Chapter 9: Shinobi System (2)

Just as he fully embraced his new life, a familiar voice rang through his head:

[Assignment: "From scratch" Completed!]

- Reward: 10,000 points of fate, The main scroll of Taijutsu, Elixir of body strengthening.

When this message came through, Shikamaru immediately understood its meaning. After his recent loss of consciousness, he developed some understanding of this Shinobi System. All its main functions and advantages were now known to him. Of course, there was not much information, we can say that he received the most basic minimum on using this system. It was not possible to find out more. The system did not have intelligence, and could not provide answers to the questions of interest. Everything he needed to know, he had already received. For the rest, he needs to use the description of functions and objects, in the system itself, to replenish knowledge.

But so far he could not be distracted by all this ... Patting his mother on the head, Shikamaru tried to calm her down. Even Shikaku came over and began to help his son. Although Yoshino is usually domineering and strict, when something so serious happens, she immediately changes ... Even Shikamaru was surprised, even though he vaguely remembered this woman, she was always rather cold. So this behavior was amazing ...

"Mom's enough, they're looking at us," Shikamaru asked, looking at the smiling nurse.

- Mm, okay ... - Embarrassed, the woman walked away and smiled sweetly.

"Eh, I haven't seen you like this Yoshino for a long time ..." Shikaku sighed.

- You mean I'm too callous? The woman asked coldly, looking sternly at her husband.

Shikaku smiled nervously and shook his head.

- No, no, of course not ... - Approaching Shikamaru, the man patted his son on the shoulder and nodded.

- Well done sonny.

Shikamaru smiled and asked:

- Um ... Father, what happened to me?

"This is ..." Shikaku stammered, and then shook his head. "I don't know ..."

- I see ... Well, I vaguely remember some moments. For example, uh ... How old am I?

Hearing the boy's question, the nurse wrote something down, and Shikaku sighed and replied:

- You are four years old, you turned a couple of months ago. What else don't you remember?

The boy scratched his head and answered with a smile:

`` Well, actually, it's easier to name what I remember ... you, for example, and also my name, well ... '' pretending to think, after a couple of seconds, Shikamaru replied: `` I still remember a few people of the clan, our shadow techniques and the Hokage.

"And baby Chоji? Yoshino asked.

Shikamaru frowned and nodded after a moment.

- Well, yes ... I seem to remember, this is the guy who loves to eat.

"Yes, it's definitely him ..." Shikaku chuckled.

- When will I be discharged? Shikamaru asked, glancing at the nurse.

The girl smiled and shook her head.

"I don't know that, only Ernu-san can decide. But, judging by your condition, if nothing unexpected happens, then this will happen no later than two weeks.

Hearing the answer, Shikamaru exhaled inwardly. Two weeks isn't that long ...

- Are you sure he can lie here longer? Yoshino asked worriedly. Looking at the woman with irritation, Shikamaru could only resign himself. Although he wanted to point out her place, he remembered his own in time ...

"Still she cares about me ... And who am I to mind a chūnin?" Shaking his head, Shikamaru noticed his father's surprised look. Looks like he noticed this little change in his son in just a moment ...

As an experienced shinobi, as well as an advisor to the Hokage, he learned to understand people, even by looking. Now, his son's gaze was domineering, annoyed and displeased. Everything would be fine, but this is definitely not the look of a child ...

"Maybe it just seemed to me ..." - but although Shikaku saw this cold look, he did not attach any importance to it for long.

At the same time, turning his head to the window, Shikamaru internally drew conclusions. He, like Shikaku, has learned over the years of his life to determine the intentions of others, only by looking. In a world full of criminals, a skill like this is essential.

"I was careless, he definitely noticed, no wonder, he is an experienced shinobi, and even from the Nara clan ... Fortunately, he is my father, and I am only four years old. I'm just a child he hasn't known for so long. My changes can be attributed to a lot ... In any case, it is worth keeping yourself in hand. The days when I could not tolerate objections and could cause problems in a fit of anger are over. At least until ... "- Turning his head again and calmly looking at his parents, Shikamaru continued to behave like a child.

Shikaku shook his head once again and dismissed the useless thoughts. It was his son Shikamaru, even if he had changed a little, it was still him, Shikaku was sure of it.

For the next hour, Shikamaru talked to his parents, and later they left. Although they could have stayed longer, their son referred to fatigue and wanted to rest. They had no choice and they left him.

Finally alone and finished with his hospital breakfast, Shikamaru put down the tray of dishes, and taking a deep breath, said inwardly:


At the same moment, after his command, an illusory window appeared in front of the young man's eyes, which only he could see:

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 4 years

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: None

- [Strength: 8] - [Stamina: 9] - [Speed: 7] -

- [Talent: 12] - [Chakra Size: 30] - [Chakra Control: 10] -


[Nara - strength 32%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 6%

- Improved Genome: absent


- Earth Release → 25%

- Fire Release → 6%

- Yin Release → 36%

Technique: None

"Hmm, so this is what it looks like, interesting ... You didn't have to ask about your age. The status is rather short and understandable "- Shikamaru already knew the main commands of the system and what this or that statistic was responsible for.

Name, affiliation, age and rank, spoke for themselves.

As for: strength, defense and speed, then everything was more complicated.

Strength reflected the user's physical ability. First of all, it is, of course, muscle strength. For shinobi practitioners of Taijutsu, this is one of the most important skills, along with stamina and speed.

Endurance is primarily responsible for the body's endurance to various kinds of stress and their long-term performance. Also, endurance is responsible for the recovery of the body from all sorts of injuries and overvoltage.

Speed, of course, is responsible for the shinobi's speed, how fast he moves, how fast his instincts work.

All three of these indicators are the foundation of any shinobi. But not all of them focus their attention on these indicators. More often than not, taijutsu shinobi persistently develop these characteristics. The same Ninja who practice other areas of Jutsu, although they develop these characteristics, are not so stubborn, unlike the Taijutsu masters.