Chapter 16: The Power of Bloodline

When the pill finally dissolved completely, Shikamaru grimaced slightly. At first everything was quite normal, but then all this energy began to penetrate into every cell of the body, which brought slight pain. Of course, this was incomparable to the pain of the elixir's effect of strengthening the body. But not bad either, and this is a simple stabilization pill. Probably, the pain from the enhancement pill will be many times stronger.

When it finally stopped, Shikamaru let out a sigh of relief.

"I hope my body can handle the rest of the changes. I didn't even think about my limits, so I should be careful. Perhaps I am in pain due to being too weak. Hopefully I can handle it. I doubt the system will kill me with its drugs.

This shouldn't have happened. There were several illegal drugs in exchange. If these were dangerous, they would probably also be closed. Although Shikamaru did not have a very great understanding of the system, he was sure she would not harm him like that. It would just be pointless.

This time Shikamaru only sweated slightly, but otherwise everything was fine. He even slightly cheered up from these sensations. Concentrating, Shikamaru decided to look at the results of his actions, and at the same time find out the results of the recently taken elixir.


Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 4 years

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: None

- [Strength: 25] - [Stamina: 28] - [Speed: 20] -

- [Talent: 18] - [Chakra Size: 40] - [Chakra Control: 15] -


[Nara - strength 50%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 10%

- Improved Genome: absent


- Earth Release → 25%

- Fire Release → 6%

- Yin Release → 40%

Technique: None

As expected, the changes have taken place. Strength, endurance and speed have more than doubled, but of course this will not always happen. If the elixir always doubled the body, then this elixir would certainly not be worth a thousand points. This elixir is very good, but for some people it will be useless. Might Guy, for example, after adopting it, probably won't feel much change. This elixir strengthens the existing indicators, but there are also limitations. The elixir is only useful up to three hundred points in strength, stamina and speed. Of course, it not only increases the numbers, its main benefit is in changing the body itself. It will take months and years for the common man to build strength, speed and endurance. This elixir allows you to increase the talent to increase these indicators. Roughly speaking, the Elixir of Strengthening the Body can raise your talent for taijutsu, changing your body and making it more receptive to training. It is for this reason that it is worth a thousand points. We can say that the increase in performance is just a bonus.

At the moment, Shikamaru can take no more than four of these body strengthening elixirs. It is not known why, but these restrictions at the exchange point appeared on the elixir, after its adoption. Maybe it's age or something else. But even so, until the three indicators exceed one hundred points, after each portion of the elixir, they will almost double, and this is quite significant. Of course, Shikamaru had no such idea to spend points on this elixir. At least not now. Moreover, after a hundred points, it will not be so effective, and reaching three hundred, the gains will be ridiculous. The body's talent for stress and taijutsu can be obtained without elixirs.

A truly terrible elixir, this is an improved version of this - Essence fortification Special Elixir. This is what truly defies the heavens and can make any Taijutsu master envy. Unfortunately its price is as terrible as its effect ...

Discarding the elixir, Shikamaru noticed changes in talent, volume and chakra control as well. Probably this is also the result of the elixir, well, it is possible to increase the strength of the bloodline. This is not excluded.

Compatibility with "Yin" overcame forty percent, and the pedigree was fixed at exactly fifty. It was pleasing to the eye, but Shikamaru knew this was just the beginning. In these two indicators, there were two tasks and a lot of fate points. The first quest was behind the mark "Yin" 50%, the second quest behind the pedigree of 400%. Also, for raising one element to one hundred, there was also a quest with a good reward.

The system was very generous with quests, which was undoubtedly pleasing. But it was just the beginning, it will definitely be more difficult in the future.

Focusing again on quests, Shikamaru had already decided what to do next.

The first thing he started with was that he ended up spending eight thousand points on pedigree boost pills. Each pill cost two thousand, but the guy was sure of the correctness of his purchase.

In the end, he only had 1,500 points left on his account. This only lifted Shikamaru's spirits as he smiled and held four dark red balls in his hands.

The pedigree enhancement pills looked almost the same as the stabilization pill, just a different color. Holding them in his hands, Shikamaru felt a slight heat from them and a dormant power within. He was sure one such pill could completely change the life of any shinobi. But he had four of them, what can come of it? Will he become one of those heroes with terrifying strength as a child?

"Well, I don't mind at all, so let's check ..." Chuckling, Shikamaru quickly swallowed one pill and put the others aside. He had the idea to swallow them all at once, but he did not risk it. Who knows what one such thing will do. This increase is not just twenty percent, but as much as two hundred. It would be nice to stay alive at all ...

Chuckling at his thoughts, Shikamaru waited for the pill to work. She had no taste, but the burning sensation on her tongue remained. He just felt with all his gut that this night would be terribly difficult. Perhaps, in this he was wrong. Difficult, that's putting it mildly ...

The effect of the drug was not long in coming. This time, there was no gentle warmth passing through the chakrochans. The pill instantly melted without even reaching the stomach, and then, all its energy immediately, in a huge wave, passed through Shikamaru's body.

"Khaa ..." Shikamaru opened his eyes in horror and let out a restrained cry, quickly clenched his teeth and closed his mouth. His entire body inside seemed to be burned with magma, the guy's entire skin instantly turned blood red. After which, Shikamaru began to twitch. He tried to keep his limbs normal, but nothing came of it. His body started shaking violently and then he completely lost control of it. All he could do was resign himself and gritting his teeth writhing in pain, completely losing control of his body. Fortunately, after a couple of minutes, he completely lost his sensitivity and just froze, lying on the floor and looking at the ceiling.

But, even though his eyes were open, he had long ago lost consciousness ... Every part of his body pulsed and changed. If someone with a Byakugan came here, he would be amazed at what is happening in Shikamaru's body ...