A Man

As the rescue squad run through the labyrinth, they suddenly reach a dead end

"It's a dead end...! You sure you're not mistaken?" The police chief ask

"Explain yourself, Nighteye, brat!" Rock Lock yell

"It's Delta. The wall looks new, they must've create it to slow us down. My radar show there's still a hallway pass this wall" Izuku explain

"I'll go take a look" Mirio declare as he move to the wall

"Lemillion, wait! Your clothes might..." Kirishima said worried

"It's all right. Mirio's costume is made of a special fiber made from this own hair. It's made so it become permeable when he activates his quirk" Tamaki reassure

Mirio then peek inside the wall and see Izuku is correct "The path continues, just like Delta said. But it's a pretty thick wall" Mirio inform

"A cheap trick!" Fat Gum said angrily

"Thick wall my ass. Red Riot, it's demolition time" Izuku declare as he put away his rifle and cock his left arm

"Right!" Kirishima yell then he cock his right arm

"GRAAAAAAAHHH!!! Red Gauntlet!" Izuku and Kirishima yell as they demolish the wall to pieces

"The wall is destroyed!" Kirishima yell

"Wall? What wall?" Izuku ask smirking

"They beat me to the punch, young kids these days" Fat Gum said impressed

"Let's keep going" Mirio said when suddenly the whole labyrinth start to shake and wobble and behave like fluid bouncing the rescue squad all over the place

"The path is rolling...!" Kirishima said surprise and confuse

"It's not Chisaki! It's different..." The police chief claim

"Then who is it?" Rock Lock ask

"The director, Irinaka! His quirk, Mimic, lets him go into object and control them freely from within!" The police chief explain

"But this is on too big of a scale!" Rock Lock argue

"He must be consuming a quirk enhancing drug, that's the only logical explanation!" Aizawa claim

"Eraser, you can't get rid of it?" Fat Gum ask

"Not if I can't see the main body..." Aizawa reply

"We're wasting time here, I'm going ahead!" Mirio declare as he run ahead

"Lemillion!" Nighteye yell

"Like I said, time is of the essence! Those guys know this, too. That's why they're stalling for time. I'm going ahead!" Mirio declare as he keeps running

"Damn!" Izuku curse then he see his wipe map "Lemillion! Keep running straight for 100 meters then turn left! She'll be 75 meters from there!" Izuku inform

"Roger!" Mirio comply as he run pass a wall

"How did he know?! Damn!" Mimic said frustrated then he create a massive hole right underneath the rescue squad making them fall into a room underneath

"Where are we?" A police ask confuse

"We're getting further and further away from our goal!" Fat Gum yell

"They got us!" Rock Lock yell annoyed

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. Some government authorities have fallen from the sky. Strange things happen, huh?" A yakuza with sword said as he and two other yakuzas are waiting for them

"Come on heroes, let's fight" The sword yakuza tease

"It's Setsuno! We can't use our guns against him!" The police chief warned

"You figured it out, huh?" Setsuno ask

Izuku then slowly and stealthy grab a weapon on his belt "Eraser, don't erase his quirk" He told Aizawa silently

"Why? It's better if we stop his quirk to fight him" Aizawa argue

"Trust me" Izuku said seriously

"Okay" Aizawa comply

Izuku then grab the weapon and aim it at Setsuno, and instantly stolen by Sestuno as the weapon is now on his hand

"What are you doing, Delta?!" Kirishima yell confuse

"You just give him your gun" Rock Lock said annoyed

"Oi, didn't you hear what he just say? You can't use a gun on me" Setsuno mock

"Yeah, gun. Take cover!" Izuku yell as he deploy his shield and the others take cover

"What?" Setsuno said confuse then he look at his arm and see an M67 Frag Grenade on his palm "WH- BOOOOMMMM!!!" The grenade explode and kill Setsuno instantly. The other two yakuzas are hit but still alive

"What the...?! AHHHH!!! What is that?!" The muscle yakuza yell in pain as he was hit by fragments

Izuku quickly grab his rifle "BANG!!! BANG!!!" he headshot the muscle yakuza first "BANG!!! BANG!!!" then the masked yakuza next. They both then drop to the floor

Izuku approach the downed yakuzas and scan them, black dots "Clear!" Izuku inform

"Was that really necessary?" Rock Lock ask annoyed

"Was your ego really necessary?" Izuku ask back making Rock Lock to shut up

"Okay, now those three are dealt with, let's move!" Fat Gum yell

"He's right, where to, Delta" Nighteye ask

"Stand by" Izuku said as he look at his wipe map "The layout change significantly around us, and the best way is... out through that door then to the left" Izuku point at the door

"Then let's move!" Fat Gum yell as he run through the door with others right behind him

As they all maneuver around the labyrinth, Aizawa realize something

"Somethings strange. It's weird that the guy who was moving the basement hasn't shown any movement..." Aizawa said

"He must be cautious. I detect his body far way, but he able to attack us any moment. Keep your eyes open" Izuku claim

"Either he is busy with the cops above us or waiting for an opportunity to attack us" Nighteye said

"Or maybe he's not in total control of the entire labyrinth. The fact that there's no obstacle in front of us and Delta said that his body is far away meaning that he have limited area that he able to control" Aizawa theorized

In the room where the three yakuzas were, Mimic was watching their bodies lie on the ground "I can't believe they were killed so easily and fast by that soldier! Even if they're trash, all three of them are strong. I need to eliminate him" Mimic said frustrated as he move to the rescue squad

As the rescue squad are running, Izuku detect Mimic is getting close "Heads up! Mimic incoming!" Izuku yell when suddenly the wall beside him push him to the side

"Midoriya!" Kirishima yell

'Shit! I know he targeted me, I'm the biggest threat' Izuku mentally curse as he's being push to a hole in the wall

Suddenly Fat Gum jump and push Izuku away "Fat Gum!" Izuku yell

'If we let this guy do what he wants, then we'll be running out of precious time. Delta, kill this guy!' Fat Gum mentally yell before being pushed into the hole

"I'm sorry, I'll take care of him!" Izuku yell

Fat Gum is rolling down the hole before stopping at a dark room. Fat Gum try to stand up when he see Kirishima underneath him

"Why are you here?" Fat Gum ask surprise

"I also jumped out to protect Midoriya... I though that I wouldn't take any damage. But then... I sank into you" Kirishima explain

"I guess it can't be helped. More importantly, brace yourself" Fat Gum said when someone is running towards them

A muscular yakuza is running towards them then punch his fist, Kirishima block it but the force is too great for him he is send flying back

Then the muscular yakuza machine gun punch Fat Gum "Grah!" Fat Gum groan in pain

The punching then stop, Fat Gum then look at Kirishima "You good?" He ask when he realize Kirishima inside a crater on the wall and his arms are cracked

"M... my arm...!" Kirishima said in disbelieve as his harden skin are shattered showing the muscles beneath it

"You know what I think? It's boorish to use guns or blades in a fight. Anyone who has those can win. That's not a real fight. It's better to kill each other using just the power living inside you. I wonder if you understand" The muscular yakuza said

"What do you think you're doin'?!" Fat Gum yell as he try to punch the yakuza when suddenly a circular barrier appear around the yakuza

"Huh? A barrier? What is this?" Fat Gum said confuse

"Fat Gum, and a boy who can harden his body. Hm. They both have quirks that are good at defense. Too bad, Rappa" A yakuza appear from the shadow said

Rappa then run forward and machine gun punch Fat Gum again

'For this much shock to get through even my fat... it's like a bullet...' Fat Gum though painfully

" "Good at defense"? The didn't get away unscathed. Well, I guess it's good enough that they didn't turn into mincemeat" Rappa said

'A rushed bullet and a barrier. This'll be an annoying pair to fight' Fat Gum though annoyed

"We are a spear and a shield. In contras, you two are a shield and a shield" The other yakuza claim

"Huh? Wait, what kind of fight is that? Oh, well..." Rappa ask confuse

"Although, I do not know if that boy over there could even be called a shield" The other yakuza said looking at Kirishima

"My arm cracked... ouch! I couldn't take all of it. If another barrage like that comes, I won't be able to make it... I though I'd gotten stronger...! Damn it...!" Kirishima groan in pain

"Don't let go from your Unbreakable!" Fat Gum yell surprising Kirishima "If even your spirit breaks, then you really have lost! When fightin' villains, it's a matter of how fast you make them lose their will to fight. You can't lose your will before them! Let's blow these small fry away quickly and go back to the others!" Fat Gum encourage

"They're planning to beat us Isn't that great, Rappa?" The other yakuza ask

"You understand? what a great fat guy! Tengai, I'm starting to have fun. Get rid of this. Don't use it. It's not like I need a barrier in the first place" Rappa requested

"Don't wallow in your own desires. Don't forget what Master Overhaul said. This is an excellent matchup. We will win for certain with our teamwork" Tengai said

"Yada, yada, yada, whatever, as long as I can fight to the death, I don't care" Rappa claim

"Then do what you want, if you can take care of them by yourself" Tengai said as he remove the barrier around Rappa

"What a great recluse!" Rappa yell then he dash towards Fat Gum and machine gun punch him again

"Gah...! He called you Rappa, right? It's been a while since any attack's had an effect on me. I was a hardcore martial arts guy back in the day, too. Spear vs shield. Let's have a match to see which is stronger, Rappa!" Fat Gum challenge

"You really are a great fat guy! Yeah! You guys are all great guys!" Rappa yell excited then he dash towards Fat Gum and machine gun punch him again

'Fat Gum... he protected me... even though he isn't able to completely withstand the attack...' Kirishima though as he see Rappa machine gun punch Fat Gum

'What am I doing? Feeling like I'd gotten stronger! Jumping out with my ultimate move and having it ripped through so easily! Ending up just getting in the way!' Kirishima though frustrated

'Oh man, this hurts! He's getting faster and faster! Maybe I won't make it in time?!' Fat Gum though painfully

"Don't disappoint me, fat guy! Don't pass out on me yet! My shoulder's finally warmed up!" Rappa yell as he continue to machine gun punch Fat Gum

'What can I do?! What can I do?! Do something, please! Fat Gum is dying! I... I can't do it... I'm... I'm... afraid...' Kirishima though trembling in fear "I'm sorry..." Kirishima said as he close his eyes

"You fool!" Some one shouted making Kirishima open his eyes and see that he is on his room, his hair still black and he's wearing a junior high school uniform

"What...? How...?" Kirishima ask confuse as he look at his arm when the voice that startled him speak again

"Just what do you think I am that I'm not afraid of death?! Of course I do!" The voice of Crimson Riot said on a hologram display

"I... I watch this a year ago... when I'm not sure of whether I'm able to be a hero..." Kirishima said as he remember that day

"Anyone who isn't afraid of almost certain death is just a huge idiot! When I was a sidekick, there was a time I didn't save someone I could've" Crimson Riot claim

"I know. It can't be helped" The interviewer said

"That's not what I'm talking about! I hesitate for a second. Because my spirit was weak, I couldn't save someone. I'm scared of villains and of dying! But I know something even scarier. The last expression of someone dying and the pain of being unable to save them. I know of those things, so that's why I can jump in" Crimson Riot explain

"What does chivalry mean to you?" The interviewer ask

"It's the state of my heart! It's not about having confidence or not knowing fear. I'm a hero, and that's why I protect people! Once I've decided that in my heart, then it's something I'd die for. Just living a life with no regrets, that's what chivalry means to me!" Crimson Riot declare

'I can't believe I forgot this moment, the moment where I declare to myself that I'm able to be a hero. But... then and now are two completely different circumstances...' Kirishima though depressed when suddenly there's gust of wind surprising him

"What the...?" Kirishima said surprise as he shielded his eyes. When he open his eyes, he see sakura tree around him with their petals slowly dropping to the ground

"Is this... spring...?" Kirishima ask confuse when someone speak behind him

"For you, what happened that day was tough, huh?" Someone ask making Kirishima to look back and see Mina Ashido standing with her U.A. uniform

"Ashido...?" Kirishima said confuse

"Once you get over it completely within yourself, let me know, okay? I'll tell everyone you were trying to look cool for high school! Hi hi hi" Mina said smiling

Kirishima then smile "Thank you" He said thankful. Kirishima then open his eyes and he's now back on the underground labyrinth of Hassaikai

'I've been through a lot of scary things up until now. I can't give up now, Fat Gum need me, Eri need me, everyone need me. I need to go! Not just as a hero, but also as a man!' Kirishima mentally declare

Meanwhile, Fat Gum still standing even after Rappa punch the shit out of him

"You're kidding, right? You can still keep going, can't you?!" Rappa yell surprise

'I got you now. My defense is gettin' thinner and thinner, but the stored-up attacks... will become a spear that can punch through any shield!' Fat Gum mentally declare as he cock his right arm

"Rappa! He's up to something! Hurry up and finish him!" Tengai notice Fat Gum trying to do something

"I wanna see it! If you're alive, then show it to me!" Rappa yell as he try to machine gun punch Fat Gum

'Damn! I need to block his attack somehow or this one attack won't succeeded!' Fat Gum though when suddenly Kirishima stand in front of him "Red...?!" Fat Gum yell surprise

Kirishima then he block Rappa's machine gun punch "I am... an unbreakable wall!" He declare

"He was blown away easily earlier...!" Rappa said surprise

"I am the man... you can't break!" Kirishima declare as he block Rappa's machine gun punch

"You're pretty great, too!" Rappa yell as he cock his right arm

"GRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kirishima yell as he try to punch Rappa, only for his fist to hit Tengai's barrier

"What about the barrier?" Rappa ask Tengai irritated

"Of course I'm putting it up! Things done in vain... should just fall in front of my defense" Tengai claim as kirishima is falling unconscious

"You sure about that, asshole?!" Fat Gum yell surprising Tengai "Thanks much, Red Riot. I've become a great spear!" Fat Gum said as he catch Kirishima and cock his right arm for an attack

"Tengai! Take down your barrier!" Rappa yell

"My greatest, hardest defense...!" Tenagai said as he power up his barrier

"It's no use! It's gonna break!" Rappa yell

"You guys will lose! Break through!" Fat Gum yell as he punch the barrier so hard it break and send Rappa and Tengai to the wall and create a massive dust cloud from the impact

When the dust settle, Rappa and Tengai are knocked out inside the crater on the wall and floor

"In this spear-and shield battle, We're the winners" Fat Gum declare