Chapter 13: Elixir of Body Strengthening

Although the "Basic Taijutsu Scroll" did not appear due to this strange energy from the air as an elixir, but the fact that it was transferred directly to the brain was even better to some extent. After all, it could take time to study the scroll, but now, Shikamaru knew for sure every detail written in it. Of course, now the scroll cannot be passed on to others for study, but using memory, Shikamaru could easily rewrite everything. Still, there was not much information in the scroll. These were simple instructions for training taijutsu, a few recipes for herbal medicine and training exercises. Even if he could have conveyed them, it was no use now.

His only allies at the moment are of course the Nara Clan, and possibly Chоji Akimichi. But there was no point in Shikamaru giving the scroll to any of them, it probably wasn't that special. Still, the clan shinobi probably have something similar, especially the Nara and Akimichi clan, recipes for different medicines, they should definitely have. And explaining the presence, even of such a simple scroll, will not be easy, although not impossible

"The scroll will wait ..." - thinking about his glasses of fate, a small icon appeared before the boy's eyes. It was a disk with a round sum of 10,000 inside. After taking a good look at this disk, Shikamaru chuckled wryly.

- So that's the point. I knew that it's not a matter of gods and luck ... It looks like it's you, "smiling at his friend the disc with symbols, Shikamaru even felt a little easier. Before that, he did not understand his situation a little, and the rebirth seemed too strange and inexplicable, but now, although it was just as incomprehensible, he at least had a small explanation for the situation.

"Hmm, fate, huh? Points of fate ... The law of fate ... All this is not easy, perhaps the artifact that I managed to find, not just a small disc with information, as I previously thought. Now it looks like some kind of artifact that can help in rebirth and allows you to establish a connection with fate. Although, how everything works is unclear ... "- but the incomprehensibility of the situation did not bother Shikamaru. On the contrary, he smiled with interest and concentrated again, on the object in his hands. He has already checked two of the three awards, it is time for the last one ...

Frowning at the small bottle, Shikamaru didn't notice anything special about it. Just a small bottle as long as a thumb, the bottom of which was round and two fingers wide. The upper part, which was a long neck, was narrow and slightly thicker than the little finger. Although the bottle was transparent, the liquid had an unpleasant color, dark green with an admixture of brown. The liquid did not look very tasty, but if this is a medicine, then this look is quite understandable.

Slightly shaking the bottle, the liquid easily began to move. Nodding, Shikamaru uncorked the small white lid, put his nose against the neck and sniffed. Grimacing slightly, the guy smiled:

`` It smells so-so, but bearable ... '' After a little reflection, Shikamaru swallowed all the liquid without thinking twice. Of course, he had no confidence in such a subject, otherwise he would have delayed acceptance. But if you can't trust something, either throw it away, or take a chance and use it. At the moment, Shikamaru knew for sure that this system could change his life, so it was worth establishing trust and taking the risk of drinking an unknown liquid.

As soon as the substance hit his tongue, Shikamaru grimaced and began to drink faster. Fortunately, there were no more than three sips, so it was easy to empty the bottle.

Sealing the lid and putting the empty bottle aside, Shikamaru twitched and stuck out his tongue snorted.

"Well, the taste ... I hope the effect is worth it." Reaching out and taking water from the table, Shikamaru immediately took a few sips. Then he made himself comfortable on the bed, closed his eyes and waited.

Who knows what the effect would be ... If this thing killed him, he was willing to accept it. But abandoning the system and its elixirs with pills was not very wise, he had to take the risk. Of course, it was possible to carry out the experiment on other people, but who knows how they will affect them. What if they're only safe for Shikamaru? This system was too incomprehensible and who knows how it works, so it was worth the risk. Anyway, he is only at the start, in the worst case, the losses are not so big ...

A couple of seconds after taking it, Shikamaru began to feel some changes in his body. Light warmth began to spread throughout the body and even bring some pleasure. It was even comparable to a slight intoxication, so the guy began to feel light-headed after a while. But, once the pleasant ends ... The first minute passed, and a slight dizziness turned into a headache, which slowly began to spread both from the head and from the abdomen.

Deep inside the bones, movement began, as if the bones began to saw and gnaw. After a few more seconds, the eyes began to water and hurt, the temperature of the whole body began to rise. The body was heating up faster and faster, and the pain spread deeper, and already gave it to the entire body. But Shikamaru gritted his teeth and endured. He tried not to make a sound, he didn't need witnesses now. He felt that this pain was temporary, and he began to believe much more in the efficacy of this elixir.

"Haaa ..." The pain increased and Shikamaru felt a burning and tingling sensation with every part of his body. All he could hear now was a strong pulsation that seemed to be emitted throughout his body. With his fists and teeth clenched tighter, he continued to endure the pain.

In the past, he faced pain, even this, he endured for the first time. But with all this pain, deep inside, in the muscles, chakrakanals, bones, there were very noticeable changes. The muscles and ligaments became stronger and more elastic. The bones and the entire skeleton in general have become much stronger. All organs, vessels, chakrakanals have become stronger and changed. One elixir completely changed all the physical parameters of an ordinary child ... If any doctor saw such a thing, he would never believe his eyes. Everything that was happening now, even for the shinobi world, was too surprising.

About five minutes later, the pain finally began to subside, his body temperature began to drop just as quickly, causing a noticeable steam to emanate from the boy's body.

Opening his still watery eyes slightly, Shikamaru exhaled heavily in a wave of steam.

After examining himself, he smiled with relief:

- It looks like everything went well ...

His entire body was covered in sweat, completely soaking his clothes and sheets. Now he looked like he was caught in a heavy downpour ... Otherwise, the special changes were difficult to notice. Shikamaru looked the same as before. Except for wet and reddened skin from the temperature. Of course, these were only external signs, but inside, his body changed noticeably ...