Chapter 8: Shinobi System

Shikamaru continued to think about his situation.

"In any case, I don't believe this is an illusion. Everything looks like some kind of strange reincarnation in which I have preserved my memories. If so, then this is really amazing ... "

Looking at the people walking down the street, Shikamaru mentally sighed.

"Not only do I don't know if I am capable of being a ninja at all, moreover, I don't know my own name. Now, although I am in a familiar world, but completely alone, without a name and surname. Who, like me, is fit for some experiment or for becoming the cannon fodder of the Root? "

Shaking his head, Shikamaru brushed aside unnecessary thoughts.

"It may not be as bad as I think. Before drawing conclusions, it is worthwhile to understand your past. Unlike those reincarnations who receive the memories of the past owner of the body, I did not receive such a favor. So I'll figure it out ... Fortunately, I know Japanese, another good acquisition from the past. Coupled with my knowledge of canon history, everything may not be so bad for me, but judging by only four faces on the rock, these are definitely times close to the beginning of the canon or the canon that has already begun, but before Tsunade's arrival "

After standing still at the window, Shikamaru could not enjoy the view. Even if it was a seemingly simple village, he still could not believe what was happening. Although the guy was not a big fan of Naruto, he was a big fan of the shinobi world. The techniques, the chakra, the world itself and its laws were delightful. Even the story itself was not as interesting as this world ...

"I wonder why exactly the world of Naruto ... and how did I get reborn?" Thinking about it, Shikamaru suddenly felt a little strange. A slight warmth passed through the body, from which the guy involuntarily relaxed and sat down by the window.

- Eh, now I would like a cigarette ... - unfortunately, such a desire at the moment was impracticable.

[World laws are defined ...]

Hearing the cold, metallic voice, Shikamaru jumped up and scowled around. At the same moment, a series of quick messages followed:

[Complete merging with the fate of the master completed]

[Link to the Law of Fate Confirmed]

[Development conditions confirmed]

[System adaptation ...]

Hearing, and then seeing, the boy finally understood what was happening. That unemotional voice was in his head. Moreover, the messages that he voiced flashed before his eyes. He didn't understand their content much, but it didn't seem to be anything dangerous. Even if the voice is cold, the guy did not feel threatened by it.

Shikamaru tensed when the last message appeared, announcing some "System Adaptation". He felt some kind of change, somewhere deep within himself, and this made him even more nervous.

"So this thing is inside me ... Wait a minute, I already heard this g ..." - before he could finish his thought, Shikamaru suddenly began to stir up. He knew immediately that he was losing consciousness, so he quickly sat down and prepared for the inevitable. At the very last moment, before disconnecting, another message popped up:

[Full adaptation completed. The Shinobi System has been activated!]

Seeing this message in front of his eyes, the boy closed his eyes with relief and completely passed out.


At the same time, the nurse went to see the patients. When it was Shikamaru's turn, the girl noticed two people at the door of the room. Shikaku no longer slept, but just sat quietly, not disturbing his wife and son.

Although he could enter the room, he did not dare to disturb Shikamaru. The doctor said that he needed peace, which made Shikaku unwilling to disturb him once again.

When the nurse approached the man, she quietly said:

"Shikaku-san, you and Yoshino-san should rest.

The man shook his head and smiled.

- You shouldn't ... You, to Shikamaru?

The girl nodded:

- Yes, you need to check his condition, Ernu-san said that he can wake up at any moment, so you can be near, and not sit in the corridor.

Yoshino twitched at the nurse's words, and then opened her eyes reddened with tears. Seeing the girl, she immediately asked:

- How is our son?

- We'll find out now, - smiling, the nurse opened the door and entered the ward. Immediately, the smile faded from her face, after which she quickly walked towards Shikamaru. This action slightly startled Yoshino, from which she stood up and quickly followed the girl. Shikaku also kept up.

Seeing the unconscious son sitting on the floor, the couple did not know what to think, while the nurse checked Shikamaru's condition.

After checking everything, she exhaled with relief:

- It's all right, he's just sleeping ... It looks like he's still too weak, so he fell asleep.

Grasping the child with her arms, the girl carefully moved him to the bed and covered him with a blanket.

Yoshino and Shikaku breathed out a sigh of relief and just at that moment, Shikamaru's hand twitched, and then he slowly began to open his eyes.

Just about to get up, Shikamaru was stopped by the girl, and then he heard a sob.

- Son ... - the guy looked over the nurse's shoulder and widened his eyes in surprise. He saw two, a woman with tears in her eyes and a smiling man. But he was surprised not at their presence, but at their personalities. He vaguely recognized the woman, but the man was easy to recognize. It was definitely Shikaku Nara, the head of the Nara clan from the Hidden Leaf.

Remembering what the woman said, the guy immediately understood everything:

"So I am their son ... But their son Shikamaru ..."

Realizing that he had been silent for too long, the boy smiled and greeted:

- Mom, dad ... How are you?

- Haha, how are we? You'd better worry about yourself, "Shikaku replied with a grin. The man was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and smile for the first time in recent years.

Yoshino, hearing the words of her son, went up to him and hugged him tightly, whispered:

- Shikamaru, you scared us so ... You scared us so much, I already thought that, what ... - the woman could not restrain herself and began to cry again. Shikamaru just smiled shyly and looked away from his father. He understood that he was not able to tell the truth ... He knew that this would make it worse not only for him, but also for Shikamaru's parents. More precisely, now, to his parents ...

"So, after all, Shikamaru ..." - to this, Sean could only breathe inwardly.

The last Shikamaru died and will not return, and his parents will not even know about it. This realization was a little unpleasant. Sean felt a slight shame, but at the same time, was completely powerless. What happened was not his fault. The only thing he could do was accept his situation. Now this is a new life, now his name is Shikamaru Nara ...