Chapter 17: Complete Assimilation

All his tanketsu were ablaze, and an incomprehensible energy passed through the whole body, washing every cell of the body. But at the same time, she did not destroy him, but simply irradiated him with her power. Deep inside, in every cell, Shikamaru's bloodline slowly grew rich and stronger. The percentages of her strength rose by leaps and bounds, from fifty, she quickly went to sixty, after which she immediately crossed the limit of one hundred percent. Approaching one hundred and eighty percent, the energy in Shikamaru's body began to slowly weaken, and the temperature dropped.

But although his condition began to change, Shikamaru still arrived unconscious. After a few more minutes, the bloodline's power percentage finally reached two hundred and forty-three percent, after which Shikamaru's body slowly began to brighten. The temperature began to drop, and the strength percentages finally reached two hundred and fifty. So the whole pill was finally reworked ...

All that remains is a body emitting faint vapor. Under Shikamaru, a lake of sweat once again formed and everything finally ended ...

After a couple of hours, Shikamaru jumped up:

- Haaa ...! Kha ... "After clearing his throat a little, Shikamaru quickly got up and drank a glass of water. His eyes were still red and his hands were shaking a little.

"Damn, it was awful ... I don't even really remember how I went through it ... It was the worst day of my life, that's for sure ... My body still aches, and my head is cracking" - looking at several fruits in a vase , Shikamaru immediately began to eat. Hunger was awakened along with thirst.

Slightly satisfying his appetite, the guy looked painfully at the remaining pills. Looking at them, he again had unpleasant memories:

"Hmm, why couldn't it have been easier?" Exhaling a long breath, Shikamaru took the second pill. There was nothing to do, he had to accept it. He was sure that it would be easier with her than with the first, yet the increase in strength is not so noticeable.

Returning to the corner of the room, and sitting in the same place, the guy leaned the pill to his mouth and muttered with his eyes closed:

"I hope it will be easier now ..." With a grin, Shikamaru quickly swallowed the pill. The effect was not long in coming. Unfortunately, the boy's hopes did not come true ... Gritting his teeth, he embarked on a long and one of the most terrible nights of his life. Payback for strength and luck comes sooner or later, it was one of those cases ...


Several hours later.

As the sun rose over the Liszt village, in the corner of his room, Shikamaru opened his tortured eyes once again. This time he was awake and completely through the whole process of assimilating the last pill.

Grimacing slightly from the bright sun, the guy covered his eyes with his hand. Although he had increased his strength, Shikamaru looked terribly tired now. Pale skin, red eyes and slightly quivering lips. Only fatigue and a distinct desire to rest were read in his gaze.

This night was really not an easy one. He thought that the first pill would be the worst, but unfortunately he was very wrong. The third was the worst of all ... After accepting the second, he passed out again, so the whole process was not so memorable. The pain certainly lasted longer, but he stood it. But after taking the third pill, the worst period of amplification came.

Having accepted it, he did not lose consciousness as he hoped. He fully experienced everything. Most importantly, although the pain was not terribly intense due to Shikamaru being stronger, it was terribly long. It was very difficult to endure this for several hours. In the past, he faced different types of pain: bullet, knife, many types of wounds. He was not even lucky enough to get a terrible burn of hot oil. But all this pain was terrible, but not so long and excruciating. When something changes from within you and is irradiated with burning energy, the sensations are disgusting. Fortunately, the last pill was, one might say, very gentle and rather brought a little discomfort. But this is not surprising, having gone through all this, in the future, it is likely that Shikamaru will find it easier to survive other enhancements.

Sighing in relief, Shikamaru got up and walked towards the exit of the room. The water had long run out, all he now wanted was to wash and drink. Not even caring about the huge pool of sweat on the floor and missing clothes, barely moving his feet on the floor, the guy wandered to the toilet ...

When he reached the right place, he immediately leaned over to the sink.

* Splash *

After rinsing his face several times, Shikamaru looked in the mirror and grinned wryly.

- A terrible sight ... - a swollen face, blackened bruises under the eyes and many ruptured blood vessels. The guy's face was like after a long and terrible binge.

While there was an opportunity, Shikamaru lightly rinsed his entire body. Unfortunately, there was no soul here, but that should be enough. Strengthening the bloodline did not strengthen the body itself, so there wasn't much sweat. And the smell was much better than before ...

After washing and drawing some water, Shikamaru returned to the room, dressed and began to clean up after himself. All this took him no more than an hour and finally having finished with it, the guy was completely exhausted and fell exhausted ...


He slept in this state for almost a whole day and woke up only the next night. Even the doctor who came for the examination could not wake him up. But after making sure that the guy was not in danger, he left, blaming everything on fatigue after a serious illness. Yoshino was also unable to wake her son up, and she had no choice but to leave the food and leave.

Waking up in the middle of the night, Shikamaru slowly opened his eyes and yawned, and then suddenly froze.

Raising his hand in shock, he clenched his hand into a fist several times and twisted it in surprise. Everything was completely different from the past. Yesterday he did not attach any importance to it, but now, with a fresh mind, Shikamaru felt everything.

"Amazing ..." Slowly getting out of bed, Shikamaru took a fresh look at the world. Everything seemed different, even the feeling of energy inside the body, which was almost nonexistent in the past, was very noticeable. Of course, he did not quite understand what kind of energy it was, it was calm, slow and incomprehensible.

"How strange, was she always there? It seems that this is the Yin element, cold and calm. Spiritual energy that allows you to create a form from nothingness "- concentrating on his own mind, Shikamaru tried to interact with this force. But, unfortunately, he didn't do much. He felt with his body that Inton reacted, but nothing else happened. Shikamaru was definitely missing something ...

Not too surprised, the guy nodded.

- I need a method of interaction and control. With a simple wave of my hand and the power of thought, I will definitely not achieve anything, no matter how strong my compatibility with "Yin" is. Moreover, what am I even hoping for? I just increased my bloodline power, thus increasing yin compatibility, but the amount of spiritual energy probably didn't change much. Now my yin techniques will be stronger, and perhaps I will have more spiritual energy than others. But all this will happen in the future, now I haven't really increased anything, my energy is almost at the same level, sort of like. Maybe it only increased a little, not more, which means that I only increased my potential.