Hellish Training on Earth

Summer Camp Day 2, early morning

Class B is standing outside their camp house sleepily, some are yawing and some trying so hard to not fell a sleep

"Develop our quirks?" Kendo as confuse as she hold Komori from falling a sleep

"Class A is doing it already. Let's go, quickly" Vlad King said then he walk away

"Last semester, Class A got all the attention, so next semester, it'll be Class B's turn. Got it? It won't be Class A, it'll be us, Class B!" Vlad King ordered

"Sir...! Sorry that we are such disappointing students!" Tetsutetsu apologize crying with Kuroiro, Bondo, and Manga crying along side him

"Even if you say that we're going to develop our quirks out the blue, all twenty of us have different quirks, so how are we supposed to know what we're developing and how?" Setsuna ask

"Can you be more specific?" Kamakiri ask

"When muscle fibers are overused, they break and become stronger and thicker. Quirks are the same. If you keep using them they become stronger, and if you don't, then they waste away" Vlad King explain

"In other words, there's just one thing to do! Break through your limits!" Vlad King yell as he and Class B reach Class A's training grounds and they all are shocked by what they see

Katsuki Bakugou: He is plunging both hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands and creating explosion repeatedly to increase the scale of his attacks

Shoto Todoroki: He is inside a barrel of water while using both fire and ice. Alternating between ice and fire to make temperature of the bathwater uniform. This training is to get his body to used to freezing and have him try controlling the temperature of his flames so he can use both quirks at the same time

Hanta Sero: He is producing his tape continuously, the training will increase his capacity and improve tape strength and shooting speed

Eijiro Kirishima and Mashirao Ojiro: Ojiro is using his tail to strike Kirishima while Kirishima's hardening activated, they can increase the strength of each other quirks

Denki Kaminari: He is being electrocuted by a mobile generator, by running a large amount of electricity from the generator, he's training his body to be able to handle larger amount of electricity

Koji Koda: He is yelling with all his might in order to increase the reach of his Anivoice, he's doing vocal exercises to build up his local cord. Also to help him to become less shy

Yuga Aoyama: He is firing his laser continuously to get his body used to Navel Laser so that he can keep using it even if his stomach hurt and to increase the range of his laser

Fumikage Tokoyami: He is inside a dark cave as a training to keep Dark Shadow under control even if it's going wild in the dark

Ochako Uraraka: She is inside a large balloon ball and is falling down the hill to replicate a zero gravity environment, this help training her semicircular canals in her inner ears to decrease nausea and increasing the maximum weight she can use her quirk on

Tenya Iida: He is running around the training grounds at high speed to increase his leg strength and stamina

Tsuyu Asui: She is climbing a cliff with her tongue to work out all her muscles and her long tongue

Rikido Sato: He is working out while eating sweets he need to activate his quirks to power up

Momo Yaoyorozu: She is also eating along side Sato while using her quirk to amplify her creations and shorten the amount of time needed to make them

Kyoka Jiro: She is pounding her jack to a cliff to increase the strength and quality of sound from her jack

Mina Ashido: She is pouring her acid to a cliff to increase her skin's durability

Minoru Mineta: He is popping out his purple ball continuously to increase the strength of his scalp so that he won't bleed even he keeps popping off balls

Toru Hagakure and Mezo Shoji: They're increasing the strength of both quirks by having Shoji quickly create multiple Dupli-Arms to look for Toru as she continues to hide her presence

Izuku Midoriya: He is wearing an AR goggles and a riffle that connected to the AR. He is shooting multiple virtual targets while the goggles display a lot of other information that can distract him. The goal is to increase his accuracy, tracking, identification, and judgement call in the middle of an information overload battlefield

"Wh-what is with this hell...?" Rin ask terrified as he see Class A's being tortured

"Those of you who are operative types will have to raise you maximum limits. Heteromorphic types and other composite types need to train the parts of their body related to their quirks" Vlad King explain as Rin's soul leave his body

"Normally, this would occur as your bodies grow..." Vlad King said

"... but we don't have that time. Class B, you guys hurry up, too" Aizawa finish as he approach Class B

"But once we join, there will be 40 in all. Can just 6 people manage the quirks of that many people?" Kendo ask worried

"That's why they're here" Aizawa said

"That's right! The four of us are one! Lock on with these sparkling gazes! We've come to lend a paw and help! Coming out of nowhere. Stingingly cute and catlike! Wild, Wild Pussycat! The full version" The Pussycat introduce them self

Class B meanwhile like Class A the day before, look lost by the introduction. And mainly because there's a man wearing a female clothing

"Uhh... why there is an idol group here?" Kaibara ask confuse

"What did you just say?" Tiger ask menacingly

"Hiiiiiiii!" Kaibara tremble in fear

"All you power-up types, come to me! Tiger's Bootcamp has already begun!" Tiger yell then he approach Monoma "Now, hit me with what you've got!" He yell at Monoma

"Heh, you want me to hit you? You have no idea wh- ACK!!!" Monoma reply smugly but Tiger hit him making Monoma to hit a tree

"To underestimate your enemy and waste a good chance to strike is a rookie mistake!" Tiger scold Monoma who whimper on the ground

'He's scary' Kaibara though scared

"It's "Plus Ultra" right? Then, do it! Give me "Ultra" !" Tiger said with a dark aura

"Ugh..." Monoma whimper

'That guy's the only one whose gender and genre are different, huh?' Kaibara though terrified

"U.A.'s busy, so it's hard to spare staff for just the first years of the hero course" Vlad King explain

"Based on their track record and wide range of quirks, these 4 are the most logical choice to train your quirks in a short amount of time" Aizawa explain

"Don't fall behind Class A! Class B, let's go!" Vlad King ordered

"Yes, sir!" Class B comply

Timeskip to the afternoon

"Now, remember what I said yesterday? "Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you" !" Pixie Bob yell

"At least make your own food! Curry!" Ragdoll yell

"Yessir..." The students said tiredly

"Hahahahaha! You all look exhausted! But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!" Ragdoll laugh

"It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling the stomach and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster. That's U.A. for you! No opportunity wasted!" Iida realize

"Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!" Iida encourage both classes

"Okay..." The students reply tiredly

'Iida's so useful' Aizawa though

The students then go to the kitchen to start making food

Todoroki is flaming up the fire place when Mina call him

"Todoroki! Can we get fire over here, too?" Mina ask

"Bakugou, use explosion to light this" Sero requested

"Like I would, scum!" Bakugou yell as he blasted the fire place to pieces to much of his surprise "Huh...?"

"If you only rely on others, then you will not learn how to light a fire" Yaoyorozu said as she create an electric matches

"No, it's okay" Todoroki said as he light up Mina's fire place

"Uwahh, thanks!" Uraraka cheer

"Burn, burn, burn it up!" Mina cheer

Eating time

"Thanks for the food!" The students said then they eat the curry

"If I got this at a restaurant, I wouldn't be very happy, but in this situation, it's delicious!" Kirishima yell while devouring the curry

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or not, as long as it keep you alive then eat it" Izuku commented

"Yao-momo, you eat a lot, huh?" Mina ask

"Yes. My quirk turns lipids into various atoms to create things, so the more I eat, the more I can make" Yaoyorozu explain

"It's like poo" Sero commented making Yaoyorozu to drop down and depress

"Apologize!" Jiro yell as he punch Sero

"I'm sorry!" Sero apologize

Meanwhile Kota walk away to the mountains and Izuku notice him

Kota is standing above a mountain where there's a cave on in while his stomach is crying for food

"Hungry, huh?" Izuku ask surprising Kota "I brought you a curry, not the best, but still good" Izuku said as he approach Kota

"You...! How'd you find this place?" Kota ask irritated

"I track you down. Go ahead, eat it" Izuku reply as he give the curry to Kota

Kota scoff and look away "I'm fine. I don't need any" Kota refuse

"Your stomach says otherwise" Izuku said hearing Kota's stomach crying for food

"I told you before, didn't I?! I don't intend to hang out with you. Get out of my secret hideout!" Kota yell angrily

"..." Izuku only stare at Kota when he speak

"Getting all into trying to improve your quirk. It's gross. You want to show off your power that badly?" Kota ask irritated

"Show off? That's what you think we're doing here?" Izuku ask

"Isn't that what you're doing here?! To show off to the world of how great your quirk is?! Like that blond idiot said!" Kota yell angrily

'Blond? Oh, Bakugou' Izuku realize

"You all disgust me" Kota look away

"And your parents disgust you?" Izuku ask making Kota to flinch "You hate your parents? They disgust you? How would they think if y-" Izuku ask again but Kota cut him

"Don't you talk about them!" Kota yell angrily

"If you said that quirked people disgust you then your parents, the Water Hose disgust you too?" Izuku ask again

"Don't you talk badly about them!" Kota yell again

"Then don't talk badly about as as well" Izuku reply flinching Kota again

"What happened to your parents is tragic, but you need to understand that they do it not because of fame or showing off, but to protect others" Izuku explain

"Then why did they do something stupid?" Kota ask

"They didn't do stupid things, they are protecting the people around them" Izuku corrected

"Why?! Why did they do it for some stupid people?! Why?!" Kota yell

"Sigh..." Izuku sigh then look at the camp site "You're thinking why would your parents sacrifice their live for a total stranger, right?" Izuku ask flinching Kota again "Why would they spend time with those people and not me? Right now you are too young to understand" Izuku said then he kneel down and put down the curry before he look at Kota

"I need you to understand that everything happen for a reason. You parents become heroes for a reason, they fought for a reason, and they die for a reason" Izuku explain

"Shut up! Get out of here!" Kota yell angrily

"Understood" Izuku said then he leave the place "Make sure you return the plate" Izuku told Kota as he walk away

Summer Camp day 3

"Hey, extra lessons group, don't stop" Aizawa said seriously

"Got it..." Kirishima reply still sleepy like Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Sato

"Sorry, I'm kinda of sleepy..." Mina said half sleep

"I didn't think yesterday's extra lessons... would go until 2 a.m...." Kaminari said sleepily

"And we started at 7 a.m...." Sato added

"I told you it'd be tough. You're not just trying to improve your quirks. Above all, you need to work on the weaknesses that were exposed during the final exams!" Aizawa stated making the 5 to tense up

"Think carefully about why you're move tired than your classmate before you move" Aizawa told them

"Y-yes, sir..." The 5 failed reply sleepily

"Uraraka! Aoyama! You two should, too. You didn't fail, but you were close. The passing point was 30, you two were about 35" Aizawa told them

"Ah, we barely made it..." Uraraka said surprise

"How unexpected" Aoyama claim while holding his stomach

"Don't lose focus. All of you, move faster!" Aizawa ordered

"Yes, sir!" The students comply

"Ooh rah!" Izuku comply

"No matter what you're doing, you should always be aware of where you came from. That's what it means to improve. Always keep in mind why you're sweating, and why you keep getting nagged. Remember your reasons to enter U.A., remember your goal, remember why you are fighting" Aizawa motivate

'My reason...' Bakugou though

'My goal...' Todoroki though

'Why I fight...' Izuku though

"More importantly, everyone, tonight we'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick!" Pixie Bob yell beside Sato and Yaoyorozu table

"Oh, I forgot" Kendo realize

"I hate scary things..." Jiro said downhearted

"Revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami commented

"They're letting us do the typical training camp stuff, too, huh?" Rin ask

"Hehehe, I like the part where we're "pitted against each other" ..." Monoma laugh

"So, do your best right now!" Pixie Bob cheer

"Yessir! The students reply happily

"Ooh rah" Izuku reply

Timeskip to 9 p.m.

"Now, we're filled our bellies and washed the dishes! Next..." Pixie Bob started

"... it's time for the test of courage!" Mina finish

"We're gonna test it!" Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Sato cheer together

"Before that" Aizawa said tensing the failed 5 "It pains me to say this, but the extra lesson group will be having class with me now" Aizawa claim

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Mina yell in disbelieve

"Sorry. Your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time" Aizawa said as he grab them with his scarf

"Give us a break! Let us be tested!" The failed 5 yell in agony as they are drag away

Izuku shake his head when suddenly his phone make a beeping noise tensing Izuku

"Hmm, whose phone is that?" Uraraka ask then she see Izuku pull out his phone quickly with a tense expression

"Midoriya, is everything okay?" Uraraka ask confuse

"Everyone retreat" Izuku said confusing the others

"Midoriya?" Iida ask confuse

"Everyone retreat, now!" Izuku yell seriously

"What? Why?" Manadalay ask

"No time explaining! We need to get back to the camp house, now!" Izuku yell as he push people to get back

"What the fuck, guns?! What the hell got into you?!" Bakugou yell angrily the they all see black smoke rising from a distance

"Is that... smoke...?" Jiro ask

"Is something burning?" Ojiro wonder

"Could there be a fire on the mountain?!" Toru yell

Suddenly Pixie Bob is levitate and started to fly back. Izuku notice this then pull out his pistol and fire to the forest

"CLANG!!! CLANG!!! CLANG!!!" Izuku fire 3 shots and all three hit something metallic then Pixie Bob fall down

"Pixie Bob!" Izuku yell as he approach her "You good?" He ask

"Yeah, but what happen" Pixie Bob reply confuse then from the forest a pinkish fog started to creep to the students

Honenuki unfortunately is too close to the fog "What i-" Honenuki unable to finish because he suddenly fell to the ground

"Honenuki!" Kendo yell terrified

"The fog! It's poisonous! Stay away from the fog!" Tiger yell as they all move away from the fog

Sero launch his tape to Honenuki then reel him to the students "Is he okay?" He ask as Mandalay check his condition

"I think he just pass out" Mandalay reply

"Midoriya!" Aizawa call Izuku who carry Pixie Bob back "What happen?" He ask

Izuku put down Pixie Bob then point his gun to the forest where 2 figure exit the forest

"Hey, hey, hey... I though they made doubly sure... why are there villains here?!" Mineta scream terrified

"Oh no..." Mandalay said worried

"Damn..." Aizawa said as he grab his scarf

"Shit! We're under attack!" Izuku yell out