
"Congratulation on saving the Princess, Delta. But I'm afraid we are still busy" Shogun said

"The job's not done yet" Izuku reply

"You are to deployed to Tsutsujigaoka. The Liberation manage to get their hands on our anti air gun battery making our air support unable to support our ground forces. Your mission is to destroy them and rescue any civilian in there" Shogun ordered

"Yes, sir" Izuku comply

"I also requisitioned a Marder from the 8th Armored to assist you" Shogun said

"German engineering at it's finest" Izuku commented

"They'll walk you in. The Liberation are burning through our defenses and our intel. Can't let them take this corner" Shogun explain

"Just point it out on the map, sir. They won't take it. Not on my watch" Izuku reassure

3nd January, 2221, 11:42 a.m.

Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya

Task Force 141

Tsutsujigaoka, Sendai, Japan

"Delta 9, this is Delta 9 actual. Our evac choppers are taking heavy losses from ground fire! We gotta destroy those triple-As positions so they could get the rest of the civvies outta here! Let's go!" Izuku ordered as Delta 9 and a Marder IFV push their way towards Tsutsujigaoka Park where the Liberation anti air artillery are shooting down allied choppers

"I'm still lost on how the Liberation manage to use our heavy assets so well!" Kei yell annoyed as he killed some Liberation terrorist

"Either they get lucky, or they learn the manual" Yuri said as he shoot a terrorist on a house on his right

"It took weeks to learn how to operate them, Yuri. There's no way they read the manual and know how to run them in 5 minutes!" Roach argue

"Cut the chatter. Start shooting!" Izuku yell as he shoot some terrorist when suddenly he was attacked from a house to his left "Hostiles, yellow house! Suppressing fire!" Izuku ordered

The team shoot at the yellow house but the terrorists are still alive and taking cover behind the thick wall

"The walls too thick, our bullets didn't penetrate!" Kei yell as he take cover

"Badger 1, we got hostiles on the yellow house. Need you to strike them!" Izuku requested

"Delta 9-1, we got multiple yellow houses in the area. Need to be more specific, over" Badger 1 commander reply

"Kei, use your designator! Laze target for Badger 1!" Izuku ordered

"Stand by!" Kei yell as he use a designator on his riffle to laze the yellow house "Targets marked!" Kei inform

"Target acquired. Engaging" Badger 1 commander reply as they shoot down the yellow house with the Marder's MK 20 RH-02 20mm automatic cannon

"We got more Liberation ahead!" Roach inform

"Flank 'em through the houses! Go, go, go!" Izuku ordered

The team enter a house and flank the Liberation on the street before they receive a fire attack from one of the houses

"Enemies on the grey house!" Yuri yell

Kei then laze the grey house "Targets marked!" He yell

"Badger 1 copies, engaging your target" Badger 1 commander reply as they shoot the grey house

"Keep pushing! Move through the houses, let's go, let's go!" Izuku ordered as the team move through house after house and killing any Liberation terrorist they encounter

"Badger 1 to Delta 9, area suppressed" Badger 1 commander inform

"Affirmative. Be on the look out, the fight's not over yet" Izuku reply as they move through the streets

"Contact! 10 o'clock!" Roach yell

"We got 2 dozens tangos approaching from our left!" Kei yel

"Enemy foot mobiles by the apartments, take 'em out!" Izuku ordered

Delta 9 and Badger 1 shoot down all Liberation terrorist that attacked them or trying to get closer

Kei laze an apartment room and Badger 1 shoot the apartment room

"I know this is kind of late to ask. But are we sure there are no civvies on any of those buildings?" Kei ask Izuku

"According to my radar, no. Most civvies are evacuated last night and early morning when our forces reach this area. But I'll keep you posted when I detect one" Izuku explain

"Rog" Kei comply

"Delta 9-1 actual, this is Badger 1. Our electronics are acting up. Looks like we got an electric quirk attacking us, we need your team to deal with them, how copy, over?" Badger 1 commander requested

"Solid copy, Badger 1, we're on it. Out!" Izuku comply

"So where is he?" Roach ask

Izuku see his radar "Blue house, left side. Let's move" He ordered

Delta 9 move to the blue house. There they see 5 people inside and one with electric quirk attacking Badger 1. Izuku signal for flash breach. Kei grab his 9-banger and throw it to the room. Seconds later the 9-banger explode and the terrorists are screaming

"Knock, knock, bitches!" Kei yell as he kick the door open and the team enter the house before shooting down all the terrorists

"Clear!" Yuri inform

"Badger 1, this is Delta 9-1. Attackers are neutralized, what's your sitrep?" Izuku reported

"Badger 1, all systems are operational. Thanks for the assist" Badger 1 commander inform

"Part of the job, Badger 1. You ready for actions?" Izuku ask

"Badger 1 to all units, laze target, over" Badger 1 commander inform

"Kei!" Izuku yell

"Already on in!" Kei yell as he run forward and see multiple enemies on the 5th floor on a hotel "Targets marked, fifth floor!" Kei inform

"Roger, attacking your targets at the hotel" Badger 1 commander reply as they shoot the enemies at the hotel

"We got hostiles at the pedestrian bridge! Hit 'em!" Izuku ordered

Suddenly a terrorist with gigantification quirk kick the bridge down and roar at Delta 9

"Son of a bitch!" Kei curse annoyed

"We got a gigantification quirk!" Roach yell

"Badger 1, targets the head! Target the head!" Izuku ordered

"Copy, engaging" Badger 1 commander comply then they attack the giant terrorist but no effect. The giant terrorist slam hi fist to the ground then throw cars and buildings rubble to the team

"Badger 1 to Delta 9-1, our attack are effective. If this continue we'll force to retreat" Badger 1 commander inform

"Retreat hell! We've got civvies relying on us!" Izuku yell "Shogun, this is Delta 9-1. We got a gigantification quirk terrorist blocking our path. Requesting missile strike" Izuku requested

"Delta 9-1, missile strike ready for tasking. Send coordinates" Shogun reply

"Kei!" Izuku call him

"On it!" Kei then use his designator to laze the giant terrorist "Coordinates marked!" He inform when suddenly the giant terrorist throw rubble at him "AHHHHH!!!" Kei yell as he is blown away

"Missile inbound" Shogun inform as a Copperhead missile hit the giant terrorist, making him to fall over and drop to the street, dead

"Kei!" Izuku yell as he run to where Kei was hit by rubble. He move a piece of rubble from Kei's chest "You good? You functional?" Izuku ask as he help Kei up

Kei get up wobbly "Y-Yeah... Just a little... dizzy..." Kei said dizzily

"Heh. Everyone good?" Izuku ask his team

"I'm good, Delta" Roach reply

"Same here" Yuri reply

"Dizzy, but operational" Kei reply

"Good. Let's take out those triple -As" Izuku ordered as he and the team move towards Tsutsujigaoka Park

"Delta 9-1, Shogun actual. Gimme a sitrep, over" Shogun requested

"We're just past enemy blockade at Checkpoint Lima. Mow proceeding into Tsutsujigaoka Park, over" Izuku reported

"Roger that. I have new orders for you. You and your team will get onboard a Quinjet heading to JCHO Sendai Hospital after you eliminated the triple-A. You're to escort a VVIP out from the hospital" Shogun ordered

"Solid copy" Izuku comply

"Delta 9-1 this is Badger 1. I got other units nearby that requesting fire support" Badger 1 commander inform

"Go, Badger 1. We're almost at target area. We're good on our own" Izuku inform

"Roger, Delta 9-1" Badger 1 commander reply then they move to support other unit nearby

Delta 9 enter a house and as they move pass the kitchen, they see a Liberation terrorist rummage the house's fridge. Izuku, Kei, Yuri, Roach and the terrorist look at each other for a few seconds

"... boo..." Kei said flatly

The terrorist hurriedly trying to use his quirk but Delta 9 shoot him first with multiple rounds

"...rest in pieces" Izuku said flatly

"Amen" Kei, Yuri and Roach said flatly before moving out from the house towards the park on the other side of the road

"Triple-As located" Izuku said as he and his team hide near the triple-As position "Kei, marked their coordinates" Izuku ordered

Kei use his laser designator "Big Bear, this is Delta 9-2. Requesting artillery strike at enemy triple-As. Grid 8-8-5-3-4-2. We'll be lazing. Code 1-2-0" Kei inform

"Big Bear, coordinates confirm. Launching MLRS" Big Bear inform

"Roger" Kei reply

A few seconds later the rockets from the MLRS reach the park and destroying all enemy anti air artillery

"Shogun this is Delta 9-1. Enemy triple-As are destroyed. Air corridor is cleared, ready for second mission" Izuku inform

"Solid copy, Delta 9-1. Raiden 3 is arriving on scene now" Shogun reply

"Haven't finish the first mission, but already have a second mission" Kei commented

"We got no choice. Almost every part of Japan is on fire, we needs all hands on deck" Izuku claim

"Heh, I might looking for an early retirement after this war" Kei joked

"That if you survived this war first" Izuku told him when Raiden 3 land on the Park and Delta 9 board the helicopter