Chapter 15: The Bloodline Stabilization Pill

Unfortunately, this plan had a significant flaw. Taking a useless genome was not very smart. Strong genomes and cost over ten thousand. Spending ten thousand for twenty may seem like a good idea at the moment, but in the future, it can cause problems.

Of course, the Lava Genome should not be so harshly called useless. It was just, in Shikamaru's mind, it was a waste of points. Lava, while destructive, is not a genome worth spending money on. Let's say the Speed ​​Genome or Shikotsumyaku were much more interesting. Lava could also be obtained in other ways. The same Roshi was able to awaken this power thanks to his Bijuu. But ultimately lost to Kisama, a man without a Genome. Even as a jinchūriki and possessing the Kekkei Genkai, he could not hold out. Although understandable, Kisame is a very powerful shinobi. But this strong shinobi also lost to Might Guy.

"Hmm, what else is there ..." - leafing through all the tasks, Shikamaru could only smile. The list was quite long. There were even tasks in which he was sure to complete.

The task of becoming a genin, of learning different Jutsu, it was all good. But at the moment it is not possible yet.

Genin's Strength was one such mission. It was necessary to improve some indicators and master any style of taijutsu. Five thousand points for that, good rewards ...

"I'll definitely buy the pedigree, but I'll do it at night ... So far, this is the only task I can complete. Although, if you buy an elixir ... "- looking at a good task, Shikamaru pondered.

"The Power of Bloodline"

Raise one pedigree, up to 400%.

Reward: 10,000 points, bloodline stabilization pill.

Concentrating on the unknown pill, Shikamaru began reading the information about it:

(Pill of bloodline stabilization - completely stabilizes the bloodline strength in the body of the adopted person up to 50%. The minimum level for stabilization is not less than 20% of the bloodline strength. If several bloodlines are present in the body, the one with a higher percentage is stabilized. If the bloodline is above 50% or below 20%, the pill has no effect)

After reading the description, Shikamaru was again surprised by this system and its capabilities. This was another incredible medicine. In Exchange, this pill was worth only five hundred points, but its effect is amazing. Take Shikamaru now and his bloodline will stabilize at fifty percent instead of thirty-two. The gain is small compared to the pedigree enhancement pill. But this is not its true effect. Essentially, it needs to be taken just before strengthening in order to boost future growth. Without this pill, with his thirty-two percent bloodline strength, after taking the enhancement pill, Shikamaru will receive only two hundred and thirty-two percent, and after the next enhancement - three hundred thirty-two. Ultimately, after four pills, his bloodline strength barely crosses the four hundred percent line. But if he takes the stabilization pill, then after four boosts in a row, he will receive four hundred and twenty-five percent. Only eighteen percent, but he can only get it if he takes the stabilization pill at the beginning of his journey. Having strengthened at least once, he will forever lose this interest, and in fact eighteen percent in the Nara bloodline, will give three percent in the management of "Yin".

"Well, three percent is better than nothing at all. If I hadn't looked through the assignments, I might not have learned about this pill. So do not rush and clearly study all the drugs before acting. Even if I forget most, it will still be useful to study everything "- with these thoughts, Shikamaru decided to postpone the assignments, and began to study all the drugs in the Exchange.

Thus, a couple of hours passed unnoticed.

After an afternoon check-up, the doctor and nurse left. After looking after them, Shikamaru smiled.

- Great, this is much better than I expected.

Realizing that Shikamaru's condition is quite good, the doctor did not delay him for a long time and was ready to discharge him. He will be watched for another three days, and he will finally be free.

I was also pleased that the smell in the ward completely disappeared, and no one noticed anything. Plus, Shikamaru was able to ask for a bucket and a mop. Of course, the doctor was surprised at such a request, but Shikamaru was able to find an excuse, citing his cleanliness, and a desire to do something. The doctor did not see this as a problem and agreed. This way the guy was able to sort out a few upcoming problems ...

Rejoicing at the good news, Shikamaru continued to study all the pills, elixirs, and bloodlines. While he had a desire to see the entire Exchange, he quickly dismissed the idea when he saw a huge list of techniques. There were so many of them that the guy was sure that this was impossible to remember. In the future, of course, he was ready to run his eyes over them, but not now. Perhaps only taijutsu and then superficially ...

Late at night, when most of the people in Lista Village were asleep, Shikamaru opened his eyes and breathed out in relief.

- Finally ... I really thought it would never end, - looking around in the dark room, the boy could only smile. Time flew by very quickly ...

Basically, everything he learned was really helpful. Shikamaru was even able to devote time to the taijutsu techniques he was about to learn.

After strengthening his body, his status changed slightly, so he decided to focus on taijutsu for the first time. He also decided on his first pedigree, and then on the genome.

The first thing to do was, of course, take a stabilization pill. Although he will receive it for the tasks of taking power pills, but then it will already be useless, so it was worth taking it right away. It cost five hundred points, so it was enough for him ... In the future, he may well find a use for it.

Focusing on the bloodline stabilization pill, Shikamaru mentally selected it in the system and at the exchange point, and then mentally confirmed the request. As soon as this happened, five hundred system points were immediately written off, and then a dim red light flew out of Shikamaru's body again.

Stopping a few centimeters from the boy's face, the light quickly began to change its shape. In just a couple of seconds, the glow went out, and a small yellow ball with brown splashes formed in the air. This pill was similar to the regular pill that Akimichi uses.

As it formed from this strange energy, Shikamaru reached out and grabbed the pill. This time, he didn't swallow it right away. First of all, he opened the window in the ward, and then undressed. After that, he sat down in the corner of the room, looked at the pill and put it in his mouth with a quick motion. Without chewing, he swallowed it instantly.

The medicine had absolutely no taste, like an ordinary plastic ball. But as soon as it got into the stomach, the ball immediately began to slowly disintegrate and release a strange yellow energy ...

Shikamaru quickly felt warmth inside his abdomen, and then slight discomfort all over his body. He felt an unusual movement begin under his skin.

- Chakrakanals ... - feeling them for the first time, the boy smiled excitedly. Before that, he could not figure out how to do it. Although he did not try to interact with the chakra, he felt it inside himself. Just before that, he did not understand at all how to use it, how to establish a connection with the chakrakanals, and interact with them. Now, having felt the energy flowing through them, he began to realize a little how to connect with them.