Chapter 12: Quests and Rewards

Thinking about the Nara clan, Shikamaru nodded.

- Hmm, I think the third section of the "Exchange" can help with this, after all, I'm a child and probably not genetically predisposed to taijutsu because of my clan, - thinking about this, Shikamaru immediately opened the last section of the exchange - "Pills and Elixirs" . [Pills and Elixirs]

Elixirs for Strengthening and Strengthening:

- Elixir of strengthening chakra channels → 600 points of fate

- Elixir of Bone Fortification → 600 Fate Points

- Elixir of Muscle Strengthening → 600 Fate Points

- Elixir of Strengthening the Body → 1,500 Fate Points


- Elixir of Yin Release → Increase by 2.5% → 500 Fate Points

- Elixir of Yang Release → Increase by 2.5% → 500 Fate Points

- Elixir of Fire Release → Increase by 2.5% → 500 Fate Points

Special elixirs:

- Elixir of Fortification of Ice Release → Increase by 2.5% → 700 Fate Points

- Elixir of Lava Release → Increase by 2.5% → 700 Fate Points


Seeing this sizable list of all sorts of elixirs, Shikamaru nodded glumly. Looking at them, he already had a plan for his development in the coming years, before entering the academy. The elixirs of fortification played an important role in this, although their price was not small. As for special elixirs, it was too early to think about them.

- Bloodline enhancement pill → First move - x200% Second - x100%, Third - x50%, Fourth - x25%, Fifth - x12.5%, Sixth - x6.25%, Seventh - x3.125%

→ 2,000 fate points.

(Example: If the bloodline of Nara is 50%, after taking the first pill, the strength of the bloodline will increase by 200%, that is, 50% will become 250%, after the second pill - 350%, after the third - 400%, and so on. Abilities of the Nara clan , directly affect the control of the Yin element. Five percent of the strength gives a strengthening in the control of "Yin" by 1%. So 50% of the bloodline strength gives 10% improvement in the control of Yin. If you increase the strength of the Nara bloodline to 400%, then you can strengthen yin control, up to 80%)

- Pill of emotional outburst → 5000 points of fate

- Chakra recovery pill → 100 chakra → 10 fate points

- Pill to cleanse the body from toxins → 1,000 points of fate

- Pill of Chakra Storage Expansion → Increase by 1000 → 5,000 Fate Points


After going through the list of all the pills, Shikamaru let out a long breath. Even elixirs could not match this. These pills were truly divine weapons. Get one hidden village like this and they would keep it like a treasure, especially the first of the bloodline-boosting pills. Just one move of this bloodline and the current Shikamaru with 32% of the bloodline strength will immediately go to 232%, this is not just an increase, this is a huge leap forward. Its Yin compatibility will probably surpass sixty percent.

It is not surprising that the price of these miracle drugs was much higher than the techniques ... Still, the techniques could be obtained, but pills are probably impossible to get in the world.

"Hmm, speaking of elixirs ..." Remembering something, Shikamaru closed Exchange and said:

- Tasks.

Immediately, a list of all tasks appeared before the young man's eyes: [Tasks]

- Active:

- "Blood restriction"

- "New Pedigree"

- "The Power of Genin"

- "Along the Way of Taijutsu"

- "On the Way to Ninjutsu"

- "Along the Genjutsu Path"

- "Another story"


- Completed:

- "From scratch"

- Unfulfilled:

After seeing the list of several active missions and the rewards for them, Shikamaru already had some ideas. There were many tasks, but some of them were too difficult to complete. Although, there were those that he could complete right now, and doing one task, with the points he earned, he could complete another.

"Hmm, maybe this is some kind of loophole or just a lucky coincidence?" - smiling internally, the guy began to look through the awards.

"Jobs" was the last command in the system. For the rest, Shikamaru must learn everything himself. Only about Status, Exchange and Tasks he received information.

The tasks were very important, because the only way to earn the so-called "Fate Points" was to complete them.

Already, Shikamaru has received a rather large list of tasks. But this was only the beginning, from the information received, he knew that tasks would still be issued. But the criteria for obtaining them were a little unclear.

Once in this world and having completed the complete merging of the soul with the body, Shikamaru unconsciously completed his first task: [Task: "From scratch" Completed!]

- Reward: 10,000 points of fate, The main scroll of taijutsu, Elixir of body strengthening.

Usually, after completion, the award was not immediately issued. This was necessary, since the situation could be unforeseen, and not the task completed on time and the award given out could interfere. So after the completion, the reward had to be picked up independently. If the task has not yet been completed, then although the reward for it can be viewed, it is, of course, impossible to receive. The same goes for hidden rewards. Each task has special fulfillment conditions, which are hidden, by completing them - you can get an increased reward. Shikamaru did not receive much information about this. The only thing he knew was that by fulfilling the hidden conditions, the usual reward would be increased, but how much and how is unknown.

Shikamaru did not yet have unfulfilled tasks, and there was only one completed, so he did not hesitate and immediately decided to take his earnings. Yet he did not know how this process would go. How he will get the scroll and where the elixir will go, and that was quite important, so it was worth finding out right away. This was not mentioned at all in the initial instructions.

In addition, having looked through the entire list of tasks, he knew that there were those that he could complete right now using the initial reward and thus multiply his points. If everything works out, then some plans may change.

Focusing on the task accomplished and its reward, Shikamaru didn't feel much, but just as he was about to repeat the process, the air next to him quivered and a strange reddish light slowly escaped from his body. This light quickly changed its shape and turned into a small bottle right before our eyes ...

Shikamaru instinctively extended his hand to the floating object. He jerked slightly and easily fell into the boy's hand. At the same moment, a message sounded in Shikamaru's head:

[Basic Taijutsu scroll, information transmission ...]

Immediately after that, Shikamaru began to see double in his eyes, and then, information began to fill his head. It was so fast that he didn't even understand what was happening. Just a couple of seconds and the cloudiness has passed ...

Exhaling heavily, Shikamaru muttered:

- A little unpleasant ... - the transmission of information went directly to the brain, so it could cause dizziness. Even so, Shikamaru now knew exactly the entire contents of The Master Taijutsu Scroll.