Living Together

Sunday, 24 November, 2220

Class 1-A are relaxing in their dorm, school might continue as usual, but so far there's no problem or trouble whatsoever. So they are enjoying their time while everything is still in peace

Izuku walk out from the elevator to joint all of his classmates that was hanging around in the common area "All right, everyone, listen up!" Izuku yell making everyone to look at him "I just get a text from Mr. Aizawa that we have a guest that coming here. Yaoyorozu, prepare some tea, would you?" He said

"I will gladly make them" Yaoyorozu walk to the kitchen

"And Sato, you still have some leftover cake, don't you?" Izuku ask

"I'm making a new one just now. It will be done in 5 minutes" Sato reply

"Good. Iida, help me greet the guest" Izuku ordered

"Yes, class rep!" Iida comply

Suddenly Tokoyami sneeze as he walk to the common area

"Are you okay? are you sick?" Uraraka ask worried

"No, I'm healthy. My mucus membrane was just doing it's job" Tokoyami reply

"What are you talking about?" Uraraka said confuse

"Maybe someone's talking about you! Maybe you've got some fans! Like Yaoyorozu at the school festival!" Kaminari yell

"Will you please not poke fun of it? I'm very grateful" Yaoyorozu said from the kitchen

"Tokoyami's probably had fans for a while already. I mean, you did your work study with Hawks" Uraraka claim

"No, I don't think so. Everything was too fast there" Tokoyami denied

A knock was heard from the front door

"They're here" Izuku said

"They're here, everyone! Greet them!" Iida yell as everyone stand up

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" Mandalay claim

"We've come to lend a paw and help!" Ragdoll claim

"Coming out of nowhere..." Tiger said

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" Pixie Bob claim

"Wild, Wild Pussycats!" The Pussycats introduce themselves in their iconic pose

"Pussycats! Long time no see!" Iida said surprise and happy

"It's good to see you all again. Sorry I couldn't protect you back in summer camp" Izuku apologize

"Don't apologize, it was our fault that we get hurt and some of you also get hurt" Mandalay reassure

"No, when shit happen back then, I was no longer a student of U.A., but a soldier of Ranger Corp, and my job is to protect Japan and everyone on it. So you guys are my responsibility" Izuku explain

"We are heroes, Midoriya. Our job is also to protect everyone" Ragdoll claim

"No, your job is to protect society. My job is to protect the entirety of Japan. There's a difference" Izuku stated

"Enough about the serious stuff. You kitties look like you've been doing well!" Pixie Bob yell smiling

"We're fine. Right?" Jiro ask the girls

Uraraka, Mina, and Toru are chanting "Paw pad buns! Paw pad buns!" Over and over

"Please, come inside" Shoji offer them

"Oh don't worry about us" Mandalay politely reject the offer

"We need to visit Class B, too" Tiger said

"Just five minutes of your time won't hurt, and beside" Izuku walk in front of Kota and kneel to his eye level "It's been a while, kid" He greet Kota

"Whatever" Kota said pretending to not care

"Midoriya, look" Mandalay point at the shoe rack, at a pair of Army camo style shoes "He chose them himself. He said he definitely wanted to be looked like your soldier costume" Mandalay explain

(Midoriya doesn't wear his signature red shoes like in the anime, but a normal shoes and most times, a Tan Army Combat Boots)

"Waaaaaaaa! N-No...!" Kota yell blushing

"Wow, we have a matching color between my suit and your shoes" Izuku smile, Kota blush embarrassed

"But why are you back at U.A?" Sato ask as he brought Cake and Yaoyorozu brought tea

"We came to let you visit you guys to let you know that we're in business again" Pixie Bob said

"Really?" Iida ask surprise

"Congratulations!" Yaoyorozu congratulate

"But you guys are out of business for quite some time for some minor injuries" Izuku said

"We decide to re-evaluate our team and fix everything we lacked and improve what could be improve" Ragdoll explain

"That's why we're out of actions for a long time" Pixie Bob said

"But, why are you starting up again at this time?" Yaoyorozu ask

"This will be announced later, but for the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart, we ranked 411 for the second half of the year" Mandalay explain

"Last time, you guys were ranked 32" Uraraka said

"I see! It's because you dropped in the rankings! Fight!" Kirishima encourage them

"No, meow! How are we still in the three digits even though we haven't done any hero work?" Ragdoll corrected

"The approval rating component gave us a boost" Tiger explain

"There re people waiting for us" Pixie Bob said

"We can't just stand still!" Ragdoll claim

"Is that how it is? You're so manly, Wild Wild Pussycats!" Kirishima claim

" "Manly" doesn't suit them at all, except Tiger. And even he is questionable" Izuku sweatdrop

"Anyway, they are not the only guests" Aizawa said confusing the class. Eri peek out from Aizawa's back

"Eri?!" The class yell surprise and happy

"Eri" Izuku greet her smiling

"Dad!" Eri run towards Izuku

"Hey, little girl, it's been a while. Are you being a good girl?" Izuku ask as he lift her in his arms

"Yeah. I know how to behave" Eri nod

"Good" Izuku said smiling

Meanwhile, Izuku's classmates and the Pussycats froze. Did they heard that right? Did they just hear Eri called Izuku "Dad"?

"M-M-M-Midoriya... Did- did-did-did she..." Kaminari ask stuttering as everyone stare wide eyes at Izuku

"Did Eri just called you..." Iida said surprise

" "Dad"? Yeah, she requested once if she could call me that, I don't see anything wrong with it so I let her" Izuku explain then he look at Eri who smile brightly

"And beside, I couldn't resist something a cute as her" Izuku added shrugging

"Wow! Eri, you have a dad now!" Uraraka said excited as she approach the two

"Thank you, miss..." Eri trailed off

"Ochako Uraraka, or you can call me Uravity" Uraraka introduce herself

"Uravity... Uravity!" Eri said happily making Uraraka to smile

"Or she could call her "Mom" " Mina whisper Toru

"Oh, that would be very cute!" Toru whisper yell

"I guess the permission been granted" Izuku ask Aizawa

"Yes, Eri have built a platonic relationship with you, and she cannot stay in the hospital forever. We also need to take care of her because of that" Aizawa look at Eri's horn "So from now on Eri will be living with Midoriya in here" Aizawa declare

The class look at Aizawa surprise

"Wait, we will have a brat living with us?!" Bakugou yell

"Careful with your language, Bakugou! Eri and Kota are here!" Iida scold

"Fucking!" Bakugou walk away

"You're not gonna scold him?" Uraraka ask Izuku

"I wanted to, but I would be hypocrite since I also curse a lot. Now she's here, I'll try to reduce them" Izuku reply

"That's for the best" Uraraka smile

"Fucking?" Eri tilt her head confuse

"No, don't say that word. Not until you're older" Izuku told Eri who nod

"She's not supposed to curse, Midoriya!" Iida reprimanded

"Cursing is a part of life, Iida. And she's been entrusted to me, not you" Izuku deadpan

"Please don't pick up Midoriya's murder tendencies" Kaminari told Eri

"Murder what?" Eri said confuse

"No, don't listen to Pikachu, he's just joking" Izuku deadpan Kaminari who whistle

Meanwhile, Kota look at Eri and he is mesmerized by her looks. Izuku notice Kota is looking at Eri, he then put Eri down

"Eri, do you want to play with Kota?" Izuku ask surprising Kota

"What?!" Kota yell blushing

"Kota?" Eri look at the little boy across the room "Will he hurt me?" She ask

"No he won't, don't worry" Izuku reassure as he lead Eri to a flustered Kota

"Be nice, you two" Izuku said

"Umm, hello..." Eri said timidly

"Uh... hi..." Kota reply bashfully

'This going to take a while' Izuku though, he then lean to Mandalay "Can Kota and Eri play together?" He ask

"Hmm, he could, maybe Kota could play with her while we visit Class B" Mandalay suggested

"Good Idea, they both need friends their age" Izuku agree

"Can you two play games?" Izuku ask

"Not that much" Kota reply

"Games?" Eri said confuse

"Hmm, Sero, Kaminari, grab your PS7 and plug it to the common area's TV" Izuku told them

"What we're playing?" Sero ask interested

"Super Smash Bros: The World" Izuku reply

"Super Smash? Now you got my attention!" Kaminari said excited

"I'm Kirby!" Uraraka cheer

"Your Kirby always eat my Jigglypuff!" Toru complain

"My Pikachu will zap you all!" Kaminari claim

"Yeah, then you zap your brain off again" Jiro laugh

"My Donkey Kong's still good" Kirishima claim

"But you lose to my Link many times" Sero said smugly

"Did that Halo DLC already out yet?" Sato ask

"No, they will be release on January next year" Sero reply

"As usual, I'm Snake. Though I will use Master Chief once the DLC is out" Izuku said

"Of course you will" Bakugou roll his eyes "I'll use Captain Falcon again and I'll beat your ass this time" He declare

"Oh, we'll see about that" Izuku smirk. Izuku then look at Kota and Eri "You two will watch us play, and if you two want to play as well, just ask, okay?" He said

"Okay" Kota reply

Eri nod

"Well then, We'll leave Kota to you for a while" Mandalay said

"It's a pleasure to meet you all again" Yaoyorozu bow

The Pussycats then leave Class 1-A alliance while the boys are busy plugging in and starting the Super Smash

One hour later. The class are busy playing Super Smash while Eri and Kota just watch them play

Eri and Kota tried playing once. Eri use Lucas, saying he looks like Lemillion while Kota use Snake, because he wanted to play like Izuku. But Eri won't attack because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Kaminari reassure her that they are just characters that doesn't exist for real, but Eri still refuses. In the end only Kota tried playing, but he's confuse by what to do, so after one try he stop playing

"We're back, kitties!" Ragdoll yell as she and the Pussycats enter the dorm

"You guys leave longer than expected" Izuku said as he give his controller to Uraraka

"We have some business talk with the teachers, sorry for not telling you earlier" Mandalay apologize

"No, it's okay. The two kids are fixated by us playing, despite refusing to play, they still enjoyed it" Izuku explain

"That's good to hear. Kota, time to go home" Mandalay call the boy

"Can we do that after this one match?" Kota request as Bakugou/ Captain Falcon, Kaminari/Pikachu, Sero/Link, Kirishima/Donkey Kong, Uraraka/Kirby, and Mina/Princess Peach are playing a match

"Sorry, Kota. But we have to go home now" Mandalay apologize

"Aww..." Kota said sadly

Eri pat Kota's head "There, there, don't be sad" She said smiling

Kota blush and run to Mandalay's side

"Oh my, they are getting younger" Pixie Bob said, Izuku look at her annoyed, there's a second Midnight there

"Okay, goodbye, kittens" Pixie Bob wave

"Good luck on your next semester" Ragdoll said

"Can Kota and Eri have another playdate?" Mandalay ask Izuku

"Sure thing. Just either drop him here, or I could pick him up" Izuku reply

"Excellent" Mandalay give Izuku a piece of paper "That is my number, we'll be in touch" She said

"Yes, ma'am. Have a safe ride back" Izuku reply

"Thank you" Mandalay said

"See you next time, Kota" Izuku said

"Bye" Kota wave

Izuku walk back to the TV and see Bakugou wins, very predictable

Iida walk to the TV "Okay, now that Eri is living with us, I'd say we set some new rules" Iida said as he held a piece of paper

"Where did you get that from?" Mina ask

"I wrote this rules when you all are playing together. So, rule number 1: No perverted actions and/or words around Eri" Iida look at Mineta

"What?" Mineta said confuse by everyone staring at him

"This is serious, Mineta. I'll kill you if you crossed the line" Izuku threaten

"Better call the morgue then" Kaminari joke

"Who says anyone will find his body?" Izuku said with low tone, creeping his classmates

'It's been a while since he threaten to kill us' Class 1-A though

"Okay, rule number 2: No cursing or violence behavior around Eri" Iida look at Bakugou

"Bah! That is bullshit" Bakugou walk away

"I'll try to reduce my cursing around her" Izuku promises

"Rule number 3: Don't teach her anything inappropriate or use her to someone's advantage" Iida said. Mina silently curse at that

"And the last one, rule number 4: We need to teach her about manners, common sense, and the outside world since she was out from it for a long time" Iida finish

"Leave that one to us. We will teach her how to socialize with everyone" Mina claim

"Yes, learn from the best!" Kirishima agrees

"We are the social master" Sero claim

"We will make her the most socialable person ever!" Kaminari claim

"It's sociable, idiot" Jiro corrected

"Why do I feel you four will only make a bad influence to her" Izuku said flatly

"Relax, we won't teach her anything strange" Mina reassure

"Yeah, and if she got into trouble, we'll teach her how to sneak away" Sero claim

"Don't sneak away from a problem you created!" Iida reprimanded

"That's a skill you have to have to survived, Iida. Just like when we accidentally eat all of Midoriya's pizza and get away with it" Kaminari said before closing his mouth in surprise. Kirishima, Sero, and Mina froze and look at Izuku who clench his fists

Izuku stare Kaminari in annoyance "Is that just you? Or all of you?" Izuku ask dangerously mad

"Uhh... all of us...?" Kaminari reply nervously as the other three began to sweat nervously

"... you sons of bitches...!" Izuku said irritated

"Run!" Kirishima yell terrified as he, Sero, Mina, and Kaminari run for their lives

"You sons of bitches! Get you ass back in here!" Izuku chase them

Eri walk to Uraraka "Is dad playing with them?" Eri ask her

"Yes, they are playing" Uraraka sweatdrop seeing Izuku chase the four idiots to the outside of the dorm

The rest of the day is filled with the class trying to make Eri used to live in the dorm and teaching her about manner and common sense

Later that night, 20.00 p.m.

Eri started to yawn while everyone is watching the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart on the common room

"Oh, looks like someone's tired" Izuku said

"Mmmm, I'm sleepy" Eri said wiping her eyes

"Okay, let's go to bed" Izuku lift and carry a sleepy Eri back to his room

"You want me to record the billboard, Midoriya?" Iida offer

"No thanks, I don't really care about the billboard anyway. Night, people" Izuku said

"Night" The class reply

Izuku and Eri reach Izuku's room

"Wow..." Eri look in awe of the military theme room. Eri then notice Izuku's M227A1 assault rifle and approach it

Izuku put his hand in between Eri and his gun "Yeah, no. This thing is off limits. Every weapon in this room is off limits" Izuku said

"Okay..." Eri walk to the bed while keep staring at the riffle "So I sleep up there?" Eri ask as the bed is elevated from the ground

"I'm afraid you might fall, and I don't want you to sleep on the floor, despite using a sleeping bag. Hmm, okay, you sleep up there with me. But don't move to much on your sleep, or you'll fall" Izuku said

"Okay, dad" Eri reply. Izuku help Eri get to his bed. Eri lay down on the bed but feel something strange "The bed feels strange" Eri told Izuku

"Strange how?" Izuku ask

"I never have this comfy bed before, and when I does it felt different than this" Eri explain

"That's because you are still under constant danger. You mind force your body to be in total alert every time, that's why you can't enjoy your comfy bed. But now?" Izuku stroke Eri's hair "You are safe. Your mind doesn't make your body in alert anymore. That strange feeling you felt is the feeling of comfort. You can enjoy that feeling as long as you want in here" Izuku explain smiling

"Okay... thank you, dad, for saving me" Eri said

Izuku kiss her forehead "Have a goodnight sleep, little girl" Izuku smile

Eri slowly close her eyes and for the first time in years, she sleep comfortably

Izuku stroke Eri's hair "You're safe here, I guaranteed that" Izuku claim