Joint Class Battle Training

10th November, 2220

08.56 a.m.

Izuku is slowly walking to his classroom and he is unusually late for class today. Just a day after the school festival is over, Izuku has to take a week of emergency leave from U.A. for a mission with the Ranger Corp. A deep penetration exfiltration mission in North Korea. Details? Classified beyond Top Secret. The point is, he just get back to the dorm last night and still feeling tired

"Man, the next time I go to Korea, I prefer the south side" Izuku mumble as he stretch his body

Suddenly, Izuku meet with Aizawa who just walk out from a hallway "Midoriya, you're late" He simply said

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again" Izuku apologize

"Hmm, okay. Get to class and prepare yourself and the class, we'll be busy today" Aizawa ordered

"Yes, sir" Izuku comply before he notice someone behind Aizawa "Shinso" Izuku notice him then look at Aizawa suspiciously "So he is the reason you're busy for a while, eh, Eraser? The class told me" Izuku ask

"Stop it, you making it sounded like I'm having an affair. It's not funny" Aizawa deadpan Izuku

"By training him behind your class' back is technically what you just said" Izuku argue

Aizawa continue to deadpan Izuku before sighing "Sigh, forget it" He said annoyed before walking to the classroom

Shinso approach Izuku "How did you do that?" He ask curious as Aizawa never let anyone off the hook after arguing with him

Izuku smirk "Simple, he never win an argument against me" He explain victoriously

"You are something else" Shinso said rather impressed

"Thanks" Izuku reply grateful


Field Gamma

"It's finally time! Aren't you excited?" Toru squeal excitedly

"Hagakure, aren't you cold?" Jiro ask as the weather is starting to get colder

"Super cold!" Toru claim

"You got guts" Jiro praise as Toru only wear her signature gloves and boots

(Basically she is naked)

"I'm wearing my winter version, too. Isn't cool?" Mina claim as she now wear a sleeve version of her jacket costume

"Yes" Yaoyaorozu praise as she wear a long high collared red cape as her winter costume

"It's gotten colder recently, huh?" Ojiro said

"Everyone's costumes have changed since we started school, huh?" Iida claim

"Iida, it's amazing you lasted through the summer in that" Sato praise

"Well, everyone improved a lot since the start of school, so it's really isn't that strange" Izuku claim while looking at Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari who just arrived

"What the hell are you looking at, guns?!" Bakugou yell angrily as he now wear a black jacket with a high collar as his winter costumes

"But in term of the most radical change has to go to you, Midoriya, isn't it? With all the exosuit and stuff" Ojiro claim

"In order to face the radically growing threats of the world, I have to change radically as well" Izuku stated before he remove his visor from the helmet "Thought this damn thing was broken from my last deployment" He said annoyed

"Isn't that expensive?" Ojiro ask

Izuku look at Ojiro flatly "Tell that to the enemy"

"Hey, hey.... You all seems really relaxed. Are you underestimating us?" Someone suddenly said gaining the attention of Class 1-A

"You're here! We're been excited!" Kirishima claim excitedly

"Huh? Really? Well, too bad. The wave is definitely on our side. Come on, Class A! Let's settle this once and for all today!" Monoma yell as he and Class 1-B arrived at the field

"Class 1-B, just in time" Izuku said when Monoma suddenly pull out a piece of paper

"Hey, hey, look at this survey! I took it at the school festival! I asked which people like better, Class A's concert or Class B's super high-quality play. Can you see? We won by 2 votes! You guys have been conspicuous in a bad way since the start of the school, but that's starting to change! " Monoma gloated while laughing like a maniac

Kirishima grab the paper and inspect it with Jiro and Sero beside him "Seriously? I haven't been paying attention, so there's nothing I can say to that" Kirishima said worriedly

"Let me see" Izuku gesture to Kirishima to give him the paper

Kirishima then give Izuku the paper. Izuku read and inspect the paper closely

"You won't find an error in there, it has been certified by the school!" Monoma claim

Ignoring Monoma, Izuku nonchalantly crumpled the paper, surprising Monoma

"Ack! What are you doing?!" Monoma complain

"Bakugou" Izuku simply said as he throw the crumpled paper behind and seconds later, Bakugou exploded the crumpled paper into ash

"Tch, one time, guns, one time. Just because I hate him as well" Bakugou grumble annoyed

Izuku then look at Monoma coldly "What we do for school festival is not a competition, so we don't give a fuck whether we win or not. Thought preferably, don't gloated if you win. And most definitely, don't gloated with that made up chart" Izuku lecture

Monoma about to retort when Aizawa strangle Monoma's neck with his scarf "Be quiet" He said

"Today, there will be a special participant" Vlad King announce

"Please try not to embarrass yourselves" Aizawa said

"A special participant?" Yaoyorozu said confuse

"I'll beat 'em!" Bakugou yell excited

"Is it a girl?" Kaminari ask

"Let's do our best together!" Kirishima and Tetsustetsu yell together

"He wants to transfer into the hero course. From the normal course Class C, Hitoshi Shinso" Aizawa introduce the special participant

"I know there is something about the two of you" Izuku claim while Ojiro look shocked

"Huh? Are those Mr. Aizawa's binding cloths?" Manga said confuse

"I never seen the mask before" Komori commented

"Looking forward to it!" Tetsutetsu said excitedly

"You'll be brainwashed if you talk to him, right?" Aoyama ask

"Impossible to avoid on a first encounter" Ojiro claim nervously

"But Midoriya, you were brainwashed but then broke out of it, right?" Mineta ask as he remember during sport festival, Izuku manage to break free from the brainwash

"Yeah, but It take a large amount of concentration and willpower to break free" Izuku claim

"Shinso, why don't you say a few words?" Aizawa offered

Shinso then remember his junior high school life where he is bullied for having the quirk he has "I'm Hitoshi Shinso. I've already fought against some of you during the sport festival, but saying we're friends just because we've fought before... I'm not into good sportsmanship like that. I want to become a proper hero and uses my quirk to help others. I'm planning on being friends here. Thanks for having me" Shinso declare then both class clap their hands

"He's glaring" Uraraka said

"We should brace ourselves" Tokoyami claim

"Early 'Roki anyone?" Kaminari joke

"Heh, I'm sensing a deja-vu" Izuku said smiling

"You're not the only one" Kirishima agrees

"What...?" Todoroki ask confuse

"Oh, nothing, Todoroki" Yaoyorozu said giggling a little

"Then why you giggle?" Todoroki ask confuse

"It's nothing" Yaoyorozu continue to giggle

"But why you giggle?" Todoroki ask again

"Let it go, da-dense" Jiro said annoyed

"Da- what?" Todoroki said genuinely confuse

"Well, shall we start?" Aizawa ask Vlad King

"It's time for combat training! This will be a battle between Class A and Class B! It'll take place here, in a corner of Field Gamma! Each class will make teams of 4, and each team will complete one at a time" Vlad King explain

"4 on each team? Sounds fun" Setsuna said interested

"Sounds like fun!" Komori said excited

"With Shinso, that makes 41 people. It's not easily divisible. How will they resolve that?" Shishida ask

"Shinso will participate twice. Once in a Class A team, and once in a Class B team. In other words, 2 of the 5 matches will be 5-on-4" Vlad King explain

"What? The 4-person team will be at a disadvantage!" Mina complain

"It's probable more of a disadvantage to bring the inexperienced Shinso into the team. The 5-person teams will have the advantage in numbers, but they'll have a handicap. The situation for this training will be heroes acting to surround a villain group and capture them. You'll win once you captured 4 people" Vlad King explain

"They do say that villains are organizing, too" Komori said

"It's nice and simple!" Tetsutetsu claim

"We're heroes, but we're villains to the opposing team?! Which one should I be then?!" Iida yell in panic

"It should be fine to be a hero!" Yaoyorozu claim

"I don't know if I could be a good villain, but I can be a something much worse much better" Izuku claim

"What's worse then a villain?" Sero ask curious

"Terrorists" Izuku simply said

"But you're a soldier, Midoriya, kero" Asui said

"Me, a special Forces, and terrorists are basically 2 different side of the same coin. Just flip the coin and you have one of the other" Izuku claim making a coin flip gesture

"In each team's base camp, there is a super cute prison. Once you imprison your opponents, that will count as a capture" Vlad King explain as he show an image of the "super cute" prison

"How are we supposed to take that seriously?!" Kaminari yell

"It would be the most efficient to render them unable to fight near the camp. But I don't think it'll be that easy..." Shishida said

" 'Once you capture 4 people'.... Is that the handicap?" Bakugou ask

"Huh?" Kaminari said confuse

"Yeah. Having a member of the team unused to fighting, and having even a 5-person teams lose if 4 people are taken" Aizawa explain

"So you're telling us to fight with a piece of excess luggage, huh? That's crap" Bakugou said annoyed

"Don't be so mean about it!" Kaminari scolded

"It's fine. It's true" Shinso assure unaffected by what Bakugou just said

"He's already way ahead in terms of respectableness!" Kaminari said surprise

"Now.... Time to draw lots" Vlad King said as both him and Aizawa grab a drawing lots box

-1st match:

Kirishima, Kaminari, Koda, Asui


Ibara, Shishida, Rin, Tsuburaba

-2nd match:

Tokoyami, Toru, Yaoyorozu, Aoyama


Komori, Kendo, Kuroiro, Manga

-3rd match:

Ojiro, Todoroki, Shoji, Iida


Pony, Honenuki, Kaibara, Tetsutetsu

-4th match:

Sato, Sero, Jiro, Bakugou


Kamakiri, Setsuna, Awase, Bondo

-5th match:

Mineta, Mina, Uraraka, Izuku


Monoma, Yui, Shoda, Reiko

"Shinso, your turn. You'll be put on the team whose number you draw" Vlad King explain

Shinso pick the draw and he gets Kirishima's team for Class A and gets Monoma's team for Class B

"I know what you said, but let's have fun with this. Looking forward to it!" Kirishima said excited

"Tell us more details about your quirk" Asui requested

"Looking forward to it" Shinso simply said

"You're great! Just great! Let's beat the detestable Class A together!" Monoma urge

"Pay no attention to his words" Shoda told Shinso

"Looking forwards to it" Shinso simply said

"Class B, team 5.... It'll be you and Shinso's first rematch since the sport festival, huh?" Uraraka ask Izuku but then surprise to see Izuku smirk evilly "Midoriya?" She said surprise

"While my rematch with Shinso is exciting. To fight against Monoma? Hehehehe" Izuku crack his knuckles "I will enjoy this" He smirk evilly

"Midoriya... you're scary like this" Uraraka sweatdrop

"I'll take that as a complement" Izuku claim


"You'll start at your base camp. The time limit is 20 minutes" Vlad King said

"If there's no decisive victory within the time limit, then whoever has the most people left will be the winners" Aizawa explain

"Oh, All Might and Midnight are here!" Mina said as she realize the two of them walking together to the viewing screen "Are they dating?!" She yell rather excited

"Stop that. I don't have a thing for older men" Midnight scolded Mina "Which class do you think will win?" She ask All Might

"I wonder... Class A is definitely strong after overcoming so many crises. But... Class B has actually improved more in terms of grades. It's probably because they were able to cover the curriculum properly since they didn't run into much trouble. They're been improving steadily. Class A, which turns a crisis into strength, or Class B, which has been steadily improving overall... I'm looking forward to it" All Might said smirking excitedly

"Now, the first match. Start!" Vlad King exclaim

1 hour later

"Done in less than 5 minutes! Class A's unexpected teamwork, has led them to a 4-0 victory!" Midnight announce as Bakugou's team manage to defeat Setsuna's team flawlessly

"You all kept overall damage to a minimum and were efficient from start to finish. With his mobility and power, Bakugou was the foundation that you three worked off, and everyone did their jobs well" Aizawa praise Bakugou's team with a thumbs up

"You guys had a solid strategy, at least based on your opponents' past fights and strengths! But! The plan was too rigid, unlike Honenuki's more flexible approach!" Vlad King lecture Setsuna's team

"That rage-filled living embodiment of a short fuse... was most impressive" Monoma said frustrated

"So sorry, Monoma... I blew our shot at winning the whole thing" Setsuna said depressed

The first match, Class A win. The second match, class B win. The third match, it was a tie. And the recent fourth match, Class A win

(Basically the same as the anime)

"Apologizing? No need, Tokage! Yes, victory is no longer within Class B's reach, but.... We are all to the last, merely bit player in the lives of others... and the start of only our own!" Monoma claim

"So what? What's the plan?" Reiko ask

" 'So what?" she says!" Monoma yell

"We should probably take the same approach as Tokage's team. After all, we've got a similar lineup" Shoda suggested

"In this fight thought, isn't Midoriya gonna be the most haunting us the most?" Reiko said rather spookily

Shinso look at Reiko confused

"That's her way of calling him scary" Shoda told Shinso

"Yeah. Midoriya is as powerful and quick as Bakugou. Maybe even more so. And given the fact that he is an actual soldier with more real live battle experienced than all of us combined, making him a very dangerous opponent. Just like in the last match, if we give the main guy the smallest of opening, he'll tear us apart" Shinso explain

"So it's decided that we prioritize Midoriya. He absolutely needs to go down first" Shinso declare


"We'll start with Shinso, okay? As long as he's out of there, I'm on edge. I don't wanna get brainwashed" Mineta said while gesturing his head

"Let's not focus too hard on him thought. The rest of them are the type to stay hidden and launch attacks from who knows where" Uraraka claim

"And speaking about the capabilities of our team" Izuku said then he look to his team

"I stick" Mineta jiggle some balls

"I melt" Mina spray some acid

"I float" Uraraka floated her helmet

"I see... and I'm worried" Izuku flatly said as his team's quirks are mostly non-combatants

"We should be" Mineta said rather depress

"We're fighting an uphill battle" Uraraka said with her and Mina getting depress as well

"So, in terms of quirks, none of our quirks are combat related, nor combat focus. All of our quirks are supportive in nature" Izuku claim

"That's true" Uraraka agrees with Mina and Mineta nodding

"But, in term of our physical abilities, or traits. Mineta is short, small, and surprisingly nimble. Mina and Uraraka are athletic. Mina is gymnastic style athletic while Uraraka is martial arts type athletic. And myself is also athletic and I'm confident in my parkour abilities. So in other words, we have the advantageous of speed and maneuverability in our team" Izuku explain

"Being fast is good, but if we can't attack, then we're just running around hoping to never get caught" Mineta claim

"He's right" Izuku agrees "And I think it's safe to say that in terms of strength, I'm the strongest among the four of us" Izuku simply said

"Yeah" The three if them agrees without any complain

"And I'm also the only one with any capability to attack in medium to long ranges" Izuku added

"That's true. Even if I manage to shoot my acid, it only a few meters away" Mina agrees as she demonstrate her acid shoot ability

"I think for me, I could only lay down booby traps" Mineta claim "Hehe, 'booby' " He smirk pervertedly

"Don't test my patience, Mineta" Izuku glare him

"Ignoring what Mineta say in the end. I'm pretty much the same as him as well. My quirk can be also used for laying down traps. My Gunhead Martial Arts is like all martial arts, are close range fighting" Uraraka claim

"So what we supposed to do? I think we'd better go with my Pop Off Vineyard Strat!" Mineta said

"Nobody's gonna walk right into that! Nah, first we need to find 'em, then we trap 'em!" Mina suggested

"And Midoriya could use his weapon to guide them into the traps as well" Uraraka added

"Forcing them to move where we wanted! That's a smart move!" Mineta claim

"What do you say, Midori?!" Mina yell as she and the other two look at Izuku who's busy thinking a way to win

"Okay, we'll use Bakugou's team strategy to fight them..." Izuku said making the three of them to smile excitedly " a diversion" Izuku finish as he find a way to fight the Monoma's team + Shinso

"What?" Uraraka said confuse as the other two

"The enemy is not that stupid to fall into the same trap twice. They must've expected us to follow Bakugou's team strategy since we have the same team lineup. Never let the enemy to predict your move, be unexpected" Izuku explain

"I know they will learn from the last team, but it will surely make us victorious as well, right? I mean, why bother thinking a new plan when you can just use an already existing one?" Mineta ask

" 'In conflict, direct confrontation will lead to engagement and surprise will lead to victory. Those who are skilled in producing surprises will win' The Art of War" Izuku quote Sun Tzu's The Art of War

"Uh... okay, but if we use Bakugou's team strategy as a diversion. Then what is our actual strategy?" Uraraka ask

Izuku look at his team before smirking "Going dark" He simply said

"Match five! The last match of the day! Ready.... Start!" Vlad King started the fifth and last match between Class A and Class B

Izuku is parkouring through out the pipes while actively using his thrusters to adjust his trajectory. Uraraka, Mina, and Mineta are running a few levels below Izuku as they also heading the same direction as he is

"The formation of Midoriya's team bears a strong resemblance to Bakugou's team, in match 4" Iida commented as he and the remaining students and teachers watches the match from the viewing screen

"They have a similar makeup too" Sero notice

"But with Midoriya's observation quirk, he basically doing both my job and Bakugou's job in the same time. If their strategy involves luring them out, then Midoriya will have to work even harder than Bakugou" Jiro claim

"Tch, don't get to over yourself, guns. You're just imitating my strategy" Bakugou grumble

Izuku continue to parkour around the pipes before he finally stop on a large pipe and look around

"Eeek!" A loud screech of Uraraka's scream could be heard by Izuku, but he paid no attention. That wasn't Uraraka, that was Shinso trying to gain his attention

Instead, Izuku look to the opposite direction of where the screech came from and immediately spotted Monoma standing on the pipe below him

"Huh? Did you spot me? After observing Bakugou's performance... we'd be fools to take you lightly. It's only Natural to be on guard against someone as strong and agile as you. The clever among us realize that much" Monoma claim

"So I guess you do have a brain in that head" Izuku said rather mockingly

Monoma laugh lightly "On the other hand, someone truly clever might also think... that is was the other three who amplified Bakugou's strength... that crushing them should have taken priority!" Monoma claim

Izuku clap his hands lightly "Congratulation, you have IQ" He said rather mockingly as well

"You're such a showman. You've gone out of your way to reveal yourself, yes? Meanwhile, I expect my allies have located yours. It'll be 3 against 4. How will your team fare? With Shinso in the mix, they can't exactly communicate freely. I supposed you'd better race back to check them" Monoma advise

"But wait! What if that scream just now was Shinso mimicking a voice?! What if your friends are still hidden, but you end up leading us to them?! Hahaha! I'm afraid there's no easy answer" Monoma claim while laughing

Izuku, meanwhile just stand on the pipe and stare at Monoma "If you think you could win a psychological warfare against me, then you're wrong" Izuku claim before he let himself fall down

Izuku continue to fall and passing some pipes until, he suddenly disappear from falling after passing a pipe, surprising Monoma for a second

"Hahaha, so this is what you mean by 'psychological warfare', eh?" Monoma laugh lightly

Meanwhile, with Uraraka and others

"That shout... must've been Shinso! They're close" Mineta said as he landed from being floated by Uraraka

"Hey, we gotta look at each other's face when talking" Uraraka advised

Suddenly, Mineta felt something pulling the line that he lay down earlier "We got a bite!" He warn

And from the south, several small object are flying at high speed towards Mineta and the girls

"Acid Veil!" Mina deploy a large acid wall to melt the small objects

"It's Yanagi's poltergeist!" Mineta yell

Mina about to melt some objects when suddenly the objects became bigger all the sudden

"Kodai's size quirk!" Uraraka realize how the objects became larger all the sudden. She then touch the said objects, floating them in mid air

Just suddenly, the floating objects launched in all direction in a very high speed

"It's must be Shoda's twin impact!" Mina yell as she and the other two avoided the high speed objects coming at them

"That was crazy! They've probably got our location now" Uraraka claim

"What we do?! Should we 'going dark' now?!" Mineta said panicking

"No. Midoriya hasn't give us the signal yet" Uraraka denied when suddenly


A loud gun shot was heard all over the field

"The signal" Mina realize

"Let's go!" Uraraka look at Mina and Mineta seriously

"Yes, ma'am!" They both comply

A few seconds earlier

"2 hostiles, stationary, 200 meters west. A single hostile, stationary, 250 meters northwest. A single hostile, moving, 100 meters east. And one very annoying person, right in front of me" Izuku said as he hide behind the pipe where he disappear from Monoma earlier

Izuku then grab his pistol "Class 1-A team 5, going dark" Izuku said before he pull the trigger


"Hmm? He still close by?" Monoma said as the gun shot sound is very loud and very close to his location

Shinso stop running and look at where the gun shot sound came from 'What are you planning, Midoriya?' He thought warily

"Midoriya just fire his gun!" Kaminari said surprise

"But, where did he fire it from?" Sero said confuse

"I think the right question is 'who is he aiming when he fire the gun' " Jiro corrected

"But, I don't see anyone from Class B are actually affected by the bullet" Sato claim as none of Monoma's team are really affected

"A bluff?" Shoji said

"Uraraka and Mina disappear" Todoroki pointed out as the viewing screen no longer showing them

"Not just the girls, Mineta also disappear" Toru added

"All of Midoriya's team disappear from sight. Is this their plan?" Awase said worriedly

"If they follow Bakugou's team strategy, then Midoriya should stand out" Setsuna said

"But not even him is anywhere to be seen" Kaibara said

"What are they planning?" Ibara said worried of her classmates

5 minutes passed, and Monoma's team are still trying to find Izuku's team to no luck. It's like they disappear entirely from the field

"Hahahaha! Is this the best you could do? Running and hiding? Did you realize that you cannot fight and wins against us, so you told your friends to hide from us?!" Monoma gloated while laughing like a maniac

'What is really your plan, Midoriya? Disappearing from us all this time?' Shinso thought confuse as he tries and fails to find them 'For him, a soldier, I'm sure he'll able to disappear from us quite easily. But for the other three of his friends? What did you taught them to get them disappear like this?' Shinso thought warily

Shoda is walking warily while looking at a screen on his forearm that detect the objects that he have touch with his quirk "We've been searching for 5 minutes, but we haven't found them yet" He mumble while still looking at the screen

Suddenly Shoda step on something soft and sticky. Shoda look down and see he's stepping on Mineta's ball "Mineta's pop off" He said surprise then he look around and finally realize that there was a lot of Mineta's pop off balls stuck to his surrounding

"W-What? Where did they came from?" Shoda said shocked

"Now, now. Don't be so jumpy" Mineta suddenly said startling Shoda making him to fell down and landed on more Mineta's pop off balls, trapping him on ground

"We supposed to assume the enemy team as villains, right? So that means I could act a little like a villain myself" Mineta creepily said

Shoda tries to break free, but he's unable to since Mineta's pop off balls are super sticky

"Oh, you can't come off from my balls. Why? My quirk can cling into any surface and depending on how I feel, it can't come off. So, I hope you wouldn't mind laying there for a while" Mineta creepily said as he grab a ball from his head and approach Shoda

"No... stay back!" Shoda said terrified

"Don't be afraid. Let's play" Mineta said creepily as he approach Shoda and put the ball he just grab into Shoda's face


A screech of Shoda's scream can be heard all over the field, surprising some in the process

"What? What just happen?" Awase said surprise

"That scream... it's Shoda's!" Rin realize

"What? Did they got him?" Komoro said worried

"But I didn't see any of the Class A team anywhere" Bondo said confuse

"That must be Midoriya. There's no one better at stealth attack other than Midoriya!" Kirishima claim

"But the others are doing well hiding from Monoma's team as well" Jiro said

"Whatever Midoriya told them, is very effective" Sato said

'That scream... Shoda. Did they finally making their move? Are all this time they've been preparing for a plan?' Shinso thought

"That is Shoda's voice. Are you guys finally making a dirty move like you all always do to gain undeserving attention for the wrong reason?!" Monoma yell to no respond

"I think they all somewhere where Shoda was" Reiko said

"Then let's launch an attack there" Yui said as she shrink some objects then Reiko uses her poltergeist to float them, then launches them towards where Shoda was

Suddenly, Yui notice something is falling towards them. It was a big pipe

"Watch out!" Yui yell making her and Reiko to dodge the falling pipe

"A pipe?" Reiko said surprise when more of the big pipes started to fall towards them

"What? Where were all these pipes came from?" Yui said surprise as she dodges the pipes and get separated with Reiko in the middle of the chaos


The loud noise of pipes falling down startled Monoma, Shinso and those who watches

"What are those?" Sero said surprise

"Those are pipes! They are falling pipes!" Toru realize

"If they are falling, then Ochako-chan floated them" Asui said

"So this is their plans, they're preparing to strike stealthily. That's why they went into hiding earlier" Tokoyami said

"But to make all those pipes floated without being detected is incredible. How did they do that?" Ojiro said impressed

"Messieurs Midoriya is with them, mon ami. So is it really that strange for them to do any of that?" Aoyama claim

"I guess he's right" Sato agrees

Yui is busy dodging the big pipes, she also uses her quirk to shrink pipes that getting closer to her, or enlarge them to block the other pipes. Being busy, Yui failed to notice something is coming towards her

Before Yui even realize, someone grab her right hand then spin it around to her back then she began to fall down to the ground "Gah!" She groan in pain as she landed on the ground roughly

"Well, well, Kodai. All of this won't do" Uraraka said as she use Gunhead Martial Arts to pinned down Yui

"Ah" Yui realize Uraraka pinned her down and more pipes are falling towards them. But the pipes suddenly began to slow down and eventually stops mid-air

"You've done well. But not well enough" Uraraka smile her signature cheerful smile


"Yui!" Reiko yell as she sees pipes after pipes falling towards Yui. Reiko suddenly uses her quirk to move some objects behind her as a glob of acid is sprayed from behind her

"Acid, Mina's quirk" Reiko realize as more acid is sprayed from multiple sources around her. Reiko desperately tries to defend herself from the rapid fire of sprayed acid when she have an idea. She then uses her quirk on the acid itself then launch it towards Mina

"Kyah!" Mina squeal when her own acid hit her "Just kidding!" Mina suddenly yell as she brushes off the acid "I'm immune to my own acid, Yanagi" She claim as she jump towards Reiko

Reiko tries to use her quirk on Mina when Mina jump up and somersault above Reiko, before landing behind her. Reiko turn around only to see Mina ducking down

"And good.... Night!" Mina yell as she jump up while launching an uppercut at Reiko

Reiko flung up before landing on her back, knocked out

"What exactly happened there?" Iida said curious

"Looks like a close range fights" Ojiro said

"But looking at it, our guys have an advantage in terms of close quarter battle. Even Mineta could fight quite well" Sero claim

"Our girls in the other hand aren't close quarter battle experts... if they get too close then I'm afraid they might've lose" Kaibara said worried

"And they are targeting the girls and Shoda first, so they could get the advantages of numbers against Monoma and Shinso" Manga added

No longer hearing any commotion, Monoma and Shinso realize that Izuku's team are targeting the other three of their team

"Oh I see, so you take my words against me. You targeted my allies first! But do you really think you could take me down the same way they did?!" Monoma yell while spreading his arms

Just as Monoma yell that, he suddenly is grabbed by someone from the dark alley behind him, and drag him into the shadows, disappearing from sight

"Wh-What was that...?" Rin said surprise by what just happen

"He... he... he's gone...?" Awase said confuse

"Gone?" Pony said confuse

"Not gonna lie, I feel like I'm watching a horror movie" Kaminari said nervously

"Yeah..." Sero reluctantly agree

"But what happened? Where did he go?" Bondo ask confuse

"I think the right question is "Who drag him away"?" Asui corrected

"Or "what"?" Jiro corrected

'Young Midoriya, I hope you didn't do anything out of the line' All Might thought worried

Inside the dark alley, Izuku grab Monoma's mouth, shutting him up from behind as he continue to drag Monoma deeper to the dark alley. Monoma tries to scream, but only muffled could be hear as Izuku grab his mouth tightly

"There was the light" Izuku force Monoma's head to look above, as there is a streak of light penetrating from all the pipes above them. Monoma continue to muffled something, until "And then..." Izuku grab a knife with his left hand and show it to Monoma's face. Monoma is dreaded by the knife and became silent immediately "...there was the dark" Izuku said creepily terrifying then he thrust the knife into Monoma's neck

Suddenly, all that everyone hear is a muffled scream from the dark alley

"What was that?!" Awase yell surprised

"Someone scream" Komori said surprised

"Not just a scream, but a muffled one" Kamakiri corrected

"Monoma?" Tetsutetsu said confuse "What do you think happen, Kiri- Wait! Why are you guys terrified like that?!" Tetsutetsu about to ask Kirishima when he notice all of Class A are petrified

"A muffled scream.... You guys thinking what I'm thinking...?" Kirishima ask trembling

"There's only one person that I could think of doing that..." Iida said nervously

"What with you guys?" Setsuna ask confuse

"Wait! I see something!" Rin yell as he see something exiting the dark alley, everyone then look at the alley and realize someone is exiting the alley

A figure walk out from the alley calmly, he continue to walk until he fully exited the dark alley and the sun light reveal the one and only Izuku Midoriya exiting the alley

Izuku bend his right elbow and wipe his knife on the elbow like it was dirty from something. He then look at the knife before looking at the camera that record him. Izuku smirk evilly then make a silence gesture where he put his index finger on his mouth and said "Shhhhh" to the camera like some sort of psychopath who got caught in the act but only getting excited instead

Those who watches the screen somehow tremble as if Izuku actually staring at them like a psychopath

Sero gulp nervously "I know this is very obvious. But, if we did fight against Midoriya then forget running, hiding, or even fighting back..."

"We're fucked... we're definitely fucked if we fight him..." Surprisingly, Bakugou said that with a frustrated face

"Yeah..." Class 1-A agrees while trembling in fear

Class B look at Class A and finally understood how dangerous Izuku Midoriya really is

"Is... is this the power of a God...?" Shishida said nervously as he look at Izuku terrified

"No... that's not a God.... That's a demon..." Ibara corrected while trembling slightly

Izuku then sheath his knife before jumping towards the platform where Shinso is. Izuku stand in front of Shinso calmly while Shinso is on edge. Shinso about to move when Izuku make a 'stand down' gesture

"Don't brainwash me, but I have a request" Izuku said while gesturing Shinso to not attack him

Intrigued, Shinso stand down "What kind of request?" He ask

"This might sound selfish and arrogant of me. But, I want you to fight me, head on" Izuku requested seriously, surprising Shinso for a second "Fight me, show me what you got. Prove me your worth" Izuku requested

"That does sound selfish and arrogant" Shinso claim

"Yeah" Izuku agrees "So what do you say?" He ask

"Well..." Shinso look away while thinking about it, when suddenly he launch his cloth towards Izuku. Izuku raises his left hand to block it, but the cloth bind his left arm instead. Shinso then tries to pull Izuku, but Izuku's brute strength overpower Shinso's and he pull Shinso towards him instead

Shinso is flying towards Izuku when Izuku cock his left arm, preparing to punch Shinso. As Shinso getting close to Izuku, Izuku launch a punch towards Shinso. But unexpectedly, Shinso grab Izuku's left arm and maneuver above Izuku before landing behind Izuku and pull the cloth, making Izuku to self-strangle himself while Shinso kick Izuku's back making it hard for Izuku to break free

"Guh! Damn!" Izuku groan before he activate his thrusters and get behind Shinso instead. Izuku then back spin kick Shinso, but Shinso immediately block the kick. But the force of the kick is too great for Shinso, he is flung back as the cloth unwrapped from Izuku's arm

Shinso landed and recover quickly and look at Izuku seriously

"I'll take that as a yes" Izuku smirk before he and Shinso run towards each other

"A head on fist fight?" Kirishima said surprise seeing Izuku and Shinso decide to fight head on

"But did you see his move? That was manly!" Tetsutetsu claim excited

"He move like Mr. Aizawa" Jiro notice

Aizawa might look at the screen without any emotion, but deep down he is happy

"I'm not the same as before, Midoriya!" Shinso claim as he wrapped some pipes above him then tear them down towards Izuku

Izuku parkour his way through the falling pipes "I could see that" He claim before punching a big pipe with enough force to launch it towards Shinso

Shinso wrapped the flying pipe then spin in around before throwing it back towards Izuku

"Guh!" Izuku groan as he receive the full force of the pipe flying towards him. Izuku maneuver in the air before landing on his two feet, but Shinso press on with the attack

Shinso launch his cloth at Izuku's hand and pulls him from behind. Izuku grunt to move before he look back, spin, and somersault, propelling Shinso into the air by the momentum

Shinso landed and slide to the edge of the platform before getting up and launch his cloth that wrapped Izuku's left arm and right leg "I hope you don't mind going down" He smirk

Izuku look confuse before Shinso let himself fall down from the platform. Izuku notice the cloth getting pulled and look at the cloth that wrapped his arm and leg "Mother..." Izuku said annoyed before he is pulled by the cloth across the floor than off the platform "FUCKER!!!" Izuku scream annoyed as he fall down

"CLANG!!!" Izuku hit a pipe with his face before bouncing off

"CLANG!!!" Izuku hit another pipe with his back before bouncing off

"CLANG!!!" Izuku hit but manage to grab the third pipe, stopping his fall

"Hgrghhhhhhh...! Fuck...!" Izuku groan painfully

"Oww..." Those who watches winced

"That looks hurt" Awase winced

"That feels hurt, honestly" Kaminari said while holding his face

"Heh, take that, guns" Bakugou smile happily

"Didn't you have any feelings? He was hurt" Iida scold Bakugou

"Shut it, glasses! To see him get hurt after being cocky is satisfying for me" Bakugou claim

"He always like that, Iida. Let it go, kero" Asui told Iida

Izuku is still hanging on the pipe when he felt the cloth is being pulled, he look down and see Shinso uses the cloth to propel himself up towards Izuku. Izuku roll his eyes then release the pipe and fall down towards Shinso while engaging his thrusters and cocking his right arm

Seeing Izuku coming towards him at high speed and knowing he couldn't overpower Izuku nor evade his punch, Shinso cross his arms defensively. Izuku then punch Shinso's defensive arms hardly, it send Shinso straight down. But suddenly, Izuku pull the cloth up violently making Shinso to yank up violently as well

Taken by complete surprise, Shinso is defenseless when Izuku hard kick his stomach. Shinso is launched down by the kick before landing on his back, but he bounce in to the air and spin to his stomach before finally stopping. Shinso groan in pain when Izuku landed beside him

"Sorry, but I'm the winner again" Izuku said as he stomp Shinso's back

Shinso groan in pain before remembering what happen today 'I said I'd show him how much I've changed since then... I was looking forward to it. and with everyone here today... pushing themselves forward, never slowing down.... Damnit! This hero course is rather... impressive!' Shinso thought satisfied while laying down

"A stealth approach to take down the enemy and a do-or-die small match in the end in the fifth match! But with a score of 4-0, Class A wins!" Midnight announce

"And that brings these 5 matches to a close! You showed us some fantastic battles, proving how well you knew your enemies and yourselves! Class A took the first match, while Class B took the second. The third match was a draw, and Class a won the fourth and fifth matches! So the grand victory on battle training.... Goes to Class A!" Midnight announce

"YEAAHH!!!" Class A cheer excitedly

"We were all deceived" Ibara claim

"I wasn't even blazing with much competitive spirit, but still..." Manga said depressed

"I know! It still stings! Hmph!" Komori said annoyed

"Sensei" Shinso approach Aizawa and Vlad King "This test... was for my possible transfer to the hero course, right?" He ask

"He knew?!" Vlad King said surprise

"It was just a guess, but given the timing ang format.... This was a convenient way to test me that didn't cost anything. Plus, you let me fight twice" Shinso explain

'He's sharp' Vlad King thought

"I don't know whether what Midoriya did was intentional or not. But asking me to fight head on is a way to proof myself to you two whether I'm worthy of the hero course of not. But despite that, I'm still lacking. I have him on the ropes several times, but that still wasn't enough" Shinso claim looking down

"Everyone here has already spend months training to become heroes who save people. Embodying that ideal right after being thrown into the deep end is not impossible. That would take talent on par with All Might. While it is true you didn't do anything remarkable that show that you are a hero. But even a small act of kindness is already enough to proof that you have that potential. And I did see potential inside of you, kid" Aizawa explain surprising Shinso

"We've still got some deliberating to do, but... probably... no, more than likely, Shinso will be joining the hero course as of his second year at U.A.! He's got what it takes to be everyone's equal here!" Vlad King announce

"Whoaaa! Which class, A or B?!" Both class yell surprise but happy as well

"All in a good time. We haven't review the match yet" Aizawa flatly said

"Can we hurry on the review and other things? I'm still tired by my week of deployment" Izuku said as he stretch his arms "And the fight didn't help ease it either" He added

"It's your fault to not take Shinso down stealthily" Aizawa simply said

"A small price pay for salvation" Izuku claim smiling

"Right" Aizawa slightly smile as well