Chapter 6: Present (2)

Ten minutes later, the eldest of those present removed his hands from the boy's chest. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he sighed.

- Enough, he died ... He's been dead for almost a minute ... - the doctors looked at each other and sighed sadly. They have already seen children die dozens of times, especially in World War III. But this time was different ... Not only was there no more war, but the death of this child was completely incomprehensible to them.

The old man took off his cap and sighed:

- The first child of Shikazu died in a similar way ...

- What? Ernu-san, is this not the first time? The young girl asked in surprise.

Starkey nodded.

"Um, Shikaku was not the first child, his younger brother died the same way. We just couldn't do anything ... I guess it's something genetic, and maybe some kind of curse ...

Hearing the words of their elder, the two assistants only sighed sadly. The death of a child, and even such a small one, is always sad.

Remembering Shikaku's frightened look, the old man could only clench his fists and look with shame at the pale child. Once he himself lost his son, he understood this pain well ...

Noticing the condition of her elder, the young girl approached the old man and asked worriedly:

"Ernu-san, maybe I can tell them?" Yet we are from the same clan ...

Ernu shook his head.

- - No need, I am not here the first day, you better do your work, and I can somehow cope. - Putting on his cap again, the man turned around and walked towards the exit from the intensive care unit. But it was at this moment that the unexpected happened ...

A completely imperceptible little red ball flashed with a bright light and plunged into the chest of the deceased child. As soon as it happened. Before that, the heart, already unbeating for several minutes, suddenly revived ... Slowly, but the whole body began to function, even the pallor of the skin began to subside.

The doctors did not even notice what had happened, and the doctor, who had already come close to the exit, suddenly stopped ... The quiet squeak of the cardiograph suddenly changed ...

- Haaa! - it was at this moment that the child, who was sleeping in a dead sleep, jumped up abruptly and breathing heavily, began to look around in horror.

The boy was stripped to the waist, and there were several fuyin seals and electrodes on his chest. In his right hand was a catheter through which a clear liquid entered his body. He was a very ordinary child, with slightly long black hair in a ponytail.

As soon as he jumped up, the doctors fell into a stupor. Even the old man, who had seen a lot in life, took a few seconds to recover. Just dead, whose heart did not beat for several minutes, suddenly woke up, for him this was a shock ...

The guy looked scared, but quickly pulled himself together. Seeing people around him and his little hands, he did not try to escape. All he did was try to understand everything ... His mind was still slightly unstable, because he had just been reborn. But he, of course, did not even realize this, for him what was happening was a shock. In the beginning, he could not understand who he was, but after a moment, memories of the past began to fill his head.

- Aaaaa! - Suddenly he screamed painfully, clutching his head. As soon as this happened, the old man at the door finally pulled himself together and yelled at his subordinates:

- Why are the idiots up? Do not you see that he is in pain ?! Get to work! - after his cry, he also rushed to the boy.

The pain grew, and the memories poured into my head like an avalanche. The soul finally merged completely with the body and took its place. The almost dimmed light deep inside the body finally stopped darkening and assimilated in a new place. All this caused a new wave of pain throughout the body.

Doctors did not hesitate and quickly injected the child with pain relievers and several other drugs. Now was a very important moment, they were trying to do everything in their power ...

At the same time, outside the door of the intensive care unit, there were several very worried people. They were all members of the Nara clan. Two of them were the most concerned. The dark-haired woman, hearing her son's cry, began to cry softly. The sadness that had accumulated before, finally broke free ...

A man with several scars on his face approached the woman and hugged her softly. Shikaku felt no less pain than his wife, his heart was breaking, but he could not afford to cry. He was scared, he was much more scared than his wife. Indeed, unlike her, he knew a lot more about what had happened.

A long time ago, his father told him a story about his deceased brother. All the symptoms, everything that happened to Shikamaru now, it all matched perfectly. Their clan had been compiling a medical guide for years, but it was useless against this disease. Shikaku was terrified, dark and painful thoughts causing unbearable pain. But all he could do was hope for the best ...

But when he heard the cry of his son, for the first time ever, the man saw a ray of hope. Although it was a cry of pain, at least it was not dead silence. If his son can scream, that means there is still a chance ...

"Yoshino, don't cry, I'm sure everything will be okay, I'm sure ..." Calming his wife, Shikaku also calmed himself and drove away dark thoughts.

At that moment, a large man ran into the hallway, with bright red hair and purple markings on his cheeks. He wore samurai armor and wore Hachimaki instead of a protector on his head.

Noticing Yoshino crying and Shikaku calming her down, Chоуza did not interfere, approaching one of the Nara clan members, he quietly asked:

- How is baby Shikamaru?

When asked by Akimichi, the man sighed languidly and replied:

- Young master, he ... He just lost consciousness, and then, the Head of the clan brought him here. Since then nothing has been known, but a minute ago ... - turning to the wide doors, the man said hopefully:

- The young master screamed for the first time, so it might not be so bad ...

Hearing these words, Chоуza nodded glumly and walked to the wall. He didn't bother his friend and just waited. All he could now was just to support his friend with his presence.

"Inoichi should have received the news by now ..." - sighing inwardly, Chouza, like everyone else, began looking hopefully at the burning sign above the door of the intensive care unit.

At the same time, in the Intensive Therapy Unit.

The uniform sound of the cardiograph was heard throughout the hall.

Having stabilized the child's condition, the chief doctor exhaled wearily. His face was no longer as dark as before, even the corner of his lips was slightly raised, and his eyes expressed calmness.

- Now everything will be all right, his pain has stopped ... - the old man muttered with a smile.

The nurse wiped the boy's forehead and asked in surprise:

- But Ernu-san, he was ...

- Dead, - the old man nodded and continued: - Everything was so, no doubt about it. In forty years of practice, this is the first time I come across this. So if you want to ask what happened, then I have to disappoint you ... - wiping his sweaty forehead, the old man grinned wryly: - I don't understand a damn thing myself ... But the boy survived, and this is the main thing. He needs some rest now, so move him to the room and watch him.