Chapter 7: Shinobi World

Taking off his cap and gloves, the old man straightened his back and, already with his head raised, went to the exit.

On the other side, those sitting outside the door suddenly got up and noticed the slowly sliding door. The red sign, with the inscription - "Intensive care unit 3" suddenly went out, and immediately after that, the door swung open ...

A slightly bald old man with gray hair came out into the corridor. He was greeted by absolute silence and the looks of a dozen people. Getting ready to finally dispel the tension, the old man opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, another man ran into the corridor.

It was blond with green eyes. He was wearing the usual jounin vest, over which a red sleeveless cloak was draped over it.

Looking around, Inoichi immediately understood the situation and said with an apologetic smile:

- Excuse Erna − san, go on ...

The old man just grinned and waved his hand, and then began to speak:

"You can calm down, the boy is all right, his condition is stable and nothing threatens his life," after these words, Yoshino began to cry again, and Shikaku himself began to cry. Chоуza patted Inoichu on the shoulder and said with a grin.

- You, as always, on time old man.

"Haa, okay ..." Exhaling with relief, Inoichi looked at Shikaku with a smile and walked over to the doctor.

"Ernu-san, since everything is fine with Shikamaru, can you tell me what happened to him?

Everyone immediately looked at the doctor with interest, from which he only smiled wryly and said:

- I would be glad, but I'm afraid I myself have no idea what happened. At some point, we thought it was the end, but the boy suddenly came to life ...

Having told about everything in detail, the old man Ernu finally sighed with relief and left.

Chоуza and Inoichi patted Shikaku encouragingly and left as well. The head of the clan himself sent off all the rank and file members and hugged his sleeping wife tighter. Yoshino fell asleep in his arms, but he did not dare to take her home. He knew it was probably useless and could cost him dearly. So he and his wife went to their son's ward and waited for tomorrow. The doctor said that tomorrow they can see their son ...


The next day came unnoticed. Shikaku dozed at his son's room, and his wife slept sweetly on his shoulder.

It was early morning, the sun barely rose to consecrate Konoha. The sun's rays swept over the Hokage's faces and peered into the hospital. There, in one of the rooms, lay a little dark-haired boy.

The rays of the sun touched the child's face, from which he grimaced with displeasure and turned on the other side. But even there, he did not manage to hide ...

- Haa ... - With a displeased snort, the boy raised his pillow and covered his head. But literally a second later, he jumped up in shock ...

Grimacing at the brightness of the sun, Shikamaru covered his face with his hand and narrowed his eyes around the office. Gradually accustomed to the light, he removed his hand, but immediately stopped.

- What the hell ... Is that my hand? - not believing his eyes, he examined his other hand, then threw back the blanket and looked at his small legs, exhaled heavily:

- So I did not dream ... - some memories immediately surfaced in my head, which made the guy painfully rubbed his temples. The memory of the past life was restored, but it was difficult for the body to get used to. Having made a couple of breaths, the guy relaxed and began to remember ...

"Bright light ... Yes, I detonated all the bombs. I should definitely be dead, at least my body ... "- Looking again at his small hands, the guy began to understand what was happening.

"After I died, I remember that ..." - opening his eyes in shock, the guy grimaced painfully and grabbed his head. Recent memories came back to consciousness. Finally, the full picture of events was restored, and he remembered everything.

"They were medical ninja, no doubt about it. Moreover, I have seen fuyin print. Of course, everything can be blamed on the illusion of an afterlife, so I'm not entirely sure. But the pain and sensations are real here ... "- after looking around a little, the boy came to some conclusions.

"Everything is quite real, even if this is the afterlife, then everything is as real. The body is definitely not mine, so I died and then fell into this body ... Into this world "- slowly leaving the bed, the boy was again amazed at the changes. Its growth was much less than in the past, more than twice. It was already clear that he was a child, but now it was clear that he was still very young.

After examining himself, the guy muttered:

"Three or four years, although if this is a shinobi world, then one cannot be sure.

After examining the entire room, he became even more convinced of his correctness about his whereabouts. He just still had doubts about the reality of what was happening. Yet he died, and the painful recollection was very unpleasant. More recently, he was in the operating room, and now in the ward.

"It looks like the past" I "died or was close to death, more precisely, the past owner of this body. Judging by the faces of the doctors and their reactions, this is how it should be "- smiling a little sadly, the boy began to slowly approach the window. It was not difficult to get used to the body, but some of the sensations of the world have changed. Shikamaru felt the presence of something strange, some unusual power ...

Walking over to the window and taking a deep breath, Shikamaru held out with a smile:

- Chakra ... The feeling is the most strange, but pleasant. It's hard to compare with something, but you can definitely get used to it ... - taking a few breaths, the guy finally looked out the window and froze with a joyful face.

- Konoha .... So this is what it is - Hidden Village in the Foliage.

From the window of the hospital, there was a good view of the whole village. Dozens of houses, many merchants' shops. Several cafes, hostels. At this time, there were not so many people walking the streets, but still there were plenty of them. Among them were shinobi: someone went on a mission with a team, throwing a backpack over his shoulder, someone wandered alone. But they were all alike in one thing, each wearing a sheet protector. All these people were real ninjas, those who possessed chakra, those who could use the jutsu.

Looking at all these people, the smile on little Shikamaru's face grew more and more. The world he dreamed of in the past, the world he was ready to enter with pleasure, he was right here, right in front of him ...

The legendary rock with the faces of the Hokage: Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze. The faces of all four were here ...

Not far from the faces of the Kage, the roof of the Hokage's residence was visible, and further, for sure, there should be a shinobi academy.

As a child, Shikamaru immediately had a desire to go there. The age was just right. But remembering his situation, he only grinned wryly:

- I was dreaming something. It would be tempting to become a shinobi, but first you need to understand your situation. If this is an illusion, then there is no point in thinking so. It's too real, so I'll just accept it and treat it as true. Was my past life a real illusion? Ha, what's the difference now ...