Chapter 10: Shinobi System (3)

Unlike the first three characteristics and the last two, "Talent" was a kind of general indicator that influenced all the others.

Talent. Although it can be important in developing strength, speed and endurance, usually practitioners of these three main areas can do without it. Of course, someone with talent will grow noticeably faster. But sometimes hard training can help you surpass any talent.

But, this does not apply to the Control and Volume of the chakra. If you are a control genius, or a genius with huge reserves of chakra, a bright future awaits you. Of course, a shinobi can develop control, and increase volume. But people predisposed to this, such as Senju or Uzumaki, have much more advantages. It will be almost impossible to catch up with them using only hard work. Of course, huge volume and control is not the most important thing ...

The volume of chakra, first of all, affects its quantity. But also, in the characteristic, something additional can be taken into account, for example, a biju.

Chakra control is, of course, responsible for knowing how to use your chakra correctly. This is one of the main characteristics that a shinobi who does not have large chakra volumes must develop. The ability to control chakra helps in its correct distribution and maintenance. The better the control, the more the shinobi will retain chakra after using the technique. More chakra means more strength to fight. This is the main benefit of control, but there are of course others ...

As for Talent, this characteristic affects all the others. The more talent, the faster other indicators will grow. The more talent and a certain indicator, the more chances you have to master the technique. The ability to learn most of the techniques quickly depends on talent. The higher the talent, the greater the success. Of course, it is worth considering compatibility with elements and much more ...

As for the "Elements" section, everything is simple. It reflected the compatibility of Shikamaru with a certain element and the ability to transform chakra into this element. The greater the percentage of compatibility, the stronger the technique of a certain element and the better the transformation into this element.

The next section is "Techniques". It, as the name implies, reflected all the techniques Shikamaru learned. From the information received, Shikamaru knew that all Jutsu would have a place in this section. Ninjutsu, in the ninjutsu list, and genjutsu, in the corresponding genjutsu list. Well, and of course they will be divided into elements.

One of the most important and more interesting sections to Shikamaru was, of course, the Pedigree section. Already knowing some of the system's functions, Shikamaru was really interested in bloodlines.


[Nara - strength 32%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 6%

- Improved Genome: absent

As a direct descendant of the head of the Nara clan, Shikamaru naturally inherited his family's bloodline. Pedigree primarily depended not on its purity, but on its strength, which can also be increased. Many ninja were able to surpass their ancestors, but at the same time, their pedigree was more diluted, but this did not prevent them from becoming stronger than past generations.

Of course, the purity of the pedigree was also an important factor. If a clan has an improved genome of some kind, it certainly has a better chance of awakening in those whose bloodline is purer.

In the Shinobi system, more attention was paid to the power of the bloodline, since often purity did not play a special role. The explanation for this was very simple. Purity had a limit, and strength, it was completely absent. So, for example, it is impossible to surpass the purity of the ancestor of the clan, no matter how hard you try, but it is quite possible to make the bloodline stronger. Bloodline alone, even if pure, does not mean that shinobi with this blood will be strong. But if a ninja has a more diluted lineage than his ancestors, he can make his lineage many times stronger in his own body than even his ancestors had.

The Shinobi system displayed the strength of the pedigree, the improved pedigree genome, if any, and the superiority of the pedigree. Many clans, over the years of training and development in a certain style, changed their genes, and this in turn was passed on to the offspring. So, for example, the Nara Clan had an increased mastery of the "Yin" element. Clan Akimichi has Yang and the ability to process its calories into chakra. Other clans also had their advantages, and some even had Improved Genomes.

Shikamaru was really interested in the pedigree section as Status was not the only advantage of the system. Another important function was "Exchange".

Sighing with anticipation, Shikamaru smiled and said to himself:


Three sections appeared immediately before it:

- [Bloodlines & Genomes] - [Techniques] - [Pills & Elixirs] -

"If I understood correctly, then I am able to exchange some" Fate Points "for pedigrees. If so, then this system is amazing ... "Shikamaru concentrated on selecting the Pedigrees and Genomes section, after which a rather long list appeared in front of him:

- [Pedigrees & Genomes] -

(R + G) Uchiha - strength 50% → Sharingan → Improved mastery of the element of "Fire" - 10%.

- 50,000 points of fate -

(R + G) Hyuga - 50% strength → Byakugan → Strengthening the body.

- 40,000 points of fate -

(R) Akimichi - strength 50% → Improved mastery of the element "Yang" - 10%

- 5,000 fate points -

(R) Inuzuka - power 50% → Improvements of all senses

- 5,000 fate points -

(R + G) Kaguya - 50% strength → Shikotsumyaku → Strengthen the skeleton.

- 20,000 points of fate -

(D) Boiling Release

- 10,000 points of fate -

(D) Heat Release

- 10,000 points of fate -

(R) Uzumaki - power 50% → Improvements in control and chakra volume. Improving vitality and disposition to fuinjutsu.

- 20,000 points of fate -

(D) Dragon Veins

- 10,000 points of fate —...

"Wow, I haven't even heard of some of them ..." - a huge list of dozens of different genomes and lineages appeared before Shikamaru's eyes. Prices also varied, and sometimes the genomes went right along with the pedigrees. But there were also times when they could be bought separately. For example, the Senju Clan's bloodline could be acquired with or without the Improved Wood Release Genome, simply by improving the body and granting some benefits. Sorry, just the pedigree of this clan, along with the genome, was worth more than everyone else.

With ten thousand glasses now in hand, Shikamaru could well have bought a couple of weak bloodlines or even a unique element. The problem was that all the elements, one way or another, depended on five main ones. The stronger the main elements, the stronger the combined element of the genome.

Therefore, Shikamaru did not want to spend points on them. Indeed, with his current pedigree and skills, there simply will be no sense from the new element. What is the use of a child, from the elements of heat or magnetism? Many owners of the Nara clan do not have much chakra, although they have developed control that surpasses ordinary shinobi.

As for the other bloodlines, there were options for ten thousand, but they weren't particularly useful. In the situation of a simple four-year-old with ten thousand points, Shikamaru could not waste them mindlessly.