Scorched Earth

"We've tracked down Princess Himawari. Her security manage to sneak her pass the Liberation terrorists and hide her in an hotel in Miyagino Ward" Shogun inform

"Do we have her exact location?" Izuku ask

"Triangulating now" Battle Captain inform

"ISA cell phone tower just intercepted a call from her" Shogun inform

"Patching you through in three, two, one" Battle Captain said as he patch the call to Izuku

"Princess Himawari?" Izuku ask

"Who is this?" Princess Himawari ask terrified

"Ranger Corp Task Force 141. Are you okay?" Izuku answer and ask again

"Yes, I'm okay. But my security is dead. They're coming for me" Himawari answer terrified

"Stay calm we're en route to you now. Where are you exactly?" Izuku assure and ask

"Closet, fifth floor suite" Himawari answer

"Which side?" Izuku ask again

"I-I don't know. There's a train station across the street, I think it's... Rikuzen-Haranomachi. Please hurry!" Himawari describe and begged

"Okay, put the phone down and don't move. We'll come to you" Izuku said before hung up the call

"Athena is still with us. Weapons tight and throw any shots" Izuku ordered as Delta 9 and other team ride Multiple Quinjets toward the target building

2nd January, 2221, 11:18 a.m.

Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya

Task Force 141

Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Japan

Delta 9 and other team riding Quinjets while being escorted by ATH-21 attack helicopter flying above the burned and destroyed Sendai

"30 seconds!" Quinjet Pilot inform

"Sendai's getting ripped apart down there" Roach said

"Granite Team is going after the daughter. We're going to watch their backs!" Izuku said

As they approach the building Roach spot something "RPG! Look out!" He scream but it's too late, Onyx team Quinjet is shot down right in front of them by an RPG

"Bird is down! Bird is down!" Izuku yell as their Quinjet land on the roof and Delta 9 exited the Quinjet

"Contact! Second floor!" Roach yell then the team engage the hostile in the second floor

"Heads up! We need to get to the roof! C'mon!" Izuku ordered

Delta 9 then push through the enemy inside the building, Izuku get to the second floor when suddenly an enemy appear behind the corner, swiftly Izuku pushed the terrorist back and out of the building

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" The terrorist scream as he fall down the building

Kei move to the window and look at the fallen soldier "Hmm...savage" He said before he move to the next room

"We need to get to the roof! C'mon!" Izuku yell as they shoot their way pass an office before going up the floor by a collapse floor

As Kei goes up the floor he see enemy movement then engage them "Move" Kei ordered

"Moving!" Yuri reply as he move forward through the office

A few minutes later the firefight is over

"Clear!" Yuri inform

"Rog'!" Roach reply then they move to the stairs

"Up the stairs!" Izuku ordered and the team move up the stair to the roof. When they get there, the roof has became an enemy command center or something like that

"Secure this area fast!" Izuku ordered as he see the condition of the roof

Delta 9 then shoot every Liberation terrorist they found on the roof, after a few minutes they manage to clear the roof

"This is Delta 9-1, roof secure. Green light on Granite" Izuku inform "Granite 0-1, we're in position" Izuku inform them

"Solid copy, 9-1. Will relay" Quinjet Pilot reply

"Hostile on the target's roof!" Roach yell as they all switch their M227A1 assault rifle with the M-14 EBR

"Take care of em!" Izuku ordered as they all shoot the Liberation terrorist at the target's roof

"Granite 0-1, overwatch established" Quinjet Pilot inform

"Copy that. We're inbound" Granite Leader reply

"Hostile at the LZ! Weapons loose!" ATH-21 Pilot said as the attack helicopters launch their missiles and rockets at the LZ killing, the enemy before Granite's chopper touch down there

"Granite Team is on the deck now" Quinjet Pilot inform as they took off

"We're taking fire!" Granite Leader yell

"Granite's got company. Doorway on the left" Yuri inform

"Keep them covered" Izuku ordered then they all shoot down the enemy

"Good effect on target" Kei inform as he shoot down an enemy

"You're clear, Granite. Keep movin" Izuku inform

Granite Team then proceeded to rappel down the building when suddenly "FIIIIIUUUUWWW!!! BOOOMMM!!!" Something hit the side of the building near Granite position

"What the fuck?!" Granite Leader yell surprise then he look down the street "Type 90's on the road!" He yell

"The fuck?! Type 90?!" Kei yell surprise as he see a Type 90 tank with some Liberation terrorists running along side it

"For fuck sake. How the fuck did they know how to operate a tank?!" Roach yell annoyed

"Блядь! (blyat!) Liberation scum" Yuri curse irritated

"Shogun, we have Liberation taken over a JGA tank, and it's firing on Granite's position. Requesting fire mission!" Izuku requested

"Solid copy, 9-1, the air corridor is clear for our fighters to air strike" Shogun inform

"Delta 9-1, this is Valkyrie 2-6. In the airspace and at your service. standing by for you to mark the first target" Valkyrie 2-6 inform Izuku

"Kei, use the scope" Izuku ordered him

"Roger" Kei reply the he use he scope to target the tank

"Waypoint mark, weapons loose" Valkyrie 2-6 inform the a few seconds later "BOOOMMM!!!" A 500lb JDAM hit and destroy the Type 90

"Direct hit!" Kei yell excited

"Two dozens foot infantry approaching! Use the JDAM. Take 'em out!" Izuku ordered

"Valkyrie 2-6. Switching to infantry targets" Kei inform

"Ready for tasking" Valkyrie 2-6 inform

"Marking" Kei said as he mark the Liberation terrorist on the street with the scope

"Second waypoint mark, Bombs away" Valkyrie 2-6 inform

"BOOOMMM!!!" The second JDAM hit and killed most of the Liberation on the street

"Thanks for the support, Valkyrie. We'll take it from here" Kei thanked Valkyrie

"Armor's down, Granite. You're clear to go" Izuku told them

"Copy. Thanks for the assist - we owe you one" Granite Leader reply "Breaching now" Granite Leader inform as they prepare to breach in

"Granite, have you got eyes on Athena?" Izuku ask

"Affirmative!" Granite Leader reply "Shit! Left side! Got two more! Get out!" Granite Leader yell

Granite Team still having firefight when suddenly "BOOOMMM!!!" The room exploded

"Granite?! Granite!" Izuku yell surprise

"They're gone..." Roach gritted his teeth

"What the hell?" Yuri ask confuse

"Oh shit..." Kei said dejectedly

"Overlord, Granite Team is down. I repeat, Rangers down. We're going down after Athena" Izuku inform

"Affirmative, Delta. Link up with the JGA tank column south of your position and proceed to the target building, over" Shogun inform

"Solid copy, Delta out" Izuku reply as they run to the south side of the building "Hook up. We need to hit the street" Izuku ordered

Delta 9 hook up, go over the side then began rappel down the building. When they reach the ground they then run to the street when they find the downed Onyx Team Quinjet

"Got some casualties here" Roach said as he approach one of the bodies

"Grab their patches and tags. And get SAR birds in here and get 'em out" Izuku ordered

"Rog'. It's Onyx Team. Shogun this is Delta 9-4. I need evac for three casualties. Coordinates follow: Seven-Romeo-Eight-Five-One" Roach inform

"Copy that, 9-4. We'll send a SAR bird for evac" Shogun reply

"Not a good day to be 141" Yuri said as they move to the street

"Task Force 141! We have Liberation pillbox firing on the bridge. We need you to take out their tank!" Japan Tank Commander requested

"They dug in straight ahead!" Roach yell

"Kei, with me. We'll take care of it. Yuri, Roach, cover us!" Izuku ordered them

"Rog'!" The three comply. Kei and Izuku run and take cover behind a wrecked car. Kei grab a Carl Gustav M4 and aimed at the pillbox

"Fire in the hole!" Kei yell as he fire the rocket and destroyed the pillbox

"Let's go! Move out!" Izuku ordered. Delta 9 then move to the barricade while killing anyone try to stop them

"We're clear. Advancing now!" Japan Tank Commander inform as he and his division drive the Type 10s over the barricade

"Follow those tanks. Stay close till we reach the hotel!" Izuku ordered. Delta 9 stay behind the tank while firing at any enemy they see

"Keep moving with the tanks! Use them for cover!" Izuku ordered "Push forward! We're almost there! Come on!" Izuku yell as they move their way to the hotel with the tanks as cover

"Contact, up ahead!" Kei yell

"They're falling back! Press the attack!" Izuku ordered

"Come on!" Yuri yell as he push forward

As the team push forward, suddenly the building on their left exploded massively and the team was push back by the shockwave. Izuku land several meters away, he see the tall building tilt then fall to the street before the dust cloud reach him

When Kei wake up, he is looking at his hands dizzily, he look around and see debris are everywhere and massive dust cloud is in front of them

"It's an ambush! We gotta get the hell out of the kill zone! Move! Move!" Izuku yell as he help Kei get up

"W-What... happen...?" Kei ask dizzily as he get up

"It's an ambush! Head for the building!" Kei yell as he, Kei, Yuri and Roach run to the wreck building in front of them

"Delta 9-1, we lost contact with the Japan division commander. What's the status on the ground?" Shogun ask

"Tank column is down! We're getting overrun! This AO is lost!" Izuku yell

"Missed your last. 9-1. Say again" Shogun reply

"They dropped a damn building on us!" Izuku yell as he and his team enter the downed building

"Delta, advise immediate pull back to extraction point" Shogun advise

"Negative, Shogun. We are going for the girl. Her beacon is still active" Izuku reply as Delta 9 move through the building

"You'll need to move fast. Sendai is falling. We'll maintain ISR, over" Shogun reply

"Through here" Izuku guide them inside the wrecked building

"They must have rigged the building to blow if our tanks got this far..." Roach analyze

"Man...this is some bullshit" Yuri reply

"Welcome to club" Kei said sarcastically then he slide down to the basement and see the wreck tank there "Damn..." he said silently

As they move through the building rubble and debris falling down around them

"This thing's going to come down on us any second" Yuri said uncomfortably

"Just keep moving" Roach said

Suddenly there's a massive debris fall down near them shocking the entire building

"Easy, easy" Kei said as they move slowly pass the wreck building

"Got a doorway over here" Roach said

"I see it" Izuku reply then he move and bust the door "There's the hotel!" Izuku inform

"Contact!" Kei yell as he engage the enemy

"Shogun, we're at the target building! Any update on the girl?" Kei ask

"They're moving her to the third floor for extraction. You have zero time" Shogun inform

"We're losing her! Go! Go!" Izuku yell as they all push their way inside the hotel

Delta 9 shot their way through any Liberation terrorist dumb enough to get between them and Princess Himawari

"Head for the roof! Up the stairs!" Izuku ordered

"Delta 9-1, ISR shows they're extracting the girl now. Advise you stand down and head for an alternate LZ" Shogun advise them

"No! We can make it!" Izuku denied the advise

As the run their way to the third floor Kei head something

"AHHHH!!! HELP!!! I'm over here!!!" Princess Himawari scream from behind a door

"She's behind the door! Move" Kei yell

"AHHHH!!!" Himawari scream again

"Get that door open! Go!" Izuku ordered

Kei and Izuku reach the door, they prepare to breach, but when they try to enter the door exploded sending Kei and Izuky flying backward with Izuku above Kei

From the room, Liberation terrorist get out and try to kill them. But Kei grab Izuku pistol and gun them down

Kei and Izuku get up and enter the room only to see Princess Himawari already inside the helicopter "Help me! Please! AHHH!!!" Himawari scream as the chopper took off

Izuku swiftly run ahead, engage his thruster and jump towards the chopper. He then grab the helicopter's skids, making the helicopter wobble to the left

A terrorist open the door and about to kick Izuku, but Izuku grab his leg and throw him down. Izuku climb up and grab Princess Himawari and pull her to him. Izuku block a terrorist punching him from beside the Princess, and punch him instead

"I'm sorry, this might get scary!" Izuku told the Princess

"What?!" Himawari scream confuse and terrified

Izuku pull a grenade and toss it inside the chopper before he pull the Princess out of the chopper and falling to the ground. After the two jump out, the helicopter exploded and starting to fall to the ground as well

"KYAAAAAAAAA!!!" Himawari scream terrified as she hug Izuku tightly

"Hang on!" Izuku yell as he embrace Himawari before the two crash into the roof of a parked car, Izuku land back first while hugging Himawari protectively

The Liberation helicopter then crash 50 meters from where Izuku and Himawari land

Kei, Yuri, and Roach approach Izuku and Himawari

"Iz!" Kei yell as he check their condition

"She first..." Izuku groan painfully s he give Himawari to Kei

Yuri and Roach carry Himawari, who fainted, off from Izuku. Kei help Izuku up

Izuku get up and touch his back "Fuck...! My back..." Izuku groan

"Do you have a death wish or something?" Kei ask as he check Izuku's condition

"I live dangerously. And I've been hurt much worse before" Izuku claim

"I don't care if you're injured or even dead, Iz. It's the Princess that I'm worried about" Kei corrected

"She'll lived" Izuku shrug

"The Emperor might kill you, Delta" Roach said

"If I survived this damn war first" Izuku reply "Shogun. We got the girl, requesting extraction" Izuku requested

"Solid copy, 9-1. Hammer 5 is arriving on scene now" Shogun reply

"Let's move" Izuku said as the team and Princess Himawari move the extraction site