Chapter 14: First Mission

Moving his hands, Shikamaru muttered in surprise:

`` Still it worked ... A little strange sensation, but the body felt more comfortable, '' deftly jumping off the bed, Shikamaru chuckled.

- Ha, such ease, amazing, - after waving his arms and legs a little, the guy finally stopped, noticing something unusual.

All of Shikamaru's clothes were in a terrible state, as was the bed he was sitting on. The most problematic was the smell. He was so unpleasant and harsh that it was watery in his eyes.

"The beds can be changed, it's not so scary ... The problem is in my clothes" - glumly examining his outfit, the guy quickly began to undress. The gray jersey, black breeches and everything else quickly remained on the floor.

Looking at his wet clothes and his unpleasant smelling body, Shikamaru chuckled wryly.

- The situation is actually funny, but it will be difficult to explain such profuse sweating. Although you can blame everything on your illness ... But this is not an option, I'm not going to undergo tests or something else. I don't need another month in the ward. We need to come up with some kind of plan ... - With a crooked grin looking at the exit from the room, Shikamaru could only shake his head. There were no options, although the situation was crazy, but the clothes needed fresh.

"I can't believe that something like this happened at all ... Can I just say that the clothes were stolen?" Shaking his head, Shikamaru muttered:

- Not an option, at least it is worth washing, the sweat is terribly smelly. It's not like the smell of a child, I'm afraid even a nurse, when she comes in here, may not stand it ... Well, it's absurd ... - exhaling, Shikamaru calmly walked to the door. There were no options, you need to solve this problem ...

Opening the ward door, the guy looked around:

"It seems clean ... Although, who am I kidding, as if I can hide from the shinobi? I will hope for luck. "Returning to the room, Shikamaru walked to the window and opened it completely. Next, he lifted his clothes and pulled the wet sheet off the bed. Then, he quickly swapped the beds and turned the mattress over to somehow hide what had happened. After looking around and making sure that there were no people around, he quickly began to squeeze things out the open window.

Quickly finishing everything, he put on his clothes again. Although she was not in the best condition, but so much better than being naked. With the sheet tied over his face and leaving only his eyes, Shikamaru was ready to leave. Remaining in the ward, he only brought his troubles closer ...

Without closing the window, he returned to the door and left. It will not be difficult to ventilate the room, it will be difficult to escape and sort out your problem.

The corridor was clear, so the guy quickly got out and headed for the exit. He already knew roughly the location of the stairs, having examined the building from the window, so it was not difficult to find a way out. If Shikamaru can leave the hospital, then his main problem will be solved.

Luckily for him, most of the nurses in the hospital didn't notice him, so the guy was able to walk away unnoticed.

Walking away, Shikamaru looked around and chuckled.

- Yeah, what a shame, as if I did it and try to hide it. I can't believe that this could have happened to me ... Under no circumstances should they learn about this shame.

Shaking his head with a sigh, the guy went to the village.

Then everything was even easier. Although the youth's appearance and smell caused displeased looks, the current Shikamaru would be a person of experience. Having got rid of the shirt and made a bandage out of it, Shikamaru was able to hide his face and hair, and got rid of the rest, except for his pants, of course.

It wasn't difficult to steal some money. The problem was that he did not know the prices of clothes. But judging by the food prices, it shouldn't be very big ... He hoped that he had stolen enough, it was risky to take more. After all, the Shinobi were in town, and the Konoha police weren't stupid. In the past, Shikamaru would have been confident in his skill, but against the ninja, it could have been completely useless. So I had to guess a good moment to cut Ryo's wallets.

Having done this successfully, the rest was not so difficult. Although the seller of clothes was angry at the boy's appearance, he shut up when he saw the money. So Shikamaru quickly bought a replica of his last outfit. After paying and putting everything in the bag, the guy was even able to get hold of a sheet, although this was not necessary. Anyway, he got almost everything he wanted, so having packed everything, he went to the local bathhouse ...

Calmly paying off the disgruntled old woman, Shikamaru quickly washed and changed. There was no time to enjoy the warm springs, so he quickly hurried back to the hospital.

After passing another test of stealth, Shikamaru finally returned to the room. Fortunately, there was no one inside. With a sigh of relief, the guy closed the door.

Shikamaru had been away for about two hours, so lunch was already close. The nurse warned that the doctor would be arriving in the afternoon for an examination, so Shikamaru arrived on time.

Changing the sheet and sniffing, he nodded in relief. Two hours was quite enough ... The smell remained slightly, but it's not scary.

The situation turned out to be funny, but if Shikamaru hadn't solved this problem, there could be trouble. There was no better plan, so we had to get out in such a strange way. He definitely did not want to stay in the hospital, having arrived in this world, Shikamaru wanted to start development as soon as possible. Of course, everything could be solved by itself, but he was not used to relying on luck ...

Leaning back on the bed, Shikamaru finally relaxed.

"Just taking the elixir caused so many problems that it's even funny. From now on, you should be careful. My father is an experienced Nara clan shinobi. It will be a huge problem if he finds out that I am not his son, but an impostor. I doubt that after that they will listen to me and we will peacefully solve this problem. I think I should have less contact with my loved ones. It's for my own good ... "- Deciding on this, Shikamaru began to deal with the points of fate.

Even though he accepted all of his awards and was ready to train in Taijutsu, he had to deal with the tasks first.

Having seen the entire list and conditions for completing some of the tasks last time, Shikamaru already had some ideas.

Some tasks were quite doable at the moment. For instance:

- "New pedigree"

Obtain the first non-congenital bloodline.

Reward: 10,000 points, a special elixir and a special pill.


- "Blood restriction"

Get your first Superior Genome.

Reward: 20,000 points, a scroll of forbidden S-class technique, a pill of purification of chakra channels.

Doing the first directly allowed the second to be done. Shikamaru had ten thousand fate points, which could afford to buy a bloodline. He could buy a simple pedigree, for five thousand, and a better one, for ten. Sarutobi's lineage was not a bad one. It's not Uzumaki, but not bad either. In general, having completed this task, Shikamaru could easily return ten thousand points and thus not lose anything. Moreover, for ten thousand it was quite possible to buy a Genome and get an additional twenty thousand points.