Mission Is A Go

A few days later, TLD training ground

Class A is having a climbing training and the work studies group is climbing with speed. Izuku is the first to reach the top

'Why my quirk can't ID Eri is there? Damn it!' Izuku though frustrated

"The movement of the work study group are especially sharp" Jiro notice

"They figured something out while outside! Hey, what'd you figure out?! Tell Me!" Bakugou yell

"Sorry, I can't!" Kirishima reply while climbing up

'Kirishima, Uraraka, and Asui volunteer to take part of the rescue mission. But there's a catch, even though there's no solid intel of working together, if the LOV does showed up they three will and must evacuate ASAP regardless of what they're doing at the time' Izuku though as he, Iida, and Todoroki are walking to the cafeteria

'Can I really eat this? And only God knows if Eri is eating properly?' Izuku though as he just look at his chicken katsu and not eating it

"You're not going to eat that?" Todoroki ask

"I don't really have much of an appetite lately" Izuku reply

"Are you all right?" Iida ask worried

"Though you don't show it, you look rather depressed since your work studies" Todoroki said

"Did something happen on your work study" Iida ask

"You can say it that way" Izuku reply

"Did you do something?" Todoroki ask

"It's more like what I didn't do" Izuku reply as he play with his chopsticks

"If you want to talk, you can talk to us. We're friends, right?" Iida ask smiling

"You quote me" Izuku said

"Yeah, that's what you said to me before the internships, and I was acting like a fool back then" Iida said as he remember fighting Stain alone

"You were. I can't really talk about it, it's classified. Sorry" Izuku apologize dozing off

"You're not gonna talk about it?" Todoroki ask

"Did you not understand the meaning of "Classified" ? Even if wanted to, I can't. It'll be disobeying a direct order. Even though I've broke some orders before, it doesn't mean I can broke it every time I like. So I'm sorry, I can't really talk about it" Izuku apologize before finally eating his chicken katsu

"I understand, I won't force you to tell me. But if you want to relax or just to talk, we'll be there for you" Iida claim smiling with Todoroki nodding

"I appreciate the offer, thank you" Izuku said smiling

2 days later, 03.00 A.M.

While most of Class A is sleeping, Izuku is busy cleaning his riffle when he got a message on his phone. Later, he go down to the common area and meet Kirishima, Uraraka, and Asui

"You all get the message?" Kirishima ask

"We got it" Asui reply and Uraraka nod

"D-Day" Izuku said seriously

Meanwhile at the third years dorm, Mirio meet up with Tamaki and Nejire

"Let's do our best" Nejire said sleepily

'Eri, I'll protect you this time, definitely!' Mirio mentally declare

Later, 07.00 A.M.

Class A is preparing their day like usual

"Tokoyami's in Kyushu, so it's expected, but the other work study are absent, too, huh?" Sero ask

"They all acting weird lately, hasn't they?" Ojiro ask

"Yeah, they all look so restless for some reason" Kaminari agree

"It's kind of weird" Sero claim

"You think they're after something big?" Kaminari ask

"Even if they were, they'll be with pros and Midoriya is also with them" Ojiro reassure

"That's true" Sero agree

"I guess we don't have to worry about them" Kaminari claim

At Nighteye's Agency

"We have confirm Eri's location. She is definitely inside Hassaikai headquarter and inside this room, as Midoriya pointed out a few days ago" Nighteye said

"How did you actually know that green dot is Eri?" Fat Gum ask

Nighteye then put a box of Gung-Ho! Glitter Squad 10! onto the table "A member of the Hassakai went to a nearby store the other day and bought playthings aimed at young girls" Nighteye explain

"Huh?" Fat Gum said confuse

"What the heck...?" Rock Lock said confuse

"So maybe he have that kind of hobby, it's not really that weird this time around, there are people like that, Nighteye" Fat Gum said

"No, he said something that no one who has that sort of hobby would say. He said he want something glitter or something for little girls. I got suspicious, so I approach him pretending that I'm a fan. And at that time, I use my foresight on him and he go straight to Eri on this room later on" Nighteye explain

"So this means it's been decided, right?" Fat Gum ask

"We know for sure when they'll be there thanks to our stakeouts" Centipeder said

"We also worked with the police to get a warrant. So next is to get in there!" Bubble Girl declare

"Let's go" Nighteye declare

Mito Police station 08.00 A.M.

"After a few days of surveillance on the Hassaikai, we discovered the existence of undocumented underground facilities at the head of the Hassaikai's residence. We were able to confirm that the girl we are trying to rescue is being held in one of the rooms there. As we know, the layout is incredibly complex, but the path the man took is the shortest to our target. However, even if we head there, if they use their quirks freely on us, it would make the search difficult. So, we have made a list to the best of our knowledge of quirks registered to Hassaikai members. please memorize this list" The police chief explain then he call his men to give a list of villains inside

"We don't have to give them time to hide, so we want to identify and apprehend all the members as quickly as possible" The police chief said then Izuku walk beside him

"And one more thing, if any of the Hassaikai members fight back and posses a threat to others, lethal force is authorized" Izuku said surprising the heroes

"Lethal force?!" A pro yell surprise

"You hear me right, though if you heroes able to avoid it, avoid it. This order applies more to the police and me" Izuku explain

"Wait, where are the rest of the Ranger Corp, Midoriya? They haven't arrived yet?" Aizawa ask Izuku as he notice there are no Ranger Corp there beside Izuku

"There won't be any other Ranger Corp reinforcement beside me" Izuku answer surprising everyone

"What do you mean there won't be one?! Did they chicken out?!" Rock Lock yell irritated

"Don't you dare insult us, you egosentric hero!" Izuku yell furiously shocking everyone "You say one more complain or insult, I'll kick you out of this place myself and you're out from the rescue mission!" Izuku threaten making Rock Lock to be silent

"The reason there won't be Ranger Corp reinforcement is because we have a solid intel on the League of Villains location. And since there's no solid intel that the LOV is working together with Hassaikai, most of our resources are deployed to hunt down the LOV" Izuku explain

"But didn't the Ranger Corp have a lot of soldiers?" A pro ask

"We did, but blame the recent government policy that limit out movement. Because of that policy we could only deploy one large forces at one time. And the LOV take higher priorities" Izuku explain

"So we have no Ranger Corp support at all?" Fat Gum ask

"Not really, I manage to pull some strings and get my hands on a platoon of two squads as a Quick Reaction Force callsign "Havoc" . But there's a catch, they work as an emergency only, meaning unless our mission here goes south like too many casualty or destruction they won't be deployed" Izuku explain

"So that's mean we did not have Ranger Corp support after all" Fat Gum said annoyed

"That's the best I could do" Izuku claim

"If they are not with us, then where where are they?" Ryuku ask curious

"They are currently stationed at JAF Hyakuri Air Base, 25 kilometers south of the city. They will be transported by 2 Quinjets transport jets and escorted by 2 ATH-21 attack helicopters. And these two helicopters carry high explosive rockets and anti tank missiles, so unless our situation is very dire, they cannot be deployed" Izuku reply

"Anti tank missiles? Isn't that way too extreme?" A pro ask surprise

"Better safe than sorry. When we face AFO we brought almost every weapon systems to face him. Despite that, conventional firepower is not enough to kill him. Even though Hassaikai is nowhere near AFO's level, I'm not taking any chances" Izuku explain

"Heroes! Things might get a little violent. If you see even a little hint of violence, please deal with it immediately! And like Lieutenant Colonel Midoriya said, you are authorize to use lethal force. We're up against gangsters who have survived until now. Don't let your guard down and carry out your respective tasks" The police chief said the he, Izuku and all the police salute

"We will commence the operation at 08.30!" The police chief added

"All forces, roll out!" Izuku ordered

Shie Hassaikai HQ, 08.30 A.M.

Heroes and police are outside Hassaikai HQ ready to ambush the place. As the police about to press the door bell, Izuku notice a massive red dot heading to the door

"Watch out!" Izuku yell but suddenly the front door is blasted open by a massive person, making some police to fly away

Some heroes work fast and save the blasted off polices to safety

"What do you want? Bringing all these people so early in the morning..." The giant person AKA Katsukame ask

"Oi, oi! Hang on a second! Did they already notice us?" Rock Lock ask surprise

"Forget about that, let's just all hold them back!" A pro yell as he use his hair to create a sword

"Shit! All units, be advised. All of Hassaikai members are hostiles! All members are hostiles! Mission is a go! Mission is a go!" Izuku yell as he aim at Katsukame

"I feel a little more awake now, jeez..." Katsukame said as he cock back his right arm, ready to punch

"Get back!" Ryuku yell as she try to cover the police

"What do you people want?!" Katsukame yell as he punch the ground hard, making a massive dust cloud in the process

All the police and heroes take cover from the shockwave, when the dust settle, Ryuku, now in her dragon form, hold Katsukame's arm

"Anyway, we shouldn't split up our forces here. Ryuku Agency will take care of him" Ryuku claim before she hold down Katsukame with her arm

"We'll leave him to her team! Everyone else, get in!" Izuku ordered as he run inside

"We'll support Ryuku" Nejire suggested

"Right!" Uraraka comply then she and Asui run ahead

"Okay! Everyone, get in! Quickly, quickly!" Fat Gum yell as he and others run inside

"It's the heroes and the police! We have warrant to search your properties on suspicion of manufacture and sale of illegal drugs!" The police chief yell as he and other run inside the HQ

"A search warrant?" A yakuza yell surprise

"Who cares?!" A yakuza yell as he attack the police but quickly apprehend by the police and heroes. But then, more yakuzas came out and hold the police and heroes advances

"They sent everyone out just to buy time?! That's so self-destructive!" A pro yell as he try to hold the yakuzas

"Leave them to us and go on ahead!" A pro yell

"We're counting on you!" Nighteye yell as he and the rest get in

"Excuse us!" Fat Gum yell as he and some heroes and police run in the HQ

"They seem to react so fast" Rock Lock pointed out

"I wonder if someone leaked information to them" Tamaki wonder

"If someone had, I think they'd be avoiding us more smartly. They should all be used to working together with one will already" The police chief claim

"They devoted their all to their bond with their boss and brothers. They might feel ashamed now, but that makes them put more important on their old bonds. This commotion... and Chisaki and the top brass haven't shown themselves yet" Aizawa explain

"They probably waiting for us underground to stall us down while Eri is taken away" Izuku claim

"There's no way we'll let that happen!" Kirishima declare

They continue to run until they reach a small shrine

"It's here. There's a device here to open a hidden passage" Nightete said then he open the secret door open

"Like a ninja residence! Right?" Bubble Girl said

"If you hadn't seen it with your Foresight, we wouldn't have notice it" Centipeder said

As the door began to open, suddenly bullets are flying from the inside secret room, surprising the heroes and police

"Take cover!" The police chief yell then everyone take cover

"What the hell, bastards!" The yakuzas yell as they continue to shoot the police and heroes

"They have guns!" Izuku yell as he move closer to the door

"Where they got guns from?!" Tamaki yell surprise

"We'll find out later! Stay back!" Izuku yell as he grab a frag grenade "Fire in the hole!" Izuku yell then he throw the grenade inside the secret room

"Clang...! Clang...! Clang...! ...BOOMMMMM!!!" The grenade fall to the room before explode 5 seconds later

"Wait here" Izuku ordered then he walk down the secret room, he scan the room and only find a few dead yakuzas "Clear!" Izuku yell then the rest began to run down the stairs

"Whoa!" Kirishima yell surprise as he see some dead body

"Try to puke later, Red Riot. Come on, this way!" Izuku said the he run through the labyrinth

"This place is really is a labyrinth" Kirishima said

"It is, and we got hostiles all across the place as well. Keep your eyes open" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir!" Kirishima comply

As they all move through the labyrinth, Izuku notice on his radar a dozens hostiles are waiting in front of them

"Stop!" Izuku ordered as they all stop

"What's the matter?" Aizawa ask

"Large number of hostiles up ahead. Wait here" Izuku ordered then he move forward and face a number of yakuzas

"They're here!" A yakuza yell as he notice Izuku

"It's only him! Stop him!" A yakuza yell as they try to attack Izuku. Big mistake

Izuku kill the yakuzas swiftly without mercy. After all yakuzas are dead, Izuku check his surrounding and radar, no hostiles "Clear!" Izuku yell then the police and heroes run towards him

"Does all of this really necessary?" Rock Lock ask disgust by the blood

"It's not too late to back off and find a replacement, Rock Lock" Izuku reply as he reload "Let's move!" He ordered then the group move forward

'Hang on, Eri. We're coming' Izuku and Mirio mentally declare