed

"Eh? Why should I? And what I said back then is true, right?" Monoma reply

"Back then?" Sero ask confuse as others

"You all are trouble makers. You all attract trouble to us and the people around you. I'm talking about the mall incident" Monoma answer smugly making Class A tense and some are mad

"You people need to stay away from the spotlight or we all will be injured like that so called soldier, Midoriya" Monoma insult when suddenly rock, acid, explosion, tape, electricity, shadow, purple ball, earphone jack, tongue, naval laser, tail, ice, fire, sugar rush, engine, animal, tentacle, creation and zero gravity attack him

Monoma was thrown back by the attacks before landing in the street to the surprise of Class B and Vlad King

The attacker, turn out to be the whole Class A who glare bloody murder at Monoma

"W-w-what...?" Monoma ask weakly as he try to get up

"Don't you dare insult him!" Kirishima yell angrily

"If anyone gonna insult him, it's gonna be me, copycat!" Bakugou yell angrily while creating explosion on his palm

"Don't you dare say his name" Iida said angrily

"Do you have any idea how much he sacrifice for us?!" Uraraka yell crying

"Do not insult my friend" Todoroki said angrily as his left hand is flaming up

"You can insult us, but never insult him!" Mina yell

"Yeah!" Class A agree

"You gonna let that?" Vlad King ask Aizawa

"He started it. And he want to become a hero he need to understand that what Midoriya has done is heroic and not criticize him for his actions. How did you deal with him anyway?" Aizawa reply then ask

"I don't" Vlad King reply holding the bridge of his nose

Monoma get up and about to retort when suddenly someone grip Monoma's neck making Monoma to look back to see a very angry Izuku gripping his neck

"Don't start the party without me, though this one" Izuku said as he tighten his grip "I don't mind if we left him behind" He said angrily before tossing Monoma away

"MIDORIYA!!!" Class A yell surprise seeing Izuku there

Uraraka then run to Izuku's chest and start crying "Midoriya!" She yell sobbing

"Hey, hehe. Nice to see you too" Izuku said as he hug her

"Damn, Midoriya! I though you will be in the hospital longer" Kaminari said as he and the entire class approach Izuku

"Midobro! You lived!" Kirishima yell as he and Izuku high five

"Midoirya! Are you okay?! Is the injury heal up?! do you need special attention?! We are worried!" Iida yell frantically

"Slow down, engine. I'm fine" Izuku reply sweatdropping

"We're glad you okay, Midoriya" Yaoyorozu claim with Class A nod in agreement

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you back then" Todoroki apologize

"You need to reconnect with your mother, that is more important" Izuku assure

"So you're not dead, eh?" Bakugou ask

"I'm tougher than this, dynamite" Izuku reply

"Why you!" Bakugou yell angrily

"Clam down, Bakugou!" Iida ordered

"Shut it, glasses!" Bakugou yell angrily then walk away

Izuku shake his head then look at Uraraka who still hugging him "You gonna let me go or not?" He ask

"I'm sorry..." Uraraka said sadly

"Hey, look at me" Izuku said making Uraraka look at Izuku's face "I said I'll be fine and I lived, right? And here I am, fine and live" He said smiling

"But..." Uraraka said sadly

Izuku put his hand on Uraraka's head "No but, I'm fine. Also don't cry" Izuku said then he wipe the tear on Uraraka's cheek "It doesn't suit you" He said smiling

Uraraka blush "M-Midoriya..." She said embarrassed

Meanwhile in the back, the girls are smiling while Mina and Toru are jumping up and down in excitement. The boys also smiling seeing the two of them, except Bakugou and Mineta, the former because of hate and the later because of jealous

"Sigh, to be lovely dovey like this, the-" Monoma about o insult but Kendo knock him out

"Sorry" Kendo apologize "Everyone get in the bus" She ordered as she drag an unconscious Monoma to the bus

"Okay!" Class B girls reply

"Not just the girls from Class A, but the girls from Class B will be there! It'll be like a buffet we can pick and choose from!" Mineta claim drooling

"That's about enough out of you" Kirishima told Mineta

"Class A's bus is this way! Line up in seat order!" Iida ordered with some robot hands

Izuku just look at Iida annoyed then Iida notice it "Uhh, I'm sorry, class rep!" Iida apologize

"Sigh... just get in the bus" Izuku ordered annoyed

Inside the bus

"Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour. After that-" Aizawa said then he look back only to see a noisy bus filled with Class A students

"... oh, well. This is the only time they'll able to play around" Aizawa said

1 hour later

"Finally taking a break, huh?" Kaminari ask

"I gotta pee!" Mineta yell as he run around

"Anyway, does this even count as a rest area?" Kaminari ask confuse

"Huh? Where's Class B?" Jirou ask as she didn't see the neighboring class

'This is not a rest area, and there's a car there with 3 people inside it. The Pussycats, eh?' Izuku analyze the surrounding

"There' no point stopping without a reason" Aizawa said

"Huh?" The class ask confuse

"Where's the bathroom?" Mineta ask trembling

Suddenly the car door open

"Hey, Eraser!" a female voice call Aizawa

"Long time no see" Aizawa bow down

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes! Stingingly cute and catlike! Wild, Wild Pussycats!" The females introduce them self

The class look lost by the sudden introduction

"These are pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats" Aizawa explain

"The Pussycats, rescue heroes. Specialize in mountainous terrain rescue. Been working for the past 12 yea -" Izuku explain when suddenly Pixie Bob grab his face

"I'm 18 at heart!" She yell "At heart...?" She ask when she notice Izuku point his gun at her heart

"Release me or your heart won't beat anymore" Izuku ordered calmly

"You won't shoot... right...?" Pixie Bob ask nervously

"Click" Izuku pull the safety off making Pixie Bob tense then release Izuku and run to Mandala's side

'She shouldn't pisses him off' Kaminari and Kirishima though nervously

"Greet them, everyone" Aizawa said

"Nice to meet you!" The class greet

Izuku then go to the bus, but Aizawa notice

"Midoriya don't get in the bus" Aizawa ordered

"I'm getting my gear" Izuku reply still walking to the bus

"You are not allowed to" Aizawa said

"Then ask Todoroki to burn that scarf if you don't want to be a hypocrite, Aizawa" Izuku stop and glance Aizawa

"... sigh... fine, go ahead" Aizawa said defeated

"We own this whole stretch of land here. You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain" Mandalay said as she point the camp site

"So far!" The class yell surprise

"Huh? Then why did we stop here?" Uraraka ask confuse

"Could this mean...?" Asui wonder

"No way..." Sato said nervously

"Why don't we get back to the bus, huh?" Sero suggested

"Yeah. Let's do that" Kaminari agree when he see Izuku walk to the cliff edge with a quite big bag behind him

"Uhh, Midoriya. Where are you going?" Uraraka ask confuse

"I'll see all you down there" Izuku reply confusing his classmate

"What do yo-" Uraraka ask again but Izuku run then jump down the cliff

"Midoriya!" The class yell terrified

"Ara, ara. Looks like someone is excited. It's 9:30 a.m. right now. If you're fast... maybe around noon?" Mandalay said grinning

"No way... guys..." Kirishima said terrified

"Get back to the bus!" Mina yell then they all run to the bus

"Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!" Mandalay yell

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Follow Midoriya, because training camp..." Aizawa said when Pixie Bob jump in front of the bus surprising the class "... has already begun" He finish

"Good luck" Pixie Bob said then she use her quirk to make a landslide that drag Class A to the cliff

"Wh-what is this?!" Uraraka yell terrified

"The ground is rising up?!" Mina yell terrified

The class then fall down to the bottom of the cliff

"Hey! Since it's private land, you can use your quirks as you wish! You have 3 hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet! After getting through... The Beast's Forest!" Mandalay yell from above

"The Beast's Forest?!" The class yell

"That name sounds like it came right out of Dragon Quest!" Kaminari claim

"U.A. does stuff like this way too much" Jirou claim

"It's no use complaining. We have to go" Kirishima claim as he get up

Mineta then run to the forest "I helt it! I helt it! Now to hide in the shadows and..." Mineta yell then inside the forest he meet a very giant monster

"Its... a beast!" Kaminari and Sero yell together terrified surprising the other students. Mineta then piss himself

The beast then lift it's hand up

"Calm down, kind beast! Stay back!" Koda try to use his quirk to control the beast

Koda then get in front of the beast "Calm down!" He ordered the beast but the beast continue to lift it's hand

"Get down!" someone yell then Mineta and Koda get down to the ground before "TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!" A loud continuous gun shots was heard

Kota and Mineta look up and see the ground beast have multiple holes before it started crumbling to the ground. The class then look at Midoriya who is wearing a body armor and holding quite a big gun

"Midoriya... what is... that...?" Kaminari ask terrified

"This, my friend, is an M249 SAW light machine gun" Izuku explain with proud when suddenly a second beast show up

Immediately Todoroki freeze the beast legs

"Reciproburst!" Iida yell as he kick the beast right arm

"Die!" Bakugou yell as he blasted the beast left arm

"TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!" Izuku fire the machine gun and disintegrate what's left of the beast

"You guys defeated that beast in an instant?" Sato ask impress

"You did it!" Sero claim excited as others

"You're amazing, Bakugo!" Kirishima praise

"Not yet!" Bakugou yell as he see multiple beast in front of them

"How many of them are there?" Kaminari ask as he look around

"What should we do? Run away?" Mina ask

"This is no joke. If we don't make it to the facility by noon, then we don't get launch" Sato stated

"Then we have no choice but to get through and take the shortest route" Yaoyorozu said confidently

"Kero" Asui croak in agreement

"Now come on, Class A! Let's roll out!" Izuku ordered

"YEAH!!!" The class cheer together

"Contact front! 20 meters! 2 of them!" Izuku inform

"There are 3 more on the left!" Shoji inform

"Another 2 from the right! Seven in total. They're coming!" Jirou inform

"All right, here I go!" Sero yell as he jump and taped a flying beast wings making it fall to the ground "Sato! Kirishima!" Sero yell

Sato eat multiple block of sugar to power up his quirk and Kirishima hardened his arms

"ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA!!!" Kirishima yell as he machine gun punch the beast

"ORAAAA!!!" Sato yell as he punch the beast head hard

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami yell then Dark Shadow attack the beast while Ojiro smack the beast with his tail

"Aoyama, now!" Ojiro yell

"The finishing blow, right?" Aoyama said then he launch a naval laser straight though the beast

"Damn it! It's you guy's fault that my pants are wet!" Mineta scream as he throw his purple ball making the beast to stuck

"Get away, Mineta!" Kaminari yell as he jump to the beast's head "1.3 Million Volts!" He yell as he discharge the beast

"Birds of the forest! Remove the evil beast from this place!" Koda ordered the birds that attacking the beast

"Take that!" Mina yell as she splash acid to the beast leg making it fall to it's knees

"Oh, no! It's gonna get me!" Toru yell as she is running away from a pursing beast

"Hagakure, good job being the bait" Yaoyorozu said "Everyone, please take cover!" She yell as she fire a cannon ball to the beast

"You did it, Yao-momo!" Mina cheer

Uraraka use her quirk to float a beast "Okay, tsu!" She yell as he take cover

"Leave it to me!" Asui reply then she use her tongue to throw the beast to the sky. Asui then land near Uraraka

"Release!" Uraraka deactivate he quirk making the beast to fall down hard

"More have appeared!" Shoji inform

Todoroki freeze a beast then Bakugou blasted it. The two then run side-by-side

"Don't get in my way, Half-and-Half Bastard!" Bakugou yell angrily

"I'm not in your way" Todoroki reply calmly

"Reciproburst!" Iida yell as he kick a beast in the head

Meanwhile Izuku crouch down in front of a fallen tree and deploy the MG bipot at that tree

"Come get some!" Izuku yell as he spray and pray anything that is not human

Meanwhile in the top of the cliff, Pixie Bob is still busy controlling the beast

"Kota, we're going" Mandalay call Kota who is looking on Class A

'It's pointless. Are they stupid? Saying they want to be heroes...' Though annoyed before walking away

Timeskip 5:20 p.m.

"Oh, you're finally here, meow!" Pixie Bob greet Class A that finally arrive at the camp site

"That took quite some time" Mandalay claim as Class A walk to the camp site

Todoroki walk slowly

Bakugou hold his arm in pain

Iida is walking limping on his left leg

Midoriya walk slowly while carrying his M249 on his shoulder

The other students also walk slowly as their quirk's drawback and fatigue affected them

"What do you mean, 3 hours?!" Kaminari yell annoyed and tired

"That's the time it would've taken us. Sorry!" Pixie Bob apologize

"You were trying to boast about how much better you are? That's mean..." Sato said tiredly

"I'm hungry... I'm gonna die..." Kirishima said while holding his stomach

"Hihihihi. But honestly, I though it would've take even longer. You guys didn't have as hard a time beating my earth beast as I though you would" Pixie Bob praise

"You guys are great... especially... you four!" Pixie Bob point at Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, and Izuku "Were you able to act without hesitation because of your experience? I'm looking forward to where you'll be in 3 years! I call dibs!" Pixie Bob yell as she harass the four boys

"Wh-what are you...?! Stop that! Get away! The fuck, women?!" The boys yell while Pixie Bob continue to harass them

"Mandalay... was she always like that?" Aizawa ask

"She's a little desperate, since she's about the suitable age for, you know..." Mandalay reply

"Enough already!" Izuku yell as he shove Pixie Bob away and see kota "Who is that?" He ask

"Ara, he's my cousin's kid. Come on, Kota. Greet everyone. You'll be with them for the next week" Mandalay introduce Kota

Izuku then approach Kota "Hey, kid. My name is Izuku Midoriya. Class rep of Class 1-A of U.A. High school's hero course. Nice to meet you" Izuku greet Kota as he extend his right hand for a handshake

But Kota then punch Izuku right where the sun doesn't shine

"Nice punch" Izuku complement surprising Kota who see his punch is block by Izuku's left hand

Kota then take back his hand then walk away

"Where you're going, kid?" Izuku ask

"I don't intend to hang out with guys who want to become heroes!" Kota said angrily

'This kid, Kota... Izumi...? I guess he's the son of the Water Horse' Izuku though as he read Kota's info on his IFF

"Precious brat" Bakugou said smiling

"Isn't he kind of like you?" Todoroki ask

"What? Not at all! Anyway, shut up, you GG bastard!" Bakugou yell angrily

"Sorry" Todoroki reply clamly

"Enough with this charade. Get your stuff off the bus. Once you've put your bags in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you'll bathe and go to sleep. We'll start for real tomorrow. Now, move quickly" Aizawa ordered

Timeskip to the cafeteria

"Really? So the girls's room is a normal size?" Sero ask Jirou

"Are the boys in a big room?" Jirou ask

"I wanna see it! Hey, can I go see it later?" Mina ask

"Sure, come whenever!" Sero reply

"So good!" Rice is so good!" Kirishima yell as he and Kaminari devour a lot of rice

"Anyway, today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you, so eat as much as you can" Pixie Bob explain

"Yes, ma'am" The class comply

The onsen later that night

"Well, frankly, food and stuff isn't really that important. That's not what I'm here for. I know that much, at least. What I'm here for is beyond that wall" Mineta said as he is standing in front of a wooden wall

Izuku only glare the purple pervert before he get out from the onsen

"What do you mean, Mineta?" Kirishima ask confuse

"This feels great! I love that there are hot springs here" The girls said in the other side of the wall

"See? There they are" Mineta said making the boys to blush

"Nowadays, for them to not stagger bathing times for men and women is an accident... yes, an accident waiting to happen" Mineta explain

"Don't tell me you're..." Kaminari ask

"Stop it, Mineta! It is shameful behavior!" Iida scold

"You're too fuss" Mineta said calmly before he use his quirk to climb the wall

"Walls... are meant to be climbed over! Plus Ul-"BRZZZZZ!!!" " Mineta yell but suddenly he was hit by some electricity and fall over

"What?" Iida ask confuse then he see Izuku holding a taser gun

"I'll take care of him. You guys enjoy the onsen" Izuku said as he drag Mineta out from the onsen

"..." the boys just watch as Midoriya drag Mineta outside

"I guess Midoriya is prepared, eh?" Sero ask

"Yeah" Kaminari reply

"What do you think happen?" Mina ask in the girls side

"I don't know, but I think Mineta has been dealt with" Jirou reply

"Must be Midoriya, he does take care of Mineta quite often" Uraraka claim

"Kero" Asui croak

The next day. Camp day 2

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today, we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. I'm sure you all understand that" Aizawa explain then look at Izuku

'The mall incident' The students though worried as they all glance Izuku who hold his neck

"So Bakugou" Aizawa call him as he throw a ball towards him "Try throwing that" Aizawa ordered

"This is from the fitness test..." Bakugou realize

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters. Let's see how much you've improved" Aizawa said as Bakugou prepare to throw

"Oh, we're checking our progress?" Mina ask excited

"Since a lot has happened these past 3 months, huh? Maybe he can throw it a kilometer or something now!" Sero claim excited

"Do it, Bakugou!" Kirishima yell

"Then... go to hell!" Bakugou yell as he exploded the ball away

"709.6 meters" Aizawa inform shocking Bakugou

"Huh? It's less than I though..." Sero said confuse

"It's been about 3 months since you started high school. Though various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase stamina. As you can see, your quirks them self have not improved that much" Aizawa explain surprising the class

"That's why we will would on improving your quirks starting today" Aizawa then smirk "It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to actually die..." Aizawa said smiling wickedly

"Tough request" Izuku commented